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"Who the fuck does she thinks she is, pulling my shit off infront of the whole world?" I kicked my couch hitting my toe hard as fuck.

"No one saw right?" I asked myself.

"No because if someone did she'll be dead right?" I negotiated with myself.

"Right!?" I yelled.

I panted back and forth from my door to window, I looked outside of it, to make sure no one was there. My heart started Thumping, the beat of it intensifying every half of second, I think I'll lose it at  any giving moment now.

"I think someone saw me, my body, my skin-" I whispered to myself.

"I need a drink." I ran to my kitchen and found a bottle of vodka, half empty, I poured me some in a glass and I gulped it down. Pouring myself another as someone knocked on my door. 

People is always fucking disturbing me. I put my glass down after taking another shot, I put my game face on and I opened the door.

Well that was after i asked who is was, with no answer I unchained the lock and saw Mac' and that mean stud from earlier, Mac' was high of course and that stud was looking worried.

I scoffed and let them inside, just after i put my foot in there way. "try  anything, an I'll pill your skin off with a potato shredder. "

"We promise, we just need to talk." Mac' said sitting on my couch.

I walked into my kitchen, grabbing my bottle and glass pouring myself up some more in case they was trying to do something stupid.

"And I'm so sorry, I didn't-" the stud said.

"Shove that sorry, up your ass! Mac' speak now or leave!" I said irritated as fuck.

"Okay, uh, how do you know Trevor?" Mac' started.

"Are you guys cops?" I questioned, they started to freak me out.

"What? Fuck no-- we just don't trust him." That Mean stud said, yes I'm calling jerkface mean until further notice.

"No one trusts a drug dealer--" I said in a duh tone.

"So you know he's a drug dealer?" Mac' asked, GOD she's so stupid.

"It's pretty obvious." I said nonchalantly.

"Okay, umm-" The no name stud began.

"Y'all didn't come here to know who I know, talk to me know or leave." I shouted not in the mood for this shit.

"Okay, fuck you see Mõana here-" Mac' started.

"Really dickface you telling strangers my government name?" She got upset.

"Fuck up! Mac' continue, I don't have much time here." I said as I took another shot.

"I think you killed Prentiss!" Mac' yelled.

I stood up, and walked around pulling my hair. I know this fuckface  didn't come in here thinking or assuming I killed the only person that used to make me feel sane.

"So your suggesting, I Killed her? Are you stupid? She was our friend! The only friend that stayed up with me countless nights, soothing me making sure I don't off myself. And you think I killed her? Why? Huh, why the fuck will I kill the only fucking person in this planet that makes me feel sane!?"

I don't know if it was the alcohol, or just my emotions but I was crying, infront of a Stranger I barely even knew.

"Who'll confess to murder, not her look at her she looks like a lunatic!" The stud stood up and said.

"Mac' you are so stupid. Do you know who i am? Do you even know why me and Prentiss became friends? (I scoffed) I bet you don't even know. Your always high, is anything ever real for you?" I said squinting my eyes at her stupid ass.

"Chill, it was my idea to see your reaction." Moãna said.

"My reaction of what, mhmm? Of my life almost being ruined?hmm? What? Speak!" I shrieked.

"I'm sorry, you've look like you've been through alot today, we'll just leave." She continued.

"No stay!" I said words spillimg out of my mouth before my brain could give it the ok to do so.

"What? Why?" She asked suprised by my response.

"Because, you must really care for her." I said calming down.

"Thats my cousin, she was there for me just like she was there for you, do you know how if feels to wake one morning to find out, the tightest person to you,the person that you ever received more love from than your own mother, the person that pushed you out? To wake and to just find out she's vanished, and is most likely dead. That maybe that Mob she worked for might've killed her!?"

"She's not dead."

"Your lying, you killed her, and now you gon try and kill us for discovering that you did." She shouted flipping the switch on me.

"Your a little sick in the head aye?" I said, going to my phone, it's time Prentiss stop bringing me down with her, yes she's always here for me, but leaving her cousin, nearly faking her own death, it's funny, it's fucking sick.

"Fuck you, you monster."

"Get out!"

"Bummer, your not going to kill us too. I was so hoping you put me out of my misery." Jerkface, smart mouth ass said.

I wish I was capable of such acts.

"Come by tomorrow at 2, I'll tell you what you need to know, act like a dick an I'll chop you up, like your one."


"Fine." I stuck a middle finger up at her on her way out, she's such a bitch.

😭😭😭😭😭 I had to put this.

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