Chapter 11/

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              I walk into his room with a stripper costume on which shows my ass, and my stomach, and a little bit of my penis. "Hello......master....." I tell him as he grins with his sharp teeth. I walk all the way to the bed and lay right next to him " look deliciousssss," he told me kissing my neck, I close my eyes and enjoyed the softness of his tounge dancing on my neck. "Come here....," I get on top of him and smiled a bit, then his member came out out 'oh God.....' I exhaled as he the starts to insert it into my entrance, once he got it all the way in, he kept in that position so I can get use to his size, I yell and moan feeling the pain.

             "Ah! Oh. Oof! I-it hurts." He smirks and began to thrust at a slow pace making me stay on top of him. "Fuck! So tight...,"
he complimented making me smile a little, then he goes a little faster causing me to bounce up and down on his penis. "Ah, ah! Oh fuck! Ah! N-no more. Oh~," then I felt him cum inside of me, he grunted as he throws off to the side and gets it of the bed. He still doesn't care about me. I groan as I get up off of the floor, he grabbed a cigarette from a cigarette package, he grabbed his fire patterned lighter and ignites the flame. He put the lighter down and puts the cigarette in his mouth laying back down on his bed. I got back on the bed as well. "What're you lookin at?" He asked gruffly as I shook my head and turned to the other side. I wish Raph was here.

                     "Come, I have someone I would like you to meet. But, we're gonna have a little trip to get there." He says cackling, I crib at the way he laughed, it made me sick. He forcefully grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out of the room leading me outside still the same thing I'm wearing. "Sssstart the car Greg, and you get in!" I grunt as he pushed me inside the car and he got in with me as well. "Where are we off to sir?" The driver asked looking in his veiwing mirror adjusting it on me and winking "go to the ssssstrip club on Dary Lane.....," he nodded and steps on gas pedal going at a fast speed making me sink into the seat.

After an hour, we arrive at a strip club that I recognize,' oh my god....'.

Flash back

"Come here boo...."

"Yeah you are....."

"Now gimme a kiss......."

End of flashback

                          The first thing that comes to my mind is Austin, yes, that Austin, the one that told his gang to kidnapped me. I fucking hate him! Why here?! Why now?! "Come on!" He forced me out of the car pushing me all the way inside as the driver finds a place to park. Then I see the same guy I saw that was observing me when Austin showed me to him. "Dark Raph, that you? You look..............disgusting," he joked and smiled at me "aw thanksssss, you don't look too good yourssself," they had a short laugh. "Hello Dandilion, welcome back....," he told me as he winks at me then he turns and yells "Austin! We have a visitor!" And there I saw, my enemy, Austin....walking over here with his shirt half way unbuttoned as I scoff and look away avoiding eye contact with him. "Yeah, this i-," he pushed him out of the way and looks at with shock all in his face. "Dandilion.....,I missed you." I can already tell that this isn't gonna work out................

To be continued.........................

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