Day 4: Tempation

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They were all seated inside the living room in a circle with the windows pulled down and doors locked. Lay saw Baekhyun struggle for words but didn't mind at all. He cleared his throat so that everyone's attention was on him instead and not Baekhyun who was shaking from fear.

The truth sometimes hurts. To know the people you thought you knew were nothing like you knew. But, their is always a reason behind why certain things happen.

"It all started a while ago. Less than an year but," Lay paused looking at everyone in the room and making eye contact with each of them for a few seconds then continued. "It was the last chance I had. It wasn't something I wanted to do." Xiumin frowned and the others listen intensely.

Lay wasn't afraid he knew this would happen one day but didn't know it was going to be this bad. "I, one day told my parents I was gay. They didn't take it well and disowned me." Suho bit his lip.

Not even looking up at everyone Lay already knew that they were giving him pity looks. "I felt it in me. I knew that they wouldn't change their minds and that's what I hated." He leaned forward so that he was slightly slouching.

"That day I stayed at the park for most of the day. After a few hours later the night came and I didn't know what to do. I didn't have anyone. I wasn't close with anyone." Baekhyun nodded without knowing.

"This guy came over to me and started to talk to me. He was around thirty and I was more than creeped out. I tried to get away but he pulled me with him and around the dark shadows in the park. He pushed me down and started to lift my shirt while kissing me." Baekhyun's face dropped and so did Suho's. Luhan could only feel maddness run through his veins for such a thing happening.

Xiumin on the other hand wanted him to continue because he was running out of time despise the pity and hurt that he was sending to Lay. "I'm sorry." Suho said out loud after the dead silence in the air. Lay looked briefly his way and just smiled while nodding just a little bit. He really didn't mind talking about it but sometimes it did get a little uncomfortable about it. It pained him the most the fact of what came after that.

He took a moment to advert his eyes from everyone before continuing. "I was scared. Who wouldn't be? I was almost raped by that man. Even when he tried once again he failed. He ended up stumbling back after I shoved him off. I lost my mind at that very second. I lost all senses that second I became free." Lays voices lowered two octaves and was barely heard. "He hit his head and died. I know it's hard to believe but it happened and if I could I would turn back time. I didn't think that me hitting him would do any more damage then it was already done." Lay felt ashamed the most out of everything else.

His eyes became dark and something flickered in them. "I killed him. It was all my fault." He inhaled a deep breath without even noticing. At this point Lay didn't know what they would think of him. If they would fear him or tell the police. If he could still be the same guy they knew once. He felt everyone's eyes on him but he didn't look up. His head hung low and very briefly brought a hand up to his hair then ran through his messy hand. He didn't notice the way the others followed the movement. The blood that they saw on Lays hand that he alone couldn't see.

He felt like he wasn't he for the first time. That it wasn't his body or his life. He felt like the guys around him needed more details and was afraid to see what came next but still pushed his buttons. "I didn't know he died because my body was shaking. I felt like I was on fire and my vision was red. Only after I was done getting my anger out for such a thing that I didn't see him move. I called the man out but there was no response." Almost everyone's hearts dropped out of their chest but they still continued listening.

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