Brother of her true father. A father that was gone, died on the job trying to protect his unborn child and loved girlfriend. Only a flash of that fateful night was enough to remind you of everything and bring you back to the harsh reality. Dean was not the father of your child, he was her uncle. And maybe you could pretend but it was not the truth.

There had been endless nights that you spent wide awake, crying as you clutched your dead boyfriend's flannel to yourself. You had barely been eating at first, you didn't have the energy to even get up from bed, much less your shared bedroom. You wanted to drink but thanks to the pregnancy you found the idea of alcohol even more appaling. Dean had been locked in his room for the first few days too, not speaking and only drinking. He had come out of the room only once a day to make food for you and force you to eat only a little bit of it for the sake of your child. But he wouldn't say a single word then either.

You had both been void, the ache of losing the man you loved and him his brother was weighting on your shoulders. You would walk around the bunker like you were numb and whenever you found him drinking you'd feel slightly envious for how he could at least drink and even for a few hours either pass out and not think what was going on or at least stop feeling the hole in his heart that was brought by Sam's absence. You didn't have that opportunity unfortunately.

You had been going like that for over a month and when in the end you ended up at the hospital because of some complications with your pregnancy that's what it took for you to get a hold of yourself. You had a child to take care of, you couldn't be selfish and cry yourself to sleep – a sleep from which you'd wake up with nightmares – because Sam was gone. You decided you were going to take care of yourself just for your daughter's sake and slowly started going back to your old routine. Sort of.

Dean had started coming out of his room more often, wanting to make sure that you and the baby were alright. He had almost lost it when he found you passed out that morning in the map room so he had promised to himself that as long as it was up to him he wasn't going to let anything happen to you. You had slowly started getting closer, not that you weren't before that, but being only the two of you, and the baby, there was nothing else to do but comfort each other with your mere presence. After a while none of you mentioned it but you knew, when in the silence you shared a glance, that the big elephant in the room was Sam's death. And it was still in your minds.

But the nightmares got less and less after that, and when once in a while they came, Dean was instantly by your side; hugging you and comforting you before in the end you fell into a – surprisingly – peaceful sleep. When the months passed and Mary was born you no longer found yourself sleeping in your and Sam's bedroom. You went back to your old one and as much as you hated and loved to admit it you slept less and less in it and more and more in Dean's room.

It wasn't long after Dean had suggested you left the bunker for something more peaceful and... normal. He felt like this was no place for a child and you were going to give her the most normal but still safe life you could. So you had agreed, remembering Sam's wish for her to be out of the life like he had once wanted out.

And while helping you raise Mary, you didn't understand how it happened, but you and Dean got more close than ever. Your heart always ached for Sam, you always found yourself tearing up at the thought of the man you loved being gone, and you always missed him so much. Every time you stared into your daughter's eyes or helped her braid her hair you just remembered everything about Sam that had made you fall in love. You remembered all those moments you shared and always ended up fighting your tears.

Until one day those tears didn't hurt as much as before. And the hole in your heart, gosh you hated so much to admit it, was no longer there. And the reason had one name: Dean Winchester. It scared you so much to realize how you had started falling for the man. And the night you had shared that first kiss you didn't know if you wanted to feel guilty for not missing Sam that much anymore or... for the skip of your heart when Dean looked at you in the eyes.

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