Goal Number 1:

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Sweat prickled at his side of his face while he was looking for air to fill his lungs. His heart was thumping too many times against his chest and he whined in pain. His eyes were tightly closed. His hands were searching everywhere to get a hold of something.

"Luhan!" A scream irrupted from his dream and before Luhan knew it he was falling off a bridge. He held his breath. Luhan was scared and he could feel it all over his body. He waited for the water to come to contact but when he was falling he could feel the gravity push against his weight. Luhan felt like a thousand pounds were hitting him in a flash.

The water once again came to view when he turned his head just waiting for the crash but he suddenly woke up jolting up from his bed.

Luhan's pov:

It took me a second to see where I was and made sure that indeed I was still alive. My heart seemed to thumped against my hard breathing chest. Even if I knew I wasn't in danger my hand automatically went to my chest feeling my thumping heart. I could feel my eyes go wild and I was searching all around the room taking in as much as I could. It was mostly dark and I would see somethings by the help of the moonlight.

I shot my blankets off feeling suffocated even more every second that passed. I swung my feet off my bed and I didn't care if the wooden floor was cold. Even if I quickly winced at the coldness that was the least of my worries. I stumble on my own two feet rushing to the nearest bathroom.

I shut the door harder than I intended too and quickly faced the mirror feeling like the last big of my sanity would go down the drain if I didn't see myself or a living person. A sickening feeling over took my stomach and I leaned over quickly to throw up the food I had a could of hours ago. Panting I turned the water for the sink on and quickly washed my mouth with water before brushing my teeth from the awful and disgusting taste in my mouth.

What was going through my mind I couldn't registered. Like what has been happening these days a million things were racing through my head and I could only catch a few of them. Someone was screaming my name for sure. It felt so real. It felt like I have experience that but how could I? I didn't remember anything, yet it felt like it happened to me. I gripped the edges of the washroom sink and just stared at myself not knowing what to do.

After a few moment of silence and just thinking my feet led them self in front of my bedroom door before I quickly opened it seeing if anyone was awake from my disturbance. I sign in relief once I wouldn't hear a sound. As quietly as I could I stepped my foot out to the dark hallway. My fingers brushed against the wall making sure I didn't fall or brake anything in this very dark hallway were I could barely see the outline of anything.

I made my way down stairs. I was about to round the corner when I stopped on my tracks. "So, do you want me to hurt him or not?" A short boy around my height stopped in his tracks. "Do you want me to reveal the truth to Luhan?" He threaten back. Kyuhyun shot up from his seat and started to walk to the brown haired boy. The boy backed up everytime Kyuhyun took a step forward.

The shorter's back hit the wall and I could only stare at the scene in front of me. "You wouldn't dare, Chen." The shorter man seemed to stiffen and quickly brought his hands up to push Kyuhyun away from him. "I would. Your just using me. I will not do the things you ask me. You know they will see each other. I would prefer a million times for Xiumin to hate me then never talk to me or look at me the same way." Kyuhyun clenched his fists.

"What made you change your decision so easily?" He stepped closer to the shorted male. "Your an idiot to not see that everyday they are getting closer to find out the truth. Why out of all the people do you have to hurt them? Why can't you let the past go?!" The young male told him and soon a vain could be visible from all the anger inside him.

For The Better Or Worse? {Book 2} [Xiuhan/Lumin]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora