Chapter 12

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Aphmau POV:
Me, Katelyn and KC arrive at our new house, it looks nice from the outside, I can't wait to see the inside "Aphmau, I love this house! It looks amazing!" KC says "Aphmau~Senpai chose the best house ever!" I say "Thank you girls!" I look down "Are you alright?" I look at them "Yeah, I was just thinking" I sigh "I miss them..." I grab a box "Let's see how is inside." I open the door of the house "Wow! It looks awesome!" I yell "The big bedroom is all mine!" I run to the big room and put the box down, I look around "Of course you take it." I open the book and start unpacking all of my things "It will take me a while..."

*time skip*
I fall on my bed "I'm done!" I hear KC "Kawaii~Chan is done too!!!" Katelyn says "Same, i'm tired!" I open my box with photos from high school. I see a photo with me and the guys "I haven't seen them since they graduated." I feel tears falling, Laurance ended up being a werewolf "I wish they were here..." I see another one with me and the SK "I miss being a Shadow Knight..." I close the box and put it in my closet "Aph!!! There is another truck! There are guys moving across from us!" I look at the window "I'll meet them!" I run outside and see a few boxes, then a guy comes out of the truck, he has ears and a tail "Light brown ears and tail, just like his hair... wait a minute!" I notice his light blue eyes, I take a breath and scream, the guy looks at me "LAURANCE!!" his tail moves, I run and jump in his arms "APH!! I missed you!" I kiss his face "I missed you too!" he licks my face "Hey Aphmau!! Long time no see!!" I look at the truck "Dante?" I hug him "It's been so long!!!" I ask "Are you guys moving here??" Dante says "Yeah! You moved here too?" I point to our house "Looks like we'll be neighbors! With who you moved?" I say "Katelyn and KC!" they look at each other, then at me "A few years ago you said that you will never want to move with them. You changed your mind?" I shrug "I guess..." Dante chuckles "Still the cute Aph we know." I blush a little "Only you 2 are moving here?" Laurance says "No, there is one more guy." before I can ask, someone pushes me very fast and we end up on the grass, the guy is on top of me, his eyes are cerulean "I know these eyes." the guy kisses me "Garroth" he smiles "Did you miss me?" I say "Yes. You had to use your vampire speed to pin me?" he says "Yes" he kisses me again, I kiss back "Get a room you two!!" that was Katelyn who said that. We get up "So, you three will move here?" Dante says "Yep, the guys are back!" he moves his hand, the boxes are gone "You made a spell?" he nods "The boxes are inside." I ask "Can I help you at unpacking??" Garroth says "Yes, you can help me!!" Laurance says "She will help me first, I am her brother!" Garroth says "I am her boyfriend!" I say "I'll help Dante." I go to their house "Wait for me Aph!"

Garroth POV:
I dance of happiness "My girlfriend is going to live across from us!" I jump "I am so happy!" Laurance says "You still have to be careful at how you'll touch my sister." he gives me a glare "We're adults now Laurance, I am mature." I look at the girls "I have to be careful, I can't reveal true myself if Katelyn and KC will live here." Laurance sighs "We have to be careful, especially when is about Katelyn, she is protective when is about Aph." I nod "Let's go inside." I go to the backyard "I was thinking at a party with BBQ." Laurance says "Good idea, can we do it tomorrow? I'm very tired" I nod "I want to take a nap too."

*the next day*
Everything goes as I planned: the girls came at the barbeque party after they told the others to come, this is the first party in the new neighborhood "All of you have hamburgers?" they say 'yes', some of them eat, some of them dance and some of them talk. Suddenly, the music is stopped, I see a someone who is wearing a green hoodie, his head is covered "Attention everyone" he takes off his hoodie "The demon is back!" he jumps in the pool. Aph hugs him after he comes out "Well well well, Travis is back with us everybody!" we hug him, then Katelyn asks "You called yourself a demon because you flirt and can be evil?" Travis nods and whispers to me "She doesn't know yet... neither Teony or Kawaii~Chan." I sigh in relief "Grab a hamburger, enjoy the party AND try to be careful." I go at the guys and talk with them about things and the party.

Laurance POV:
I grab another hamburger "Wow, you eat more meat." I look at Aphmau and point at my ears and tail "I know, but you still have to eat healthy OR you'll get sick." I say "I'll eat salad tomorrow ok?" she smiles "Good, now let's go to dance!" she grabs my hand. We dance for a few minutes... then we end up in the pool, because the girls pushed us, I growled at them, but Aphmau stopped me "Let's just towels to dry." she drags me to the bathroom and grabs a towel "Here" she puts the towel on my head "Very funny" I dry myself off, she does the same "Can I pet your ears??" I say "Only Lucinda does that because she's my girlfriend." she gasp "Are you still dating?" I say "Yes and I guess I can let you and Cadenza pet me." she pets my ears, my tail starts wagging "Who is a good boy? You are a good boy!" I pant like a happy dog "We should go back." I nod and follow her to the BBQ party.

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