xviii - Twenty Questions Sneak Peek

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Twenty Questions is already published, with the disclaimer and everything. The first chapter, which is the Prologue, is going to be all typed up and ready to go soon! Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, a sneak peek to Twenty Questions.

The elegant, caring way she had given out valentine's chocolates, her gentle laugh, confident walk, and her melodious voice. He had also learned from his visits as Chat Noir, that she could be a bit sassy, although she was shy around him when he was in civilian form. Adrien found them all charming.

Marinette was charming.

Yet he kept reminding himself:

You love Ladybug.

You love Ladybug.

No matter how hard he tried to suppress them, his feelings for Marinette were still there. So were his feelings for Ladybug.

Adrien hadn't even expected to fall in love with Ladybug. But to fall in love twice?

That had been a huge plot twist.

In a world where everything was perfect, Marinette would be Ladybug, and all of his internal conflicts would be solved. With his luck though, Ladybug was probably a total stranger, and Chat would be forced to pick between his Lady and his Princess.

The feline superhero shook his head.

What was he thinking?

These were just some silly thoughts he had created, to try and solve his current dilemma. For Marinette to be Ladybug... It was almost impossible.

But there was that word - 'almost'.

It was almost impossible.

Chat Noir smiled to himself, and watched the sunset with a newfound hope.

A quick game of 20 questions would give him the answer.

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