"Stop, saying please, and don't say my government name bitch, you brought out Racq, you gon get her, ain't no Racquel now." She said getting her tools ready for me.

She tied me up content with that, Racquel was smiling she started to kiss my lips then my neck as She groaned. "I want to fuck you so bad, but we already now why I can't do that."

"Instead I'll just straighten you up." She said with an intense glare on me.

She grabbed a blue and red stripe combat knife to cut her finger tips, blood seeped out, she did the same to me.

She pressed our fingers together. "You see we will be together forever, with our blood touching each others, we're drawn together by the Gods, Apollo God of fire will watch over us with every step we take. I fucking love you baby, this is why I gotta do this, when you don't listen to me."she said with tears in her eyes.

She kissed me again. She shoved the knife into my stomach slowly, turning it."Baby Apollo told me to do this, it's not me." She laughed viciously.

It hurts so bad, I bite my lip."Baby He said you could stop now." I cried trying to convince her.

"I know, just after this." She said punching in the same spot she stabbed me in, I almost became unconscious.

She untied me catching her breath. "Next time I won't let you off so easily."

"Yo' ass better not leave this house again or I know something." She said through gritted teeth. She glared at me once more before leaving completely.

I finally calmed down, since she left. My eyes got blurry. Someone started to knock on my door. I got to the door as quickly as I can, I didn't want her coming back.

"Racq go away please." I cried helplessly losing blood. I grabbed my stomach yelping out in pain.

"No Mawi, it's me Mac!" She screamed from the other side.

I blinked almost passing out. I opened it just staring at them, I felt myself falling. I felt someone grasp me into their arms, placing me softly in their lap while we sat on the couch.

"Mac, go get some towels and Peroxide and warm water. Now!" Mõana screamed scaring me.

I jumped, starting to cry, im so scared and broken."I'ma take off your shirt to clean your wombs, I won't do nothing else I promise." She said caressing my cheek, I looked at her like she was crazy. I nodded due to me passing out.

My eyes fluttered opened as I felt pain in my stomach, hell all over my body. My eyes felt puffy, I didn't have any more tears to spare.

My heart sped up, Feeling someone under Oh my God, it's Racq. "Stop moving so damn much." It wasn't her voice. Who the hell is it?

"Mawi, move again I swear ima throw yo' ass off this couch, a nigga sleepy." Mõana, barked lightly.

Grumpy ass.

"Sorry." I said softly getting up.

"It's okay, you already woke me up, with all that crying in yo sleep." She said sitting on the edge of the couch rubbing her eyes.

"It's sorry, I know how It feels to not get sleep." I said looking for some liquor to numb my mental and physical pain.

I'm not an alcoholic.

I felt someone behind me. I scattered in a corner. Scared for my life,"Mawi, I'm not going to hurt you." She frowned.

"My bad, im just shooking up a bit." I sighed embarrassment playing it role as well.

" a Bit?" She chuckled in amusement.

"Okay maybe alot."

"Maybe?" She said calmly. "Why you looking for liquor?" She said grabbing it out of the cabinet, I frowned how could've I missed that one?

"Because I need it." I said simply, grabbing it from her and taking a long swing.

"Sure you do."


Hmm, they being more acquainted.

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