Chapter 14

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For the other week leading up to the wedding I was overjoyed and grateful for the days when I didn't have to go attend rehearsals after or before work. Carter was starting to feel like a cancer to me. I was forced to keep silent about what I know about Carter, Lucas and the others, then I was stuck with Carter as my marching partner during rehearsals. Next thing was Adena and Clayton wanted to have one of those receptions where the bridal party to a little choreograph dance so they wanted all of us to take dance lessons and again I was stuck with him again. I told them that I can't and don't dance so I would sit out the dancing part but Clayton insisted that I at least try for him. He and Adena looked so happy together that I knew I couldn't ruin things for them. I was going to have to cooperate and just sit as if everything was fine and great until the day end and I part ways with Carter and his fellow criminals.
Soon enough the wedding day came around and it was time to execute what we have been rehearsing for the past weeks. When the ceremony started and the music started playing the bridesmaids and groomsmen that were partnered began marching in our beautiful blue and yellow dresses and suits. The females wore royal blue satin dresses and silver shoes while the men wore blue shirts with yellow ties and black suits. The flowers were also blue yellow and silver. Adena's sister Amy and her brother in law Lucas were the first couple to march, then Carter and I follow them and Noelle and the others after. The ceremony was extremely beautiful despite a couple of criminals in the audience and they all seems normal today. There was one point when I almost tripped and fell when my heels caught in the hem of my dress but fortunately Carter held me before that happened and that was the first time I actually appreciated his presence, if he wasn't here I would have probably fallen on my face in front of crowds of people so I thanked him.

"No problem" he responded with a smile.

Since he just saved my butt I decided that the least I could do was to give him back a smile. Maybe we could just try to forgive everything that has happened for today.
The reception came around where we had to dance and all and I had two left feet when it comes on to dancing so Carter took the lead and helped me out. It was strange how for the minute I was actually having fun and forgot how much I hated these guys. Next it was time to give speeches or toasts to the new couple, they suggested that the couples from the bridal party should go first and together and since Carter was my partner we went on stage together. I was surprised by how nicely he spoke about his sister and Clayton and wishing them luck. He seemed like he could've been a nice person if only he wasn't mixed up in all these illegal things.

While everyone else were dancing, laughing and enjoying themselves on the floor, I went back to our table and sat down as I started taking off my shoes.

"You alright?" Carter asked coming to sit down with me.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I nodded as I worked on pulling the strap on my heels.

"Just that while everyone else is one the dancefloor enjoying themselves you're here sitting all alone by yourself" he said to me.

"Not everyone" I responded "You're sitting here too besides I'm tired anyway and my feet are hurting so that's about enough fun for me for today".

"You want me to help you?" Carter asked reaching for one of my foot causing me to jerk away frightened.

"What are you doing?"

"You said your feet hurt so I was going to rub them for you and see if they can feel better" he responded.

"Thanks but I'm fine, don't touch me" I said to him.

"You know you're going to have to forgive me and stop hating me eventually" he said to me

"I doubt that. Not as long as I know you you really are and remember what you guys done" I said to him.

"I'm not a bad guy Dayna" he said to me.

"Really? I'm not convinced" I rolled my eyes at him.

"That's because you have one opinion of me and refused to see the truth" he responded.

"What truth? That you're a criminal? Yeah I think I already saw and know the truth" I said to him.

"Give me a chance to prove to you that I'm not a bad person" Carter said to me "Let's go out sometime and you spend a day with me and at the end of the day you decide"

"I think not" I said to him.

"If you don't I'll tell Clayton that you've been cold and rude towards me" he said to me smirking.

"And I'll tell him that's because I don't like you and you're not who you pretend to be" I said to him.

"And when he ask you who I really am and how you know that what do you tell him?" He challenge.

"That you're an ass" I said to him.

"That's a great respond" Carter laughed "Come on Dayna, just test things out and if you still think I'm a complete ass afterwards then I'll willingly leave you alone and never bother you again. What do you say?"

"Are you serious?" I asked him.

"I am. I give you my word" he smiled at me.

"And I'm supposed to trust you that you'll stick to your words?" I raised a brow at him.

"I'm not asking you to trust me Dayna, I'm just asking you to take a chance or a calculated risk" he responded.

"If I say yes will you leave me alone?" I asked him.

"Maybe I will" he responded.

"Alright fine, I'll spend a day with you. And I'll be lucky if you don't kill me and dump my body somewhere" I said to him.

"I promise you I won't"


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