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After another week of recovering, and yes Kanye is still in the hospital(awake) and doing well. He is able to see his daughter and his wonderful girlfriend again.

Beyoncé and Jay are doing well. Sort of. Jay has noticed a lot of changes in Beyoncé. She doesn't want to have sex as much and then she does, she always argues and then cries, craves a lot of food, mainly something with meat and then he has noticed her stomach.

Jay feels that it's her period. But what woman on their period you know craves meat?! I mean c'mon candy yeah but some damn meat?!😂 hell no. Anyways, Beyoncé has noticed the change too and she feels that she is pregnant. Besides that she is a little happy if she is.

But she is always stressed. Dealing with the case, trying to catch who ever did it then wondering should she tell Jay. Or the fact that she might be pregnant and that she has college to go to.

Beyoncé may not have to go but either way it goes...pregnancy is a big step. For the both of them.


Beyoncé laid down sleep next to Jay. Jay cuddled up behind Beyoncé. They were both naked and no they didn't have sex. They just thought it was comfortable.

Beyoncé felt something queasy in her stomach. It bothered her so much. She moaned and made a face that could irk the nation. Jay felt her move and woke up.

"What's wrong?" He asked. Beyoncé just jumped up and ran out into the hallway to the bathroom and threw up. Logan heard something move and got up himself. He saw the bathroom light on. Then saw Jay come out with some basketball shorts on.

Then heard gagging sounds. He walked slowly down the hallway to see his sister naked, spitting and throwing up. He covered his eyes.

"Uh is she good?" Logan asked.

"Nah man, I don't know what's wrong." Jay held her hair back.

"Bey you good?" Logan asked.

"No I'm not good," She grabbed a tissue to wipe her mouth. She stood up and grabbed a towel wrapping it around herself. Then she grabbed her tooth brush and began to brush her teeth.

After 2 minutes of doing so, she walked out of the bathroom. Going back inside the room. Jay laid down in the bed looking at his phone. He looked at Bey and instantly sat up.

Clearing his throat he went to comfort her. "You good, you think you sick?"

"No...maybe it was something I ate." Beyoncé shrugged, closing the room door, taking her towel off and laying back down.

"Bey, I think you might be pregnant." Jay suggested. Bey looked at him then slapped him." The hell was that for."

Beyoncé used her pointer finger." I may be throwing up, having mood swings, having food cravings, crying a lot and gained some stomach, but that don't mean I am pregnant." Beyoncé cried.

Jay sat there looking at her shocked. He has never seen or heard her talk like this. Even when she is on her period, Miss. Knowles never behaves as such. This brought it all home for him. He knew at this moment that hit girlfriend was pregnant. No doubt about it.

Jay looked at her, stood up from the bed grabbed his jacket and his cap. He put his shoes on.

"Where do you think your going?" Beyoncé asked.

Jay didn't respond. He then grabbed his keys and went. Beyoncé didn't even follow him. She just sat there mad. Logan watched as Jay began to go.

"Aye Jay where you creepin' off to man?" He asked.

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