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When I finally came to a stop and saw the boy in front of me. It felt like I had known him. He reached for my cheek and I didn't find myself pulling away. That was the weird thing. It all felt familiar when his hand was so fly placed on my cheek. "Lu-Luhan.." He said my name I couldn't help but get sick to the stomache and not be able to move. My name on his lips sounded like music to my ears and in my heart something fluttered. That was the least concern of mine. What it was this sickening feeling that my body was acting upon.

I have never felt so many emotions in my life by just one person. I felt sick-yet felt like I was flying in the air. My heart fluttered and warmed up while my body hurt and wanted to give up. He. I didn't know what he did to me. I lost my thoughts and my lips felt numb.

"Xiu... Xiumin." The words left my lips without a thought and my breath quicken like I was about to stop breathing at any second. My heart hurt and I was ready to lean against the wall for support but I couldn't do that. In that very second his knees gave up and I quickly leaned in acting him before he fell. His eyes had a spark in them that I have never seen before and his eyes seemed to shine.

A tear left his eye before his body went limp and his face lost any kind of emotion. This boy. No. This man is amazing and I could already tell. I quickly looked around to see if anyone was coming but they weren't. I started to panic not knowing where to go. This was a knew place I have never seen before and that thought scares me. Not that I'm lost or don't know here to go but the fear that he won't be treated right now.

I wanted to scream for help but I knew I couldn't. There was classes going on and meeting. I could do nothing. I felt useless. I couldn't help him. His man that was laying in my arms looked like an angel. I didn't know why I called him Xiumin. It is very possible that I knew him and was close to him to say his name that easily.

I didn't even know that I remember his name, yet along his face but I knew that he was someone special to me. You don't forget someone that easily if they were closed to you. Although nothing came to mind when I looked at him I still felt warm and safe.

"Luhan?" I turned my face to the figure that said that and I quickly lifted the boy in my arms bridle style and looked at Sehun. "Which way is it to the nurse?" I calmly said but inside I was panicking. "Come this way." He led the way and after a few turns he opened a door that led to the office and right away we were greeted by the nurses office.

She was making a phone call and didn't notice that we came in. I placed him on the little like bed so he could lay down. My insides were doing weird things and I had to keep my hands busy while she was on the phone but all I wanted to do was hand up the phone on the person she was talking to and just get this boy treated. This boy that I barely realized was name, Xiumin.

The lady hanged up the phone and walked over to us. "What happened to him?" She started to ask questions and I did my best to explain to her even though a million things were racing though my mind. "I see. He must of had failed from shock and lack of sleep." She said. "He will be fine. It will take a few minutes for him to wake up. We should wait until he's up to ask him questions and see how he is. Besides that you are free to wait for him or leave." She said and sat back in her chair making another phone call.

She didn't even do anything. If that's what it takes to be a school nurse then I would gladly pass this sh!t and become a millionaire just for doing nothing. That you so much for not helping me at all. That's what I wanted to tell her. This was all useless. He was better off with me.

"Luhan. You should go." Sehun interrupted my thoughts and I blinked several times to presses what he said. Did I hear right? Did he say that I could leave? How could I leave when he fainted in my arms?! He's crazy. Besides that there was a part of me that wanted to stay with him and hold him in my arms to see if he was alright. "I don't want to. It seems to be my fault that he is like this." I sat down at a seat near by and watched Sehun take out his phone.

For The Better Or Worse? {Book 2} [Xiuhan/Lumin]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon