The Second Task

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Chapter Ten -- The Second Task

One evening, as I watched Tia Dalma finishing her weaving, she glanced at me and remarked, "It almos' complete. Kyan yuh tell what it is?"

I shook my head. "Tell me," she went on, "do yuh know what a spancel is?"

"A spancel?" I drew my brows together, perplexed. "At home, a spancel is a rope to hobble a horse or cow, but it doesn't look like that."

"Spancel kyan have many uses," she smiled. "Dis be a spancel for binding."

"Binding what?" I asked, my interest piqued.

"Binding one t'ing to anodder." She took up the completed end of the spancel and drew it between her fingers. "When yuh tie dis 'round dem, it kyan bind de soul to de body. Also, it kyan keep a person from movin' until yuh release it."

"Can it bind someone to you?" I asked. I tried to sound calm, but hope was lifting my spirits. "I mean, could it bind their heart to you?"

She laughed. "Nah, dis spancel don' bind de heart. And it kyan only bind a man when him tied wit' it. Once yuh unbind him, him not stay wit' yuh." She looked keenly at me. "Spancel won't help yuh wit' James."

I flushed with embarrassment. "I only thought . . . perhaps, since you had woven strands of my hair into it . . ."

Tia Dalma shook her head. "I'm weavin' it so dat yuh will be de only person who kyan use it. Remember - don' let anodder person use de spancel - it is for yuh own use," she emphasized.

"And why are you weaving it for me?" I asked.

"Yuh will have need of it," she replied. "It's time for yuh to fulfil de second t'ing I ask yuh."

"To bring you something you need?"

She nodded. "Barbossa. Yuh still willin'?"

Her answer shocked me, but I was determined to stand by my promise. "Yes," I replied, fighting down a ripple of panic at the sound of his name. "I stand ready to keep my promise." I hesitated, but then added, "But, Tia Dalma, I truly think he may try to take my life."

"Nah, him kyan do nothin' to yuh - him already dead. Shot t'ru de heart by Witty Jack." Having presented me with this astounding news in a very offhand manner, she hastened to explain my task.

I was to travel in a small boat with two shadowy individuals she called "helpers" to a cave where I would find Barbossa's body. There was no reason for me to fear the helpers, but I was also not to speak to them under any circumstances. I was to bind Barbossa's corpse with the spancel in a way that she would show me, and the helpers would transport us back to Tia Dalma's shack. She asked if I had any questions.

"Are you certain Barbossa is dead?" I asked her. The thought of encountering my adversary worried me even more than the prospect of an unknown journey with supernatural companions. "I thought that none of the men could die, because of the cursed gold."

"De curse be broken, dear wan, wit' the help of Witty Jack. And de moment after him break de curse, him shoot Barbossa and tek back de Pearl." She smiled. "Soon I t'ink him will send yuh all de t'ings Barbossa stole from yuh."

I rejoiced inwardly that what had lately seemed to me impossible had now come to pass. But I was more puzzled than ever as to the reason for the second task. "If you please, Tia Dalma, why do you want his corpse? What will you do with it?"

"I 'ave de power to recall him to de world of de livin'. Him needed for important matters, an' de outcome is still uncertain. Barbossa needed by you, me, de Brethren Court, de Keeper of de Code, an' even Witty Jack," she replied.

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