iii - Snapchat Filter

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"Hey, girl! You're early today!" Marinette turned around to see her best friend Alya, waving with her phone in her hand, the ladybug charm bouncing around as she waved.

"Look at the selfie that I took!" Alya excitedly held up her phone for Marinette to see. It was of Alya with a Ladybug mask on.

"It's the newest Snapchat filter! Here, if I take one with you, you can be Chat Noir and I'll be Ladybug!" The ombre haired girl rambled.

"Uh, okay," Marinette replied hesitantly, but finally went to Alya's side to take a selfie with her.

"I love this new filter!" Alya was brimming to the top with excitement and could barely contain her excitement. Looking at her, you would think she had 3 large mocha frappuccinos. Alya stopped for a moment, and then got even more excited.

What could possibly get her more excited that a Ladybug and Chat Noir Snapchat filter? Marinette thought, watching her friend grin at her like Cheshire Cat.

Marinette sighed. "What is it Alya."

"I dare you to take a selfie using this filter, with Adrien" Alya said, finally.

"Alya! I ca-" Marinette started to protest, but was cut off by Alya. "Nope, a dare's a dare, and look- Adrien's here!"

"Fine," Marinette mumbled and started towards Adrien. He noticed her, and greeted, "Hey, Marinette!"

Marinette froze. He said her name! Then she reminded herself that they were in the same class, so he obviously knew her name.

"H-hey Mar- uh, I mean A-Adrien!" She stuttered nervously. God, she hated that stutter!

She focused on her feet so she wouldn't see his face, to help her stuttering.

"Uhh, Alya dared me to take a selfie with you, so..." her voice got consumed by her nervousness, her heart hammering against her chest.

Adrien, knowing how Alya could be, just smiled and nodded.

Marinette held up her phone, chose the filter, and took the selfie. She had been aiming for a cute smile, but instead, the picture showed her wide eyed, staring at a furiously blushing Adrien.

She nearly dropped her phone, all of her nervousness gone. "K-kitty?"

Adrien smirked his signature Chat Noir smirk, confirming her thoughts, and said, "Who knew my Bugaboo was also my Princess!"

Marinette rolled her eyes and poked his side. "Just so you know, I was never your Princess or your Bugaboo." She said, emphasizing 'your'.

He clutched his chest. "You wound me Princess."

Marinette giggled. "Your heart is on your left side, not your right, dummy."

They went on and on until the bell rang, and they walked up the stairs together, leaving behind a shocked Alya.


"Hello?" Nino waved his hand in front of Alya's face. "Earth to Alya?" 

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