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I scratched me my head, As I watched everyone leave, I was dazed for a minute. "Mawi, come with me."

"Okay.." I said awkwardly.

"I am so glad you decided to come, You are going to be so proud of yourself. This is your journey,  you'll be just fine, try to share more, things will get better,  remember Sarah's story, she was worst than you when she came in, she didn't even want to sit within the group, or say her name out loud, trust me everything's confidential, so don't worry about hearing your story coming out of my mouth, you-"

"Miss Mary, sorry I'm late, Jorge Kept crying- sorry am i interrupting something." I didn't bother to look back, it was none of my beez wax.

I put my head down blocking out their words, "Mawi, get up!"

"Uh, what?" I said hitting my head on a near by computer, fuck I hit my head, this shit hurted.

"Are you okay, why are you so sleepy?"

"No reason, but it's getting late and my neighborhood isn't one you want to be in late at night." I chuckled a bit even though I was hella' serious.

"It's okay, how are you getting home?"

"Uh, bus-"

"Would you like for me to call you  a Uber or a lyft?"

"Nah, it's okay I'll be fine." I regretfully said.



"Angel, come here." Trevor called out to me. He was this drug dealer who liked me.

Even though I was obviously gay, he still found the femininity in me. Gross I know.

"Wassup." I said uninterested.

"When you gon let me take you out?"

"Chico, am gay, I like girls. "

"I like girls too, wassup ma." He said trying to grab onto me.


As I was walking up, I saw Trevor grabbing on some stud's arm, this nigga was clearly pussy hungry, she looks clearly uninterested in what he have to offer.

"Aye, Trevor she ion won't chu' boy." I chuckled, along with Mac', She was also a stud, we came from school , night school really and detention. We're delinquents so what.

"Shut the fuck up." He barked. He started to get aggressive with her, she looked as if she was about to shit herself. I mean like have a fucking panic attack.

I pushed him, this nigga was tripping. "Yo' Mo, back the fuck up." He said pulling a gun on me.

"Boo whoo, im so scared nigga put that away before you shoot yourself." I said while I looked over to Mac' who was clearly looking unbothered. She was to high to care really.

I heard the cops, Trevor took off running."Pussy!" I yelled after him.

I looked around looking for the stud, I spotted her curled up into a ball. Fuck im not good with this comforting shit.

"Aye, you good." I said walking towards her.

She started to back away from me. "Aye, im not gon hurt you, you good though?"

"Y-yeah, im fine." She stuttered,  she stood up wiping her eyes and looking around frantically.

"You Good, his pussy ass gone." I smirked proudly.

"Thanks." She took off to somewhere, I shrugged,  wanting to get high.

"Yo' Mo' let's go get high mane, Fuck Trevor he's a pussy- no-more like a Fuckin- I can't remember, let's go bro."  Mac' said trying to remember, the weed is really frying her mind.

"Wassup, Mo'!" Tracy, one of my hoes called out.

"Wassup Ma." I said walking pass her.

We went into, Mac's apartment. Weed buds was everywhere, Her plants too. This girl was a true weed head. Prentiss used to love this place. Hell, I enjoyed it better when she was around. We was inseparable-

"Yo' come hit this, it's all the way from Barcelona." Mac' looked at the weed like it was a second shot at life.

I couldn't resist either, I sucked it in, and immediately went to paradise.
She clicked on the t.v and Jerry springers was on. "Today, we have Monique, Monique please share your story." My nigga jerry said.

"Well, Jurry, im not whom my mann'ah, think issa is." Monique spoke ratchet as hell.

"Well who are you?" Jerry asked as he seemed intrigued.

"You see, jurry, I was born'ah, a mane. And I'm here to shure that with Rashad." Monique said, this bitch need to share a speech class, she can't speak proper if her life depends on it.

"Someone, please bring Rashad out." The crowd clapped loudly.

They audience clapped, I knew who ever this Rashad nigga was, that he was gonna mad as fuck. I know damn well if I'm dating A girl and she tell me some shit like that I'll hurt her forreal.

Mac' turned the t.v and I almost killed her."yo' what the fuck?"

"Shhh, you hear that?"

I strained my eyes and I didn't hear shit. "Yo' stop smoking you trippin' scaring a nigga and shit." I said still upset.

"Bruh, you don't hear that?" She asked again.

"Nah, nigga I'm going home." I rolled my eyes.

"Man whatever, ima go home too." She said getting up to leave.

"Nigga, this is your crib." I did a double take, she triping.

"You right." She started to laugh.

Lort, please watch over my dumb ass friend. I had somewhere to be tomorrow anyway.

Oh yeah school.

I F  I  G O!


How was it ?

Thoughts on Mac' 💀?

Thoughts on Trevor😤?

Thoughts on Mõana ♤?

Thoughts on Mawi ♡?

I never peeped, most of the girls have Names that starts with M's 😂😂 my bad.

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