Chapter 9- Initiation Part 4

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The official four teammates eventually found the cave, but discovered the entrance was guarded by tentacled Beowolves and Ursai. "Must protect the Queen!" roared the symbiotic Grimm. They ran toward as Spider-Man, Venus Deterzo, Ricochet, and Nightingale did the same.

Venus' bullwhip lit up as she twirled it fast to create a sharp ended circle that cut down the Grimm. "This kitty's got claws!" exclaimed Venus. An Ursa ran to hit her with its paw but instead the Ursa hit a blinding light copy which blinded the Grimm. Venus then coiled her whip around its neck and ripped the Ursa's head off. "This kitty doesn't play nice," smirked Venus.

Nightingale summons her bow as she shot mystical arrows at Grimm that headed her way. Two Beowolves came at her screeching and challenged her. Nightingale glared as she turned her bow into two katanas that separated as she leaped at them. She twirled her blades at the Beowolves until finally she stopped. Then the Beowolves fell into pieces as Nightingale proclaimed, "We are Nightingale."

Ricochet fought against the Grimm as he dodged their blows before they even happened. "How'd you like to listen to my favorite hits?" asked Ricochet as he threw his discs on his leather jacket at the crowding Grimm and they all ricocheted on them until they all went down. Ricochet caught them as he smirked, "And that's why they call me Ricochet."

Spider-Man fought and dodged the Grimm as he punched, kicked, and webbed them. He spun around and shot spider darts into their chests as he landed and shot impact webbing that stuck them on the ground.

All the Grimm were dispatched as Spider-Man ordered, "All right, into the cave!" They went into the cave as they cautiously looked around. Venus sniffed the air and nearly gagged, "This place smells stinky. Like someone never brushed their teeth in over a millennia." Ricochet agreed, "Ew." Nightingale summoned a shining ball of light as she look at the ground. She stepped on it and made a squishy sound. "The deeper inside of this cave feels moist," analyzed Nightingale. Spider-Man nodded, "Once we find what we're looking for, then we'll get of here." Then Spider-Man heard a voice. "Anti-Synoptic..... Anti-Synoptic...... Anti-Synoptic....." whispered the voice. It gave Spider-Man shivers up his spine as Venus asked, "You okay, babe?" Spider-Man answered, "I think the queen knows we're here." The queen said, "We speak to you, but you do not comply to our commands. We have read your thoughts. You wonder how you are a spider Faunus. We have the answer. Do you wish to know?" Spider-Man tensed up as Nightingale asked, "Are you all right? We sense uneasiness in you." Spider-Man ignored her as the queen spoke, "Millennia ago, we the Synoptic arrived at Remnant and established a peaceful world order until the huntsmen and huntresses shattered it in their Great War. Very few of us have survived but in separate nests here in the Vale Kingdom." Spider-Man asked loudly, "What does this have to do with me?!" Ricochet asked, "Hey, Spidey, are you okay?" Nightingale said, "He's talking to the queen. We sense it." The Synoptic Queen answered, "One of our children, before they died, bit one of your ancestors during the Great War."


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