Chapter 16- Where Evil Nests Part 3

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Team SVRN and the Green Goblin walked down to the sewers. Nightingale asked, "Why the sudden interest in helping us?" Green Goblin answered, "If we all get turned into what we fought, I guess I must be honest with you. I'm looking for my love who went missing the other day. Her golden hair, her smile, and ocean blue eyes were always breathtaking, but her kindness and sweetness to me was nowhere near comparable to any girl I've met." Venus assured, "Don't worry, we'll help you find her." Ricochet asked, "Does she have a name?" Green Goblin nodded, "Si. Gwen Stacy." Then Spider-Man and Ricochet's senses went off. Spider-Man murmured, "My spider sense is tingling." Ricochet agreed, "Mine too." Green Goblin asked confused, "Your guys' what is doing what now?" Spider-Man replied, "Just trust us. There's danger here." Green Goblin sniffed the air as he declared, "The only danger here is breathing ourselves to death. Catch you guys later." Then an green slime creature came up behind them and Spider-Man saw it. "Look out!" exclaimed Spider-Man. The team and Green Goblin turned around quickly and ran around behind Spider-Man. Green Goblin said, "Booger at 12 o'clock!" Spider-Man shot a web ball at it as Ricochet asked, "Don't you mean bogey?" The web ball got disintegrated on contact with the creature. Green Goblin retorted, "I don't think so!" The creature oozed itself toward them as Venus grabbed onto Spider-Man and Green Goblin carried Ricochet and Nightingale. Spider-Man was web swinging as Green Goblin unfolded his wings and began flying behind him. "Like I said, I don't spend much time in the sewers!" quipped Green Goblin. "Now I got a good reason why!" The group found a hole leading to another sewer lid as Nightingale pointed up, "Up there!" Spider-Man began running up the walls as Green Goblin started flying up. Then one of creature's green tendrils grabbed his foot and started yanking down. Green Goblin then threw Ricochet and Nightingale to a wall hole as Spider-Man and Venus almost got grabbed by the creature if not for the quick mind of Green Goblin as he grabbed them and threw them into another hole. As for the Green Goblin, he was dragged down by the creature.

Spider-Man and Venus got into the hole as they fell into a large sewer pipe. Spider-Man fell on his back as Venus landed on his chest. They both groaned as Venus looked to see Spider-Man and smiled, "Tell me I'm in heaven now." Spider-Man shrugged, "If heaven smelled like a sewer, maybe." Venus giggled as they started to get up. Spider-Man tried to contact Ricochet and Nightingale but couldn't. "I can't get a signal in here," said Spider-Man. "Looks like we're on our own. C'mon." Venus nodded as they hurried.

Ricochet and Nightingale was in a similar dilemma. "Let's go," said Nightingale. "Peter would want us to not waste any time. We have to go to the nest." Ricochet asked, "Are you able to still track them?" Nightingale nodded, "If we could before during initiation, we can do it again." The two rushed off.

Green Goblin was being dragged on the floor with his legs still trapped by the creature. "Guess there's only one thing to do," muttered Green Goblin. "It's dangerous, but the fate of the world depends on it. So I will do what no huntsman would ever consider." He then undid his suit's pants as it was pulled away with the creature. Green Goblin looked down to see his purple boxers with jack o lanterns and bats and tan colored legs and bare feet.

 Green Goblin looked down to see his purple boxers with jack o lanterns and bats and tan colored legs and bare feet

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"Whew," said Green Goblin. "It is drafty in here." Then he heard a girl's scream. "Guess that's my cue," said Green Goblin. "I'm on my way." He started running toward the source.

