He narrows his eyes at me once again, not believing me for a second. "Are you sure about that, Summer?"

I gulp silently, forcing a small reassuring smile on my face. "Never been surer."

He steps closer, in which I step back in order for my face not to crash into his chest. "Well it sounds like you're ly—"

"—I'm sorry, are you not taking this seriously?" I suddenly blurt out, sounding very serious and responsible. "Because if you have a problem with this absolutely important and necessary training, you can go preach to our boss who can follow it up to our Principal. Got it?"

We stare each-other down for a few more intense moments before he rolls his eyes. Through clench teeth me finally mutters, "Fine. Pass me the pooperscooper."

I furrows my brows. "I'm sorry, a what?"

He blinks. "Um, a pooperscooper? The thing you use to pick up the poo?"

I suck in a sharp breath, shaking my head. "Yeah no, we don't have one of those. Sorry dude but you're going to have to do it the classical way." I hand him gloves and a garbage bag.

He stares at the gloves and bag. Then he blinks. Then he stares. Then he blinks again. "You're joking ri—"

"—Ah!" I cut him sharply, shooting him daggers through my eyes. "What did I just say?!"

He grumbles under his breath, stubbornly grabbing the gloves and bin bag. "If I find out that you lied and this is just revenge, Summer Winters..."

He doesn't tell me what he's going to do, because I already know by the look in his eyes that it won't he very friendly.

Nevertheless, I turn around and walk back into the shelter. When I open the door and get inside, I can't contain myself anymore and burst out laughing. I clutch my stomach as I peek through the small window which views Vincent reluctantly picking the poo up, occasionally blocking his nose and closing his eyes.

If high-fiving oneself wasn't weird, I would totally do it right now. It's about time I've actually taken revenge on Mr I-think-I'm-All-that!

Oh yeah, and about the pooperscooper — yup, you guessed it. We do actually have one! But as if I would let him use it. No, that would be way too easy! Even better, he has a lot of work to do since Phoebe and I just came back from taking all the puppies on a walk.

Speaking of Phoebe... I wonder where she and Theo are.

It takes a few minutes until I hear two familiar voices hissing in the storage room. Slowly, I approach the door in which the slightest bit open and peek through.

"Phoebe look," Theo grabs his sister's shoulders, trying to calm her down. "We don't kill people! We kill their business." He slowly chuckles ever so humorously.

Phoebe furrows her brows. "That's not funny."

Theo straightens his face. "Never said it was."

"But you laughed."

A small pause. Then Theo whispers, "Shut up."

"I can't believe you do this kind of stuff!"

"For the thousandth time, not by will Phoebe! I didn't choose to, they chose me. They always choose, never the other way."

"And this is why you fought with Vincent?! Oh, so this is the reason why you've been fighting with me lately too!—"

"—No! It's because of Vincent's dumb plan!"

"Which is...?"

Theo sighs. "Hamish and his stupid gang are planning to take Sum—"

"I've got a pocket, got a pocket full of sunshine..."

What the? All of a sudden, that song starts playing. Where on Earth is that coming from—

Uh-oh. It's coming from my pocket! That's my ringtone!

I quickly move out of sight, place my body against the wall and grab my phone to turn it off. I can hear footsteps making its way towards the door and my breathing gets faster as I have no idea what to do.

Oh, here's an obvious idea, Summer: RUN!

And so I run like the wind through the hallways, hoping and praying that they haven't seen me yet.

You know how they say, 'never look back'?

Well, sorry, but I'm only of those people who can't help but look back!

And so here I am, running down the hallway with a head twisted unhealthily over my shoulder. I have no idea where I'm heading and I'm pretty sure I'm about to bump into somethin—

And my conscious is right. I have bumped into something... Or more like someone.

Luckily this someone cushioned me to the floor as I fall on top of them.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I squeak, lifting my head to see this very someone that I've clumsily crashed into.

When my eyes meet theirs, I take my words back. This isn't a someone, it's definitely a something.

"Apology not accepted. Get off me." Vincent seethes through his clench teeth, shoving me off his toned chest that's texture is unfortunately not covered by the work uniform.

I gasp when footsteps patter down a closeby hallway. Crap! They're coming and then Theo's going to find out that I know he's a ninja!

I look around, trying to find somewhere to run. Then my eyes land on the janitor's closet. Perfect!

"You're coming with me!" I declare. No way would I leave him there! So then Theo and Phoebe can find him and so then he could dob on me? Yeah, nope. There's no way I'm risking it, especially since my life depends on it!

"Um do I have to? Because if it's not part of the training then—"

He doesn't get to finish whatever he was going to say because the next thing we know I've grabbed his arm and we're running into the janitor's closet.


A/N: 5000+ READS??! This is too unbelievable. Thank you all sooo much!!! xxx

I know you all always hear this, but so sorry for the super super late update! I hope you've still enjoyed this chapter though haha! :))

There's sooo much that's happened so far that we can talk about, so come and discuss with me in the comment section! ;)

Now I'm really rushing to get this uploaded even though I have heaps to say, but how about I do a Q&A instead? Hit me up pls!

- YUMNA xx

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