Chapter 9

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I walked back to my bedroom to take a shower. Now that Jason has agreed to keep our meetings strictly professional, my mind can be at ease. I hop in the shower, and let the hot water wash over my body relaxing me. After thirty minutes, I get out and get ready for the day. As I walk downstairs I see April making lunch for everybody.


"What's up?"

"You have no idea April. Mrs. Anderson has given me time off so I can spend some time with my mother in her last few days."

"I mean that's good right? She knows how much your mother means to you and she is doing what she feels is best for you."

"Yeah you're right."

"Have you talked to Jason?"

"Yes I have." There was a long pause and excitement filled her eyes.

"So did he profess his love for you yet?"

"April I told you already, Jason doesn't feel that way about me, he was flirting with me okay. There was no hidden meaning in his actions. Well anyway we talked and he took responsibility for the fallout we had, because it really was his entire fault."

"Well at least you two are on good terms again; a house full of tension isn't good for anybody. So what are your plans for today?"

"Well I figured I'd go and see how my mom's doing," I say while grabbing my car keys off the counter.

"Wait you're going now? Don't you want lunch?"

"Nah thanks for asking though." I waved April goodbye, and head out to my car. Today was a beautiful day and I truly am grateful for the time off Mrs. Anderson has given me.

I decided to pick up some chocolate covered strawberries for my mom and flowers from the grocery store near the hospice. When I arrived a nurse led me up to her room, where she was reading a book.

"Hey mama, how are you feeling?" I walked over to her bedside and grabbed her hand.

"I'm a little tired, but seeing you makes me feel stronger. Are those flowers for me?"

"Of course, and I brought you chocolate covered strawberries." I placed the flowers on her side table and took a seat.

"Thank you dear. Did you know Mrs. Anderson called me?"

"No I didn't, she told me she was coming to see you tonight but she never mentioned calling you."

"It was so nice to hear from her," she said before she started gasping for air.

"Mama... Mama."

I immediately called a nurse for help, and within seconds a nurse and a doctor rushed into the room. I watched as the nurse got an oxygen mask out and administered oxygen to my mother.

"What's wrong with her?" I shouted, but nobody would answer me. The doctor motioned his finger for me to follow him outside.

"Doctor what is wrong with her?"

"Christina, as you know the cancer has spread to her lungs, causing her to not receive enough oxygen. Her days are getting shorter so there is a higher chance of this happening again. I think it's best if you leave her for today and come back tomorrow. The nurse is administering a drug to help her sleep and deal with the pain so she won't be responsive for the next few hours."

"Please let me stay for a while. I don't mind if she's sleeping I just want to be near her." He reluctantly agrees and I head back into the room to find my mother sleeping soundly. I stay with her for two hours before I decide to leave.

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