Weiss Schnee screamed as the Synoptic crawled on her chest. Spider-Man and Venus Deterzo made it to the end of the pipeline to see what was going on. They saw two monsters with spider like costumes. Spider-Man shot a spider-dart at the crawling Synoptic off of Weiss and the two monsters spotted them. The red one threw Weiss to the side as the black one ordered, "Don't let them near the biomass! Stop them!" They instantly turned into flowing goo. Spider-Man shot more spider-darts at them but it went through them. Spider-Man grabbed Venus as web swung toward Weiss. She turned around to see the Synoptic that crawled on her was walking toward her and jumped up toward her. Weiss grabbed her Myrtenaster and sliced it in half as she said, "Not this time, you... whatever you are!" Spider-Man and Venus lands in front of her as Weiss asked impatiently, "Well, do you have a plan to get us out of here?" The two monsters flowed in front of them as Spider-Man answered, "It's a work in progress." Spider-Man looked at the black monster as he said, "You have a really bad habit of ruining our opportunities and showing up where you're not wanted." The red monster smirked, "Time we end this habit... with your life!" Spider-Man asked, "What was that about opportunities?" The black monster opened his mouth wide enough to see Eddie Brock! Spider-Man widened his eyes and asked, "Eddie?" Eddie replied, "Not anymore. Call us Venom!" The mouth closed as Spider-Man said, "Well, here's a song dedicated to slime balls everywhere!" Weiss asked, "What does he mean by that?" Venus replied, "Just cover your ears." Spider-Man said, "Sonics on." Then his suit started emitting sonic waves making the hosts get separated from their Synoptic parasites. It was causing some pain for Venom and Carnage who stepped back and said, "We see your sonic weapon. Let us see if it will save you." The green biomass loomed over Spider-Man's sonic shielding while Venus and Weiss were covering their ears. Eventually the sonics got deactivated and the green tendrils started to flow toward them. Spider-Man then quickly grabbed Venus and Weiss as he climbed up to the very tall thrones and made a hammock out of his webbing. The Synoptic Queen roared at them. He put them on the web hammock as he said, "Venus, you and Weiss make sure no one gets up here. I'll take care of the sludge brothers." The green biomass tendrils tangled up Spider-Man as he struggled to get himself free. Then two pumpkin bombs were thrown at the green creature and exploded as the Green Goblin announced, "Take heart! The calvary has arrived!" Green Goblin flew up to Spider-Man with his wings flapping and still in his boxers. "The fashion calvary?" joked Spider-Man. "Nice outfit, Goblin. Now get everybody out of here. I have a plan!" Green Goblin salutes as he chuckled, "Haha!" He flys up to Venus and Weiss and grabs them. "What about Spidey?" asked Venus. "The man says he has a plan," answered Green Goblin. "Who am I to doubt him?" Weiss muttered, "Great." Ricochet and Nightingale made it in time to free the civilians and they all got out. Spider-Man climbed up in between the thrones as he pushed them with his hands and feet. Venom and Carnage began climbing up as Venom yelled, "You have troubled us for the last time, web head! You're history!" Spider-Man quipped, "Come on! History was never my favorite subject! I prefer phys-ed!" Spider-Man finally broke the two thrones together as they began crumbling down on the nest. The Synoptic Queen and biomass was killed with debris as she screamed, "No!" Spider-Man got on a large piece of debris as Venom tried to lunge at him but Spider-Man flipped the debris making him fall. Spider-Man tried to swing away from the destruction but the web line got separated from the the ceiling it was attached to. Green Goblin caught Spider-Man as he asked, "Going up?" He flew up as Spider-Man joked, "Yeah. Push the penthouse button, will ya?"

The ruckus down in the sewers made a big hole in the street. Medics came to check on any wounded. The rest of Team RWBY came to see Weiss Schnee, SVRN, and the Green Goblin. Ruby was very happy to see Weiss unharmed. Weiss was very grumpy about her rescue. She was happy she didn't get enslaved by Venom and Carnage, but was still angry. "I Get Captured By Aliens, Then They Are About To Enslave Me, Heiress of the Schnee!" ranted Weiss. "Then I get saved by a flying Goblin and the so called rescue turns into a big mess!" Team SVRN looked at each other awkwardly as Weiss finally calms down and said, "Thank you." Green Goblin finds a piece of cloth and wraps it around his boxers. A blond haired girl in recovery sees him and asked, "Hector?" He looks at her and asked, "Gwen?" She smiles as she rushes toward him and hugs him hard. Spider-Man and Venus looks at them as Green Goblin lets go. "Hector?" asked Venus. Green Goblin nodded, "Yes. That's my real name. Thank you for helping me find her." Spider-Man smiled, "You're welcome." Green Goblin said, "Hey, if you and your team ever need any help, you can look me up anytime, amigo." Gwen asked, "Can we go home now?" Green Goblin nodded, "Of course, my love." He unfolded his wings as he held Gwen bridle style and flew up as she laughed with excitement into the night.

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