Chapter 30- One Is The Loneliest Number Part 3

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With the train moving fast, Spider-Man thought quickly and said, "You're right! I know where Venom is!" Carnage snarled, "Tell us! Or we will take great pleasure in digging for the truth!" The train was coming closing in. Spider-Man said, "Let them go first." Carnage released the civilians as they ran away. "Now tell us Spider-Scum," growled Carnage. Spider-Man saw the train almost toward him as he webbed Carnage's eyes. "Let's put it this way," said Spider-Man. "He's not over there." He jerked his body down as he pulled Carnage in front of the train and leaped on tunnel's ceiling. The train ran over Carnage, releasing Spider-Man from his grip. "Buh bye Carny," joked Spider-Man. "Don't forget to write." Spider-Man landed on the station as Atlesian soldiers were coming on their way. Wishing to hurry, Spider-Man jumped to the exit and swung away as he thought, 'Now to find the Venom symbiote. Last I saw Eddie as Venom, he was in the alley.'

Carnage was a huge splat on the train. He flowed off of the train and reformed himself. Carnage growled in frustration as he shot two tendrils on top of the tunnels and swung back to the streets, continuing his search for Venom.

Spider-Man went to the same alley he found Eddie as he spotted a small piece of the Venom symbiote. He thought, 'It's weak like Brock. It's trying to tell me something. I think I'm going to regret this.' The organism weakly reached two tendrils on Spider-Man's foot as it started to transmit a message in Spider-Man's mind.

'We, Venom, were lured into the alleyway by a tiger Faunus called Lord Tyger and his army of Machine Men. Lord Tyger called, "The sonic resonator works, master." Then the High Evolutionary, one of our creators, calls back, "Excellent. Bring the symbiote to me immediately." Lord Tyger used a device to put us inside, but missed a part of us in the alleyway. The rest of us are at this laboratory in this building, hurry...'

Spider-Man shook his head as he said, "High Evolutionary, Lord Tyger, Machine Men? Am I suddenly making new enemies?" Then the symbiote piece dissolved away into nothing as he observed, "Couldn't survive for long? I've got to hurry."

Meanwhile at Beacon Academy, the dance was at full swing. Venus Deterzo had already told her teammates about what was going on. Venus eventually talked Johnny and Nightingale to just dance because that is what Peter would want them to do. After having her fifth glass of fruit punch, Venus walked out over to Doctor Maria Crawford's laboratory as she asked Maria, "How is Eddie, doc?" Maria replied woefully, "Dying, I'm afraid. There's nothing I can do." She gave Eddie a glass of water, who started to chug it. "Not so fast," instructed Maria. "Your system is not yet ready." Eddie let go as he groaned, "My system is never going to be ready." He looked at Venus and asked, "Why are you dressed up like that?" Venus answered, "Tonight is Beacon Academy's dance." Eddie smiled kindly, "Small world, huh?" Venus nodded with a smile, "Yep, small world. Y'know, when you're not all Venomy, you're quite a nice kind of jerk. Just saying." Eddie chuckled, "Bet I deserve that." Then he groaned again as he sweated again and said, "Y'know, for a minute there I was starting to enjoy feeling human again." Venus gently rubbed his shoulder with sympathy.

At the building the Venom symbiote showed Spider-Man, Doctor Ram was studying the spores extracted from the Venom symbiote while Lord Tyger watched. "These spores could be the missing link to the Bestial project," said Doctor Ram to the High Evolutionary. "Of course, I may need to run some tests before we go further." The High Evolutionary agreed, "Yes, we must test before creating the new tomorrow for Remnant. Both of you will be greatly rewarded for the capture of the Venom symbiote." Spider-Man was in stealth mode as he overheard the conversation. He then looked at a metallic spherical container the Machine Men were guarding as he thought, 'Brock's symbiote is in there.' Lord Tyger asked, "Did you also manage to acquire the symbiote's DNA like our master instructed?" Doctor Ram nodded, "Oh, but of course. Our creation slipped away the first time, but now it will not. I am however glad I have not seen the incompetent boy in the coming months because he interfered with my work. The untested Bestial serum was a disaster which caused the Man Spider neogenic nightmare." Spider-Man then appeared as he jumped over the two Machine Men, grabbed the container, and jumped to a window. "Sorry doctor," joked Spider-Man. "But your patient's checking out!" Doctor Ram yelled, "No! Stop him!" The Machine Men flew after him as Spider-Man began to make his escape. Spider-Man landed on top of a bus but the Machine Men began blasting laser beams at him. Spider-Man noticed the container was leaking. "Don't even think about it," responded Spider-Man. The goo was feeling weak as it was dying. Spider-Man sighed, "Fine, I'll be your life support, for now." The symbiote wrapped itself around Spider-Man as it bonded with him.

Spider-Man then swung away quick as he beamed, "Wow this suit feels good! Just stay out of my brain until we get back to Brock

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Spider-Man then swung away quick as he beamed, "Wow this suit feels good! Just stay out of my brain until we get back to Brock."

Carnage was still angry for Spider-Man's treachery. He shrieked as he tore up a mailbox and its letters. Carnage stopped as he heard a voice asked, "Carnage, can you hear us?" Carnage answered, "Yes, we hear you. You are no longer shielded." The voice said, "We're on our way to the Beacon Academy." Carnage smiled devilishly, "Where?" Then he laughed as he swung on his way to Beacon Academy.

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