xiv - Déjà Vu

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A ladybug swirled gracefully through the air, and landed on Marinette's nose. The six year old giggled, and exclaimed. "It tickles!"

Marinette was standing under a tree at the park, wearing a pink, frilly dress. Holding her finger up to her nose for the ladybug to crawl on it, she carefully sat down in the soft grass. Big, blue eyes admired the insect that was currently making its way to the tip of Marinette's small fingers.

"Ooh is that a wadybug?" 

The voice startled Marinette. She looked away from the bug and saw a boy that looked about her age, with blonde hair and green eyes. He was crouched down next to her, looking mesmerized. 

Marinette nodded her head. "Do you want to hold it?"

As if on cue, the ladybug flew over and landed on his nose. Marinette and the boy both started to giggle.

"It tickles, doesn't it?" Marinette asked him.

"Yeah." He laughed, and stuck his finger next to the ladybug, just as Marinette had done. His green eyes followed the ladybug, as he told her. "Wadybugs are my favorite animal."

Marinette looked confused. "But I thought wadybugs were bugs.."

He just shrugged, and transferred the ladybug to his other hand. 

"My favorite animals are cats. They're so cute and fwuffy!" Marinette said.

For the next few minutes, the six year olds sat in the grass, chatting and giggling. Their conversation was interrupted when a dark haired woman walked over to them.

"Alright Sugar Cookie, it's time to go. Papa needs help at the bakery."

"Aww, can't we stay for a couple more minutes?" Marinette pleaded, doing baby doll eyes. 

Just then, another woman walked over to them. She had blonde hair and green eyes just like the boy Marinette had just met.

"It's time to go, sweetie," she told the boy.

He took his mother's hand, and gave Marinette a toothy grin. "Bye!"

Marinette smiled, and waved goodbye to her new friend, whose name she had forgotten to ask for, as their mothers took them in their separate directions home. 

***10 Years Later***


Adrien put on his classic model smile. The peaceful sound of the fountain gushing behind him, and the sun's heat over him made him want to sleep, but he knew his father wouldn't be happy with him if he showed a tired expression during his photo shoot.

Probably noticing how tired the young model was, the photographer announced. "Okie-dokie, we'll have a fifteen minute before taking the last photos."

Adrien went into the changing tents and took off his father's latest design, a flannel shirt, and put on his regular shirt. He exited the tent, and gladly accepted a water bottle from one of his assistants. As he sipped the water, Adrien noticed Marinette sitting under a tree, sketching.

Smiling, Adrien made his way over to his girlfriend, and sat down next to her.

"Hey, Princess. What brings you here?"

Marinette stopped sketching, and smiled at him. "I came here to bring you a snack."

She gave him a box, decorated with designs and their bakery's logo. Adrien could already smell the wonderful aroma of the fresh out of the oven croissants. He opened the box and took a bite of the heavenly goodness. 

"Bugaboo this is so good!" He tried to say, but his mouth was full of croissant. 

Marinette giggled. "It's bad manners to talk with food in your mouth, you know."

Adrien swallowed, did a small bow, and grinned. "My apologies. As I was saying, these croissants are quite wonderfully crafted." 

Marinette decided to play along, and did a little curtsy. "Why thank you, I made them myself."

Dropping the formal attitude, Adrien hugged his girlfriend. "You're the best, Mari."

They sat together under that tree, for the rest of his break, enjoying each other's company. Suddenly, a ladybug flew over and landed on Adrien's nose. 

Giggling softly, Marinette told him, "I don't know why, but I feel like this has happened before."

She was getting this strange feeling, that her and Adrien had once sat right under this same tree and the same thing had happened.

"Yeah, was it when we were little?" Adrien replied, trying to think of when this might have happened.

Marinette shrugged. "Maybe."

Just then, the photographer called. "Signor Adrien, break is over, let's get back to the shoot."

Sighing, Adrien got up, and pecked Marinette on the cheek. "I'll see you later, Mari."

With that, he changed back into the clothes he was modelling, and went back to the fountain. The photographer noticed that Adrien was smiling more, and his eyes kept flicking towards a certain tree, and then back to the camera or wherever he was told to look.

After the shoot, he called Adrien over, and told him,

"You should bring that girl more often. You smile more when she's here."

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