Chapter 1

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"Christina wake up." My eyes open slowly as I turn to see my mother leaning against my doorway with her arms crossed. She smiles at me meeting my gaze as she begins to slowly walk towards my bed, her curls bouncing with each step. 

She sits on my bed and gently caresses my face. 

"Are you really home mom?" I hold her hand and lean into her before she pushes me away. 

"Sweetheart wake up, you're going to be late."

She gives me a light tap on the cheek, and I immediately sit up in my bed. I turn to the right where I had just seen her sitting only to find the room empty and the door closed. Running my hands through my hair, I sigh and realize it was just a dream. I've been seeing her a lot lately in them and I guess its because I miss her. Sighing, I grab my phone from my bedside table to check the time when I suddenly freeze.

"7:10, shit I'm going to be late."

I quickly hop out of bed and head towards my bathroom for a quick shower. After a few stumbles and a near death experience in the tub, I make my way to my closet and select the first outfit I find. I'm currently a sophomore student at New York University majoring in Biology. I was lucky to get some financial aid, but the money doesn't cover all my fees so my mother helps me out. My family isn't well off but we're comfortable. My mother has been working non stop trying to give me the best opportunities since my father passed away when I was fourteen.  My mother works as a maid for Gloria Anderson, a famous fashion designer here in New York. 

Because of my mother's work schedule, I don't get to see her often, but she called me last night and promised me that she would be here today. Nothing would stop me from seeing her today so I called out of work. I'm the type of employee who never misses a shift and is always on time so Mark will just have to forgive me for today. I work as a barista at the University's Starbucks, and I'm lucky my boss isn't so hard on me. Other jobs I've had in the past were stricter when it came to attendance.

I pull out a pair of black and white sneakers and lace them up before applying my makeup. I'm more of a natural look kind of girl, which is why I can't stand the girls on campus who get their faces done as if they are going to the Academy awards every day. I wish half of them would take that same energy they put into their appearance and apply it to their schoolwork. It would make class all the more enjoyable when an actual discussion can happen. Once I'm done, I look myself over once more in the mirror. Feeling content with my appearance, I rush out of my house and head for the bus stop to make it to my eight o'clock Biology class on time. Once I board the bus, I notice my friend Stacy sitting in the back.

"Hey Christina, how are you?" Stacy looks up from her phone with a huge grin on her face.

"Hey Stace, I'm fine thanks for asking."

"So, is she coming?"

"That's what she said on the phone last night." I put my bag down and take the seat next to her. The bus wasn't too crowded this morning so today was starting off pretty good. It can only get better from here.

"I'm hoping that she'll make it but watch her come up with a story saying that Gloria is very demanding, and that she can't make it again."

"Christina that isn't going to happen, and you know it. You should have a little faith in your mother; she's been trying her best to provide for you since your father's accident."

"I know that, but sometimes it's just hard being home without her."

"I completely understand where you're coming from. I used to freak out when I didn't see my mother for a week, so I get it. Anyway, what classes do you have today?"

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