Chapter 35- Model Behavior Part 2

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Spider-Man finished the last fighting scenes with the villainous Green Goblin and the director got Rino Romano to the set to say his lines in front of the camera. Spider-Man came to Venus Deterzo who finishing a shrimp before dipping it with cocktail sauce. "Hey, Venus. Can I talk to you?" asked Spider-Man. Venus asked, "What is there to talk about?" Spider-Man crossed his arms as Venus frowned, "Don't give me that look. It's not that I'm jealous of MJ, it's just something about her that makes me feel uncomfortable." Spider-Man joked, "How do you even know what look I'm giving you?" Venus reminded, "Well for one thing, you and I are dating so I can tell what look you have whether you are wearing a mask or not." Venus tried to look away from her spider Faunus boyfriend but Spider-Man put a hand around her waist. Venus almost let out a meow from Spider-Man's touch. She huffed as she turned to see Spider-Man making the nanobots on his mouth flow away. Venus sighed as she leaned her lips toward his lips and they kissed. Suddenly a short blond haired boy with freckles and glasses snapped a picture of them. Venus separated as she snapped at the boy, "Hey!" The boy held his hands up in surrender as he exclaimed, "I work with Whitney Chang at the Daily Bugle! Please don't hurt me!" Whitney Chang herself came to them and said, "Sorry about my photog Andy Anderson. He gets too excited when it comes to exciting stories such as this. So, question. How does it feel to do a movie like this?" Spider-Man answered, "The script is okay, a sort of twist of my life, but alright." Venus added, "They have great shrimp and delicious cocktail sauce!" She hugged his side and rubbed her head on his shoulder. Whitney smiled, "So who is your lucky girlfriend?" Spider-Man replied, "This is Venus Deterzo. My partner." Whitney asked, "What does it feel like to date Spider-Man?" Venus answered, "He is my everything. I love him more than seafood, catnip, and balls of yarn." She then pecked Spider-Man's cheek. Whitney nodded with a smile, "It's good to hear that, but may I ask you a serious question?" Spider-Man nodded as Whitney asked, "What is the situation about the aliens now? Are they still here at Vale?" Spider-Man looked at Venus who nodded and was about to answer but his spider sense tingled. He quickly spotted a huff of purple smoke in the form of a tornado as a voiced boomed, "MORTALS, WITNESS THE MIGHT OF THE ARCANE ARTS MASTER...."


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"....MYSTERIO!!!!" Spider-Man and his teammates ran to the strange purple tornado which cleared to see a figure wearing a green bodysuit with black crisscross stripes, golden shoulder armor, golden gauntlets, golden boots, golden cape holders resembling eyes, and a purple flowing cape. But the most distinguishing feature was he was wearing a glass sphere over his head. "Yeeessss," said Mysterio evilly. "Spider-Man and his team of supposedly alien hunters. I'm afraid the High Evolutionary has a bone to pick with you for your thwarting of his plans." Spider-Man replied, "Like I'm going to be scared of a wannabe magician who wears a fishbowl on his head." Mysterio yelled, "You dare call the great arcane master Mysterio an illusionist?! You will know the full wraith of Mysterio's power! Oh, yes indeed!" Ricochet mocked, "Seems the only thing the 'great arcane master Mysterio' is only a master of talking himself in the third person." Mysterio growled, "We shall see, yyyeeeeeesssssss." Then he shot a bright beam of energy from his hands at Team SVRN which made them scatter. They recovered only to see Mysterio ride on top of a flying dragon. The dragon flew down toward Spider-Man but for some reason, it didn't trigger his spider sense. Both the dragon and Mysterio went through the floor in a puff of purple smoke. Spider-Man was stunned. Nightingale exclaimed, "We believe we are dealing with a self-absorbed, arrogant, and prideful illusionist!" Then she was kicked down on the floor. "Nightingale!" shouted Ricochet. Strangely it was Mary Jane Watson. Sam Webb shouted, "MJ, what are you doing?! These four are trying to protect us! Get back here on the double! That's an order!" MJ scoffed, "I am through taking orders from you, human flesh bag." Suddenly she ripped the  'human skin' off from her right arm, revealing to have yellow green reptilian like skin. "At lasssst," hissed the actress. "The formula is sssstarting to take affect." MJ continued to rip the 'human skin' off of her body as it started to reveal more reptilian scales. "Are you some kind of Faunus?" asked Sam shocked. MJ finished shredding the fake skin off as she started to grow a tail. She then turned to him and answered, "More or less, but my true name is Miranda Wilson, not Mary Jane Watson!"

The now revealed Miranda Wilson had yellow green skin, yellow eyes with reptilian eyes and pupils, an eight foot tail, and claws on her toes and fingers

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The now revealed Miranda Wilson had yellow green skin, yellow eyes with reptilian eyes and pupils, an eight foot tail, and claws on her toes and fingers.  She even had red hair on her elbows and at the end of her tail. "In gratitude for my master the High Evolutionary transforming into this beautiful form, I will help deliver the accursed Spider-Man to him!" snarled Miranda. Venus twirled her whip around and Nightingale got up to summon her Nightingale bow. Venus said, "We got Ms. Lizard Lips, you boys take on Misty!" Miranda snarled at them as Mysterio appeared again in a puff a purple smoke. "Now that the kid's gloves are off, we will capture you for the High Evolutionary. Yyyyeeeeeessssss," growled Mysterio.

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