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I shook the can, as I continue to spray paint some wall on a building forgot what is was, what's the best way to be a delinquent, with out fucking shit up?

"I don't think your suppose to be doing that." Some fucking random said.

"I don't think your suppose to give a fuck." I barked.

I had on my mask so I didn't have to worry about being caught. The random scattered away. I smirked victoriously as I looked at my work.

It was A picture of my principal sucking a penis."Why didn't you draw Miss Potland too, she's a bitch..." Mac' intruded.

"I gotchu, chill, let's go I think the random called the cops." We fled the scene.

We made it to her apartments, we saw Trevor messing with the same stud.

"C'mon, mommie let me take you out?" He said looking hella' high. Everybody know you not suppose to get high on your own supply, He's a dickhead.

"I'm straight chico." She said trying to walk away from him. He grabbed her roughly pulling her into him.

"Stop, bruh ion fucking like you." She said pushing him back, he nearly hit his head on a near by car.

He looked at her like she was stupid. I know this no getting pussy ass nigga boutta' do something he gon' regret when he end up in jail.

"Bruh, she said stop, can'tchu' fucking comprehend?"

"Mane, Mo' move ima teach this bitch a lesson." He ran towards her, punching her in the face. I face palmed myself. Something in me made me want to do the right thing, you know, helping, stopping the fight but ima' hood nigga, I really don't care.

He started going ham and cheese on her and maybe she learned her lesson, don't push Drug dealers. I jacked him up."Bruh let me go!"

"Nah, nigga you stupid, what if you kill her? Yo' dumb ass on be on trial nah, fuck that yo' ass gon be prosecuted."

She spit blood out, walking away. Nah she ain't going NO where they gon squash this beef or what ever im tiring of breaking shit up. "Mac' catch her. and hold her."

"Aight Mo'."

"Stop fucking bothering her, before she be all white and but a restraining order out against you, and you know what else they gonna find?all them drugs on you, you gon be doing a murder charge! Stop being so stupid."

"Why do you care so much?"

"Trevor, you know I don't care, im just fucking tired of y'all asses blowing my HIGH!"

"Fuck you." He said to me.

I exhaled deeply and held my temple and he tried to get away from me. I punched him so hard I heard his nose crack. "Ahh, fuck you stupid-"

"Stupid what?" I said through gritted teeth. He could try me if he wanted to, he know better.

"Bruh, let me go."

"You done bothering her?"

"I don't what I want." He rolled his eyes, gay ass nigga.

"And I kill who I want, keep acting like you don't know who I am." I whispered In his ear, holding my  pocketknife, and his throat.

"Keep playing I'll slit this shit."

"Fine, whatever I'll leave the bitch alone." I grabbed his head and hit it against Mac's building.

He cried out for help."hush up, and suck ya' momma's titties that's for hitting a girl." He ran away with blood dripping.

"Fuck!" I screamed, this was my favorite true religion pants. He gon buy me new ones no worries.

I heard small cries and shh's. "Calm down baby girl, Mo's taking care of him."

The fuck? Is Mac' high ass playing momma?

I snapped my head there way and The stud's eyes widened. She so fucking scary bruh.

"Why you playing momma'?" I glared at Mac'.

"This my neighbor bruh, we go way back, she even knew Prentiss, if you know what I mean." She wiggled her eyebrows.

"What the fuck is in your eyes?" I asked Mac'.

"Man fuck you I was trying Wink."

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again." The Stud said trying to leave again. Dried up blood clogged her nose. Red dark purplish ring around her eye, she'll be just fine I guess.

"Where do you think your going? Because of you my Tree's are fucked up." I was livid, Prentiss gave me these.

"Look, bruh im sorry I'll buy you new ones. Wait why the fuck am i apologizing I didn't ask for your help."

"The fuck did you just said to me?" I cocked my head to the left.

"You heard me, I'm out."

I got two options,one beat her ass for being disrespectful. And two, beat her ass for being disrespectful.

Cool I'll go with number one.

I grabbed her by her Hoodie and pulled it off, damn im that strong. I paused when I seen hella' cut marks on her arms and stomach.

She reached for her shirt, nearly killing me with her eyes. "Yo' what happened to you?"

She started to get really upset, like my nigga had steams forming out of her ears. She was about to murder my ass, "fuck, shit im sorry!"

I was scared, like really scared she walked towards me, while putting her shirt/sweater/jacket same thing back on. "I swear to God if you tell anyone about this, I will kill you with my bare hands." She slapped the black off of my skin and vanish into the apartments.

"Damn, I thought Mawi was gon kill you. " Mac' chuckled.

"You know her?" I asked surprised.

"Duh, nigga!"she laughed.  I just stood there in shock.

"Bruh, go ask fo' yo' skin back." She said cracking up, I literally say tears forming in her eyes from laughter.

Who is she?


So much violence!

So much threats!

So what next?

Questions or concerns?  😍

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