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Eating at a restaurant. The family ate and laughed, joking around with each other. They were at Olive Garden, eating some good food. Kim is now 4 days late and it's irritating her, the more the time is delayed, the more weight she gains.

Bey is worried about her. Same as Nicki and Rih. Kanye is more scared because he loves her. Who would want to hurt someone they love. Jay is like a brother to them both. He doesn't want his nephew to hurt. Logan was eating by his sister hugging her side.

As they're eating they hear the door open and familiar faces were presented. It was Solange and Momma T. Beyoncé groaned and looked down, Logan hid his face.

Solange looked their way and spotted Logan. She tapped her mom and pointed as well. Momma T walked over to them and stood by Bey.

"Hi Beyoncé."

"Hi Ms.Tina, is there a problem?" Beyoncé said, not saying her mother's name or what she always called her. Momma T felt very unhappy by that.

"Yes, who is that on your arm?"She pointed towards Logan. He kept his head down, he wasn't going home and can't make him go either.

"No one that could make a fuck for you and dads liking." Beyoncé said again.

"You keep on, now Logan get your ass up and come on."

"I'm not going home," He protested.

"What did you say?"

"I'm not going home!"Logan raised his voice, as he stood up. Everyone looked at the table, Momma T smiled and tried to be calm about the matter, she didn't want to do something she'd regret.

"Boy if you don't stop making a scene, let's go." She went to grab him. Beyoncé put her hand between the 2. "You better move little girl."

"And what you gonna do, especially with all these people in here, what you gonna do?" Beyoncé stood up and faced her mother"...That is my brother, my responsibility, I will and I repeat, WILL be fighting for him in court, enjoy your meal." Beyoncé brushed her mom off. Logan sat back down by her and snuggled her under her arm.

As Momma T and Solange were going back to their table they grabbed their stuff beginning to leave. Solange didn't even look her sister's way. Beyoncé didn't care, just one less person to worry about.

"Anyway, y'all feeling alright?"Bey asked.

"How you asked us some shit like that, after what just happened?"Jay asked.

"Don't answer a question with a question, now just answer my question." Bey replied.

"I feel funny," Kim said, rubbing her stomach.

"How so?" Nicki asked.

"Oh." She said at first. Kanye began to rub her back. "Oh!" She said louder. Everyone looked again.

"Kim what's wrong?!"Beyoncé got up from her seat to help her." Kimi what's wrong?"

"I think I'm having a contraction." Kim tried to stand up. "Oh my gosh this is so excruciating."

"Oh geez another one again." One of the employees said.

"Bitch shut yo little dick ass up and call 911." Nicki said to him. He quickly got to the phone.

"Kim just breathe, where's Kanye?"Beyoncé asked realizing this nigga left. "Jay babe go find Kanye, I'll help Kim."

"She won't let go of my hand- Oh shit!" Jay screamed. Beyoncé groaned, she looked everywhere, then she heard someone panting in the boys bathroom, she opened the door and saw Kanye breathing in a paper bag.

For richer or for poor/Beyoncé and Jay-ZDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora