Chapter 31- One Is The Loneliest Number Part 4

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Doctor Maria Crawford wiped sweet off of Eddie Brock as she apologized sadly, "I'm sorry, Eddie. There is not much more I can do now." Venus frowned, "I wish your friend Martin Li would come and help us, but he's already too busy helping wounded soldiers at Atlas." Eddie assured gently, "It's okay. After all this time, at least I'll die a human." Venus sniffed as Maria comforted her. Then Carnage burst through the door as he smirked, "Aw, just what we were looking for." He wrapped tendrils around Venus and Maria in one hand and Eddie with the other. "Carnage!" exclaimed Eddie. "Get away!" Carnage asked, "Get away? You can't reject us, Eddie! It's like rejecting yourself."

Spider-Man made it back to Beacon Academy and away from the Machine Men after a trip from the sewers. He went inside Maria's laboratory where he was welcomed by one of Carnage's tendrils that hit him. "Surprise surprise," snickered Carnage. "The guest of honor has finally made it to the party." The Venom symbiote separated from Spider-Man and oozed on its way toward Eddie. "No!" protested Eddie. "I wanna stay Eddie Brock! Whatever the price!" Carnage turned to see Maria and Venus and glowered, "Are these the ones that made you forget the joy of the Synoptic? For that, they will pay." Venus and Maria struggled to get freed but it was no use. Carnage's grip was too strong. "Leave them alone!" yelled Spider-Man as he leaped toward Carnage and shot spider darts from his wrists. The darts sliced Carnage's tendrils and freed Venus and Maria. Carnage shrieked as Spider-Man covered him with webs. Carnage sliced the webs off and punched Spider-Man so hard he sailed out to the courtyard. Spider-Man dodged a blast from a Machine Man as it asked, "Where is the laboratory sample you stole? Where is the symbiote?" Spider-Man got up as he replied, "And where is your deodorant? People already know where you've been." The Machine Men surrounded him closer as Spider-Man got into his battle stance.

Carnage snickered, "Say goodbye to your playmates, Eddie." He crept closer to Maria and Venus as Eddie shouted, "Carnage, no!" Carnage ignored Eddie as he added, "Okay positions. Heal thyself." Eddie said, "Only one way to help them." He slammed himself on the wall making Carnage's tendril let go of him. Eddie fell on the floor as he willingly allowed the Venom symbiote to bond with him. Carnage turned to see Eddie as the symbiote flowed around him making his transformation nearly complete. "Sorry I didn't get to know you better," apologized Eddie to Maria and Venus. Venom/Eddie roared as Carnage smiled, "Honey, you're home!" Venom/Eddie yelled, "Leave them alone!" Tendrils appeared on Venom/Eddie's back as it grabbed Carnage and threw him on Spider-Man. The Machine Men aimed their lasers toward Spider-Man and Carnage. Venom/Eddie's tendrils then grabbed their arms and made them blast each other. They exploded into flames as Spider-Man and Carnage retreated away from the flames. Venom/Eddie then lunged at Carnage who threw him off but Venom/ Eddie lunged at him again. They both went from fist to fist fighting to tangling each other's tendrils. Spider-Man smiled under his mask, "Now this is a sight that could warm a man's heart." One last Machine Man with a sonic resonator announced, "Symbiotes, do not move! You are in my custody!" Spider-Man started, "Brock!" Venom/Eddie recognized, "They know that weapon!" The robot blasted but missed as Venom/Eddie flowed under and batted the sonic resonator away. Carnage laughed as he turned his hand into an axe and sliced the robot in half.

Spider-Man went to Venom/Eddie and said, "It's finished! I did what I said I would!" Venom/Eddie turned to look at Spider-Man as he asked, "Eddie?" The symbiote reasserted its control over Eddie as he proclaims triumphed, There is no Eddie Brock! Only Venom! We have returned!" Carnage snarled with a chuckle, "And we are angry. Haha. It's the age of the Synoptic, man!" Venom growled, "And you, Spider-Man are in our way!" Venom made a tendril hit Spider-Man as Carnage summoned four with bone hooks. Spider-Man dodged them as he quipped, "My favorite parasites together again! Another comeback tour we could do without!" Carnage replied, "The Synoptic will swallow you up..." Venom concluded, "...and spit you out as part of us!" The two shot tendrils at Spider-Man who dodged them as he grabbed the sonic resonator. Spider-Man complained, "Aw, man! This thing is trigger jammed!" Venom and Carnage started to combine together as Spider-Man thought, 'No way I can set off two beams in time.' The combination of the two symbiotes turned it into the size of a Beowolf but red, black, tendrils with spiked bones, two heads, and four arms and two legs with bone claws. 'But if I set it to overload, maybe I'll get a nice set of sonic boom!' thought Spider-Man as he does just that and threw the overloaded resonator. It forcibly separated Venom and Carnage as the sonic boom also pushed Spider-Man back. Both the Venom and Carnage symbiotes oozed away into the pipeline in the water fountain. Spider-Man got back up dazed as Venus came running outside and hugged him. She let go as she said, "Hurrrry, the dance is going to be over and my mom is going to take our picture! Are you wearing your prom suit under your Spidey suit?" Spider-Man nodded, "Yeah." He then deactivated his suit as it showed Peter Parker in his prom suit. "Then let's goooo," said Venus as she pulled him inside.

Yang welcomed them by asking, "What kept you, Peter?" Peter answered, "Long story." Venus said, " They're doing a slow dance song. C'mon!" She pulled Peter to the dance floor. Peter and Venus began slow dancing as she placed her head on his chest and purred to the rhythm of the song. "I love you," whispered Venus. Peter smiled as he whispered back, "I love you, too." Peter could only imagine what could happen in the next morning. Ozpin and Glynda questioning him of why the courtyard is in a mess and where's been. But right now, Peter is more focused on dancing with his loving girlfriend, a Chimera cat Faunus named Venus.

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