Chapter 17- Enter The Hunter!

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Two days later, Peter Parker sighed as looked at today's paper. Green Goblin Saves Civilians Under The Sewers From Monsters And Spider-Man! Venus Deterzo leaned over to him and asked, "Something wrong, baby?" Peter replied, "The Green Goblin gets credited as a hero while I get blamed along with Venom and Carnage." Nightingale assured, "The people that you and we all helped know the truth. So, that means something, right?" Johnny nodded, "Yeah it does." Peter sighed, "Sorry, guys. I guess I'll never win pickle-puss's approval. Not that I'll ever get it anyway." Venus hugged his side as she rubbed her head on his shoulder. "Mmm, you're still my hero~" purred Venus. Peter sighed exasperated, "Please, in front of Johnny, Nightingale, and everyone else." The team was having lunch in the cafeteria at Beacon. Venus giggled, "Well, let 'em look." Nightingale looked into a map of Vale as she added a location. Johnny asked, "What's that?" Nightingale explained, "The Synoptic nests that we found and destroyed. We now know that the Synoptic prefer underground locations. The sewers are big so Venom and Carnage would be anywhere in any nest." Peter shrugged, "Y'know, we're hunting for aliens instead of Grimm." Johnny nodded, "We're just that lucky, aren't we?"

At the Emerald Forest, a lone Beowolf was wondering on its own as it was unaware that it was being stalked by someone one in the bushes. The Beowolf sniffed the air as it looked around to see where the scent is coming from. It then lunged into the bushes to see what was stalking it. The Beowolf discovered that nothing was there. The Beowolf snarled in confusion as an arrow shot through its left knee. The Beowolf turned to around to see a man with fair skin, black hair, a mustache and goatee, light yellow vest with a fluffy collar and green front pockets resembling eyes, a quiver on his back, brown pants and brown safari boots, and necklace around his neck that had sharp teeth. He was holding a bow as he grabbed another arrow and shot it into the Beowolf's abdomen. The Beowolf turned around to run away but the man put away his bow as he chased after with glee. The man was jumping off trees as he chased the Beowolf. He then leaped off as he threw a spear at the Beowolf. The spear went through the Beowolf's shoulder blade as it was pinned into the ground. The Beowolf roared in pain as the man jumped down next to the Beowolf. He scoffed in a Russian accent, "You Beowolves may be the predators in the Emerald Forest, but you are easy prey for Kraven the Hunter!" He took out a crossbow and shot a small arrow in between the eyes. "Sergei Nikolaevich Kravinoff," said a woman behind him. Sergei turned to see her and smiled. She was wearing a red violet V-collar shirt, a white lab coat, a blue denim knee high skirt, and brown boots. She had tan skin, short black hair, brown eyes, and a gentle smile on her face. On her lab coat she had a name tag saying Dr. Maria Crawford. Sergei responded, "My dearest Calypso. What brings you here?" Maria smiled as she kissed his cheek and replied, "I would ask you the same question, but I would already know the answer." Sergei chuckled, "I enjoy the thrill of the hunt. But now I have grown bored with hunting simple creatures such as the Grimm. I wish now to train the younger recruits at Beacon. Teach them the art of hunting." Maria lifted an eyebrow and asked, "Who were you thinking of?" Sergei looked into his scroll as he analyzed the first years. He then stopped as he looked at Team SVRN. "I have an idea," smiled Sergei.

Glynda Goodwitch came into Team SVRN's dorm room as she announced, "Team SVRN, there is a very important guest wishing to see you at Professor Opzin's office. Please be on your best behavior." She then left as the team looked at each other. "Could it be Ned Leeds asking about the aliens again?" asked Johnny. Nightingale shook her head, "Not possible. Velvet told us that J. Jonah Jameson rejected that story for the Daily Bugle." Peter shrugged, "Well, let's go. Don't wanna keep Professor Goodwitch waiting."

Team SVRN made it to Ozpin's office with Ozpin himself, Glynda, and a man and woman. Johnny asked, "Kraven the Hunter?" Peter asked, "Dr. Maria Crawford?" Sergei smiled, "I see both of our reputations proceeds us, eh Calypso?" Maria nodded, "Indeed." Venus asked curiously, "What's a Calypso?" Nightingale explained, "In ancient times, Calypso was a goddess of healing." Sergei smiled, "I've heard many of your hunts, Peter. Mostly involving other than Grimm." Team SVRN looked at each other as they wondered how to reply. "I wish to see where you first discovered these aliens," spoke Sergei. They nodded in unison.

They soon made it inside Synoptic nest in the cave at the Emerald Forest. Sergei Kravinoff looked around as Peter apologized, "I'm sorry if there's not exactly good enough proof for evidence of the Synoptic." Sergei then looked at the burnt remains of the Synoptic Queen Team SVRN first fought. "You all have fought against this thing?" asked Sergei impressed. Peter nodded, "Yeah." Sergei nodded with admiration. "Does anyone else believe what you have hunted?" asked Sergei. Johnny shrugged his shoulders as he answered, "Some, but a few of our teachers say that either we fought a new breed of Grimm or we've been watching too many movies." Nightingale asked, "What's a movie?" Johnny replied, "I'll tell you later." Sergei looked at the remains again as he said, "I have hunted many Grimm and wild beasts before, but what I see before me is not Grimm or anything of this world." He looked at Team SVRN as he concluded, "So if there is another of these 'Synoptic nests', I wish to join the hunt." The four looked at each other with shock. "Kraven the Hunter wants to join us in fighting against aliens?" asked Johnny with excitement. "Awesome!" Nightingale nodded, "We could learn from his experience." Venus pleaded to Peter, "Can we? Please?" She gave him the big cat eyes as he nodded, "All right. Stop before your eyes get any bigger." Venus cheered, "Yay!" Sergei smiled as he and the four first year students left the cave on their way back to Beacon Academy.

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