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CH 36 |

Two hours later, it's recess time.

And the tension is driving me insane!

Phoebe and I had furiously searched every sophomore class we could find for this mystery child, but to no avail. The kid has an invisibility suit on or something!

Currently, the crew (Phoebe, Mia, Dré, Will, Hiba, Aaliyah and I) are sitting on our usual spot on the grassy area under the shady tree, eating our recess. Well, technically I'm not, since I'm impatiently waiting and preparing myself for Nelson to strike whilst simultaneously staring up at the tree, praying that a bird doesn't poop on us.

Suddenly, the school intercoms turn on, and there's a few moments of rummaging sounds heard through the speakers before a voice softly clears her throat.

"Err, hi. I'm Summer Winters, but you all probably already knew that..." A young, familiar voice belonging to a familiar young girl laughs nervously. You can practically hear the nervousness in her voice.

Oh no. Oh no, no, no, hell no.

"I want to confess a few things. First of all, I'm not who you all think I am. I'm not girly, I don't actually have blonde hair─I'm a brunette, I never actually dated a college student─that was just an awfully wrong lie, and most of all─I hate hurting people's feelings! I only did that for all the attention. I knew it was horribly wrong, but I didn't think it would end up ruining the only thing I ever cared about..."

Well, Nelson was right. Out of all possibilites, I never expected this!

My eyes are fixated on the ground, not daring to look up because I know, and can legitimately feel, every single eye in the area are trained on me. I can hear people whispering, and some even laughing.

"Which leads me to the second thing, Vincent Taylor is my best friend in the whole entire universe! Well was, up until yesterday. He is the sweetest, cutest and funniest person I've ever met, and I cannot imagine not having him by my side. So if you wanna mess with him, you have to go through me! Oh and third of all─I also have a massive crush on Vincent Taylor. Thanks for listening, toodles!"

Everybody bursted into laughter, some even rolling on the floor. However, my group was dead silent, just staring at me to see my reaction. Well, I wasn't going to let them see it.

Getting up, I rush out of the area and into the hallways, tears brimming in my eyes. People are stilling laughing at me, even saying 'tootles!' When I walk passed them.

I hope Nelson's happy now, because that was a very harsh blow. I got what I deserved, but it doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt at all.

Suddenly, I face-plant into a hard, built chest covered by a white dress shirt and a blue blazer. The person grabs my shoulders and gently pulls me away so then he could see my face.

The familiar guy grins boyishly. "Is it just me, or do you also feel major deja vu right now?"

A small smile creeps onto my lips as I jokingly reply, "Hmmm, nope. I think it's just you."

Theo chuckles, wiping a traitorous tear off my face. "Don't cry, it doesn't matter anymore. It'll be entertaining for everyone for not even a day before they completely forget about it and move onto the next breaking news."

I look down, feeling embarassed that it's the third time Theo has seen me crying. I snicker at myself. "I'm such a baby."

Theo laughs. "No you're not, I would cry too."

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