Chapter 12- Brock and Kasady

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Eddie Brock was happily celebrating with the staff of the Daily Bugle until he was called on by his boss J. Jonah Jameson the publisher of the Daily Bugle and the assistant publisher Joseph "Robbie" Robertson. When he got in Jonah's office, Eddie saw his photographer rival Velvet Scarlatina with her friend Coco Adel. "What's going on?" asked Eddie. Jonah asked, "Do you know why the staff here are celebrating?" Eddie chuckled, "'Cause I helped expose that Spider-Man as a menace?" Jonah nodded, "Yes, but right now they don't know that you TRICKED ME WITH A FAKE PICTURE OF SPIDER-MAN!!!!" The staff overheard Jonah yelling. They stopped celebrating as they looked through the glass doors of Jonah's office with shock. Eddie gulped as Robbie said, "The Federal Photography Agency confirms the photo Brock gave us as a fake. They even confirmed the original photo was Velvet's original first photo of Spider-Man." Velvet cried as Coco hugged her close and glared at Eddie. Jonah stood up as he slammed this morning's paper on his desk. "Robbie, get this sewer rat out of my building, out of my city room, OUT OF MY TOWN!!!!" yelled Jonah angrily. Eddie started, "Sir, if you let-" Jonah interrupted, "Don't you get it? YOU'RE FIRED!!! GET OUT!" Eddie walked out as the Daily Bugle staff looked at him with shock and anger. Jonah calmed down as he turned to see Velvet wiping tears from her eyes as he said gently, "I'm sorry about all of that. I never fully intended to have your original photo tampered with and printed on my paper." Robbie said, "Now we have to print a refraction." Jonah snapped, "We haven't printed a refraction in over twenty years!" Then he sighed, "But it's the only thing we can do, even if we get less readers. We gotta go by the book. Robbie, get Foswell and the others to get writing on that refraction." Jonah turned to Velvet and Coco and said, "You two are dismissed. Thank you for notifying me of this." The two girls walked out as Peter met up with them. "Everything go all?" asked Peter. Velvet nodded, "Yes, but Brock lost his job in the process." Coco huffed, "That rat deserved it to say the least. Nobody goes around to hurt my friend and gets away with it." Velvet assured, "At least Spider-Man is off charges for that bank robbery." Peter smiled, "That's good to hear."

Eddie Brock was not a happy person right now. "That filthy rodent and that damn insect took everything from me," muttered Eddie. "My one chance of making it to the top at the Daily Bugle. Taken by an amateur." Then he spotted the front page of the Daily Bugle's refraction with an article detailing Eddie's deception. "My reputation," muttered Eddie. Then he sneezed. "My health," added Eddie. Then he came to his apartment but to his surprise there was a reprimand sign on the door. "My apartment?!" exclaimed Eddie. Then Eddie shouted, "I hate you so much Spider-Man! I will make you pay if it's the last thing I do!!!"

Peter was studying in the Beacon library with Venus. "Did you hear something, Venus?" asked Peter. "Hear what?" asked Venus. Peter shrugged, "I think I must be hearing things. Let's get back to studying."

Eddie grumbled as he walked into an alleyway. "Edward Brock Jr.?" asked a girl's voice behind him. "Who's asking?" replied Eddie. The girl's response was knocking him out. She pulled out her scroll and said, "I have detained Brock. Do you have the other, Emerald?"

Emerald replied, "Almost Cinder. We'll let you when we have Kasady." Mercury asked, "You sure Cinder wants Cletus Kasady the psycho killer, too?" Emerald reminded, "You should know by now not to question Cinder." Mercury huffed, "Fine, let's hurry up before the guys in blue put Kassidy in that van." She nodded as they waited until the officers grabbed Kasady who was laughing with insanity. Emerald used her make the officers experience their fears. When Mercury and Emerald came to Cletus, he laughed, "Going my way, man? Or was there no one else to find an Average Joe's job?" Emerald kicked him in the face and Cletus was knocked out. Emerald called Cinder, "We have Kasady." Cinder replied, "Good. Bring him back to base and we'll start Project Venom so we can destroy Spider-Man."

An aged man waits as his lead scientist Doctor Ram, a Faunus distinguished by his ram horns and hooves feet, begins the process of combining Grimm DNA with Spider-Man's blood. "Ram's log 1242," said Ram in a sophisticated British accent. "My master, the High Evolutionary, and I, Doctor Ram, shall begin to combine Grimm DNA and the blood of the infamous spider Faunus Spider-Man. If this experiment succeeds, the White Fang will have their own army of spider-powered super soldiers. Perhaps the powers will become even more advanced than Spider-Man's himself." The High Evolutionary commanded, "Begin the bonding now, Doctor Ram." Doctor Ram nodded as he pressed a few buttons and both the Grimm DNA and Spider-Man's blood began mixing together. After ten minutes, both the Grimm DNA and Spider-Man's blood were now one black gooey like creature. "Doctor Ram?" asked the High Evolutionary. Doctor Ram studied the creature and reported, "The bonding was successful. Scans show that it seems we have made a creature that will have symbiotic relationship with its host and grant the host the powers of Spider-Man. Maybe even better. I must admit, this is something I have never seen before in my life. It looks... alien." The High Evolutionary looked at the creature as he stated, "All we need now are test subjects." Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury came inside with two unconscious men. It was Eddie Brock and Cletus Kasady. Cinder smirked, "We have your test subjects right here."

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