for the love of all who wear gucci

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Its my second day and I have already fitted in greatly at my new school. and I havent seen Adam once. Not that I care. That boy was a-n-n-o-y-i-n-g. I’m already in the popular group which is led by the most envied, hated and adored girl at the school. Britney Delvino. Queen bitch of Harrington academy. I shared a room with her and a book wormish girl called annie. She had small shifting eyes. And she is always reading. Hence why I called her a bookworm. Duh. Anyway turns out that sexy big arms.... wait what.. I ment annoying adam is kinda has a girlfriend. Not that I care. Her name is synthia. She was in our room yesterday. She is a total bore. But. I see why Adam goes out with her. Total slut from what ive heard around school. She lost her virginity in her first year to a guy named filch who was like 17. Long story shot she totally got smashed and dashed. poor girl. anywaaay. Britney is so cool. We clicked straight away. We are like sisters already and Ive only known her for a day?. She likes exactly the same things as me and plus she isn’t ugly. I can not be friends with freaks or ugly people. It brings my rep down. And hanging out with Britney Delvino is a pretty good way to get yourself noticed around here. Every boy wants her and every girl wants to be her. Guess that was kinda like me at my old school. Oh well time to move on.

I'm picking out my outfit for today it’s a Sunday and im Brittney said she would give a small tour of the school since I haven’t really had time to. I decided to wear tight fitting blue jeans and a tight pink superdry top to show off my “assets” accompanied by white nike air forces and a black pauls boutique bag. I went into the bathroom quickly showerd, dried, got dressed and brushed my teeth in record time. Britney was waiting for me sitting on one of the armchairs with her tanned legs crossed. “hey sexy, what took you so long” she said and then pouted her full red lips. “I was drying my hair. That annie girls hair dryer absolutely sucks” we both laughed and walked out of the door, not realizing that Annie was sitting in an armchair. totally able to hear what we was saying...

Britney showed me around the school. Well actually she only showed me a few places wheere all the hotties were. She showed me all the groups around the school, emos, football fanatics, bible bashers, geeks etc. and she showed me the freaks. The freaks are well… freaks there is no other way to describe them.. the wore socks and sandals, I mean come one. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL WHO WEAR GUCCI!!!Anyway it became evident to me that Britney was a bit of a bitch. When I say a bit of a bitch I mean a total bitch. My kind of person. “what is wrong with your hair.. you look like you just came out of a baboons arse.” She smiled with full lips and her gaggle of minions last hysterically at her ridiculing the 1st year.

I didn’t laugh because I wasn’t going to lower myself but I smiled and picked at my nails uninterested. “aha you look like a king kong. Girl sort it out. It’s a violation to my human rights that I have to look at you jeeze” I said announcing it to everyone in the corridor.

It went deathly silent. And then everyone was laughing. Why was it funny. I was just telling the truth… The girl looked like she was about to slap me, she was bigger than me. For a bleak second I thought she was gonna defend herself…

and she did.

“Britney, face it no one likes you, your hated. People are only nice to you cause they fear you… not because they like you.” It went silent again and you could hear an “ooooooooo” creeping through the crowed and I even heard some one say “oh no she didn’t” this whole ordeal ended up with the girl getting slapped round the face and shoved in the bin. The girl woke up the next morning with half her hair cut off. Could it have been Britney… no one knew… but I was pretty sure it was... what a cunt.

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