Chapter 1/

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           My name is Leonardo and I am a stripper. I will tell you why, and I hope you understand.

             It all started when Sensei died a few months ago,I was depressed. The others tried to cheer me up but it never seem to work, even when Mikey tries to make me happy and he is the jokester in the family, but my days of depressions were over. The next day, I stayed in my room meditating for hours. Raphael, my hot-headed brother opened the door "what do you want?" I snapped as Raph walked in and sat next to me, I stopped meditating and looked at him "hey..,you okay? You been actin' strange lately, still thinking about-" I cut him off bursting out with anger "don't ever mention that day! Ever!" His eyes widened and I exhaled relieving myself that's when it happened. He pressed his lips against mine, I kissed back, he broke the kiss and rubbed my cheek "I love you Leo, nothin' will change that," I smiled and blushed as we did it a second time.

                 Ever since that day, everything changed. We moved on with ur lives and moved to Indiana together and we had the best days spent here. That's where we are now. My fiance walks through the door "hi babe," he walked up to me and kiss me, I wrap my arms around his neck and pulled him towards the couch "wait. I gotta shut the door," he got up and closed the door, he locks it and gets back on top of me and we had a make out session. We did that for 1 hour and went to bed and cuddled. I nuzzled in his chest while smoked, yes he smokes. "Can I ask you something honey?" I asked sitting up a little turning to his side "yeah. What is it?" He stopped smoking and looks at me with caring eyes "how much is your boss paying you?" He sighed aggravated and glared at me "tell me."

"S'none of your damn business."

"Don't you ever use profanity in front of me!"

"Bitch, you don't tell me what to do!" He snapped back at me.

               I got out of the bed and started opening Raph's drawers "the hell are you doing?! Get outta there!" I ignored him and kept going through his drawers and finally found a slip of paper, I unfolded the piece of paper and read it 'Check? It says he earned.....$10.00 today?! That's it?! Why didnt he tell me-' Raph came up and snatched it from my hands and slaps my hand "don't hit me! What's going on?! Your acting like an ass today!" He looked down in depression and sits on the edge of the bed "I got fired today....he said he would give me one last check for us, I lost my job baby. I'm sorry." He hugged me tight and tears began to shed as he began to shed tears as well. "I'll get a new job, I promise."

            "No, you've been through enough shit today. I'll get a job, I mean, how bad can it be?"

                 He looked at me like I'm kidding "pfft, your kiddin' right? Your up for this?" He asked as he puts his hands on my shoulders pulling me into a deep kiss "yes, I'm up for the challenge babe."

"I love you...."

"I love you too....."

TO BE CONTINUED..,......................................

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