"Ok, but you're also gonna need some help." Cisco tells him.

"Really? You know anyone with the speed to help me, Ramon?" Harry then walks away.

"Great. I'll be in my workshop." Cisco says and he walks away also.

"I still agree with Harry on the team decision thing. We didn't make this decision as a team." I say and walk out.

I head to a training room that Cisco said he had made just for me to train my combat and telekinesis. I kick and punch a dummy that Cisco put up for me, letting all my anger out on it. "What did that dummy ever do to you?" I hear Barry joke from behind me, and I turn to look at him. "Not funny." I say as I kick the dummy again. "Sorry." he says and I turn to face him as he walks over to me. "I know you're mad about this, Tori." he says to me and I shake my head. "I'm only mad because you wanted to open that breach to bring Zoom back here." I say to him as I cross my arms. "I couldn't let him kill all those other people in Earth-2, Tori! Innocent lives were at stake!" he says. "I know, Barry. All of a sudden, you seem to be turning into Oliver. Carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders and blaming yourself for everything that goes wrong!" I say to him and turn away. "Why can't you understand that it's not all your fault? It wasn't your decision to have an evil speedster come here and terrorize our home." I say to him. "I don't know. It just... It feels like something I should blame myself for." he says and I look at him.

"I hate to see you place the blame on yourself. It hurts me to see you look depressed." I say to him.

"It seems like it's easier for me to do that, than to not care about it." he says.

"I'm not saying to not care about a situation like this, but don't blame yourself all the time. Some of us, not including me, made that decision to open the breach to let Zoom in. Some of us take the blame on him taking Caitlin." he stays silent as he looks down. "You know, I came down here to let my anger out by punching and kicking the dummy, but it doesn't seem to be working." I tell him as I try a different approach on how to get his mind off of this for a moment.

"What would help you?" he asks me with a smirk and I wink at him as he understood me.


After a while, Barry and I were in the Cortex and Barry was watching the news about petty crimes rising and there was concern about The Flash. I then grab the remote and turn it off. "Don't watch that." I say to him and Cisco walks into the Cortex. "Everybody's gonna realize sooner or later, that I don't have my speed." Barry says and I sigh. "The later, the better. The last thing we need is every criminal thinking they're untouchable, right?" Cisco says and I nod in agreement. Suddenly, there was a beeping noise and I look at Cisco in confusion. "What is that?" Barry asks as he looks around in confusion. "Case in point." Cisco sighs as he walks over to the computer. "What? What is that?" I ask as I look at him. "It's Harry." Cisco says and I raise a brow. "What about Harry?" Barry asks him. "The camera in the lab van recorded an accident. See this is my version of Crash Assist. It's like Russian dash-cams, but you know, without attack helicopters and bad pop music on the radio." Cisco says and I widen my eyes as he said camera. "Camera? When did you put cameras in the vans?" I ask him. "A few months ago. Why?" he asks and I look at Barry, then look away as I lean back on the chair I was sitting on.

"No. You didn't." Cisco says and I look at him. "Which one?"

"6." I reply and he sighs.

"I'm burning it."

Suddenly, footage of the van's accident appears showing Harry unconscious, and a man standing outside the car door looking at Harry. The man then takes Harry out of the van and takes him, "That does not look like an accident." I say as I look at the screen with a frown and wide eyes. "First, Caitlin's taken. Now, Wells." Barry says as he throws his hands behind his head in frustration. Cisco then types something on the computer, tracking where the incident happened. "This is where he got taken, but there aren't any traffic cams in that area." Cisco says. "I'm gonna head out there, see what I can find." Barry says as he starts to walks over to grab his jacket. "I'll go with you." I say as I stand up and he nods. "I'll analyze this footage and see if we can figure out who this is." Cisco says and we both nod. "Alright. Wait, uh, where's the last place the van stopped?" Barry asks Cisco as he puts his jacket on. "Woodman and Shore for about 15 minutes before heading back to Central City. Why?" Cisco asks and I knew what Barry was thinking. "That's where Jesse must be. She should know if something happened to her dad." I say and Barry nods. Barry and I walk out of the Cortex as he puts his phone to his ear, "Iris, hey. We need your help with something." Barry tells her and we walk out.


Once we were at the sight of the incident, Barry does his CSI stuff on the van and Iris and I watch him do his thing. "I don't understand. There's nothing around here. What did the van hit?" Iris asks as she looks around. "I don't know." Barry says with a sigh. I turn to face the van, seeing that the front was crushed badly. "Something strong enough to exert an equal amount of force back on the van." Barry says and I sigh. Barry then spots something on the van, "Someone was definitely here, though." Barry says. "You think maybe a meta-human?" I ask as I see him make his way back to his briefcase and grabs something out of it. "Yeah. And if it's a meta that's after Wells..." Barry fades off as he swabs some blood that was on the van. "Then they could be from Earth-2." I finish his sentence and he turns to me. "Probably." Barry says as he wipes the blood on a device. "Well, we gotta get Jesse, and find Wells. Fast." I say and he nods. Iris then walks to the passenger seat on the van, and grabs the gun. We then walk back to Iris' car and head back to where Harry's last stop was.

We head into an apartment complex and ask the concierge the room number for Jesse's apartment. Once we got the number, we head upstairs and knock on the apartment door to see Jesse answer it. "Did my dad send you guys here to talk me into going back?" she asks. "No, Jesse. Something bad happened to your dad." Barry tells her and she walks away. "What happened to my dad that could possibly be worse than what he did do?" she asks with a scoff. "Jesse, your dad was kidnapped. And we think a meta took him." I say to her and she turns to look at us with wide eyes and I frown as I look at her. She then calls her roommate, telling her that she'd be leaving and we all head back to S.T.A.R. labs.

When we get back to S.T.A.R. labs, Barry hands in the things he got from the van, and Jesse sits at the computer and watches the footage of the incident. "I never should have left." Jesse says and I look at her with a frown. "No, this isn't your fault." Barry tells her and I nod in agreement. "Do you know who took him?" she asks as she looks at the three of us. "That's where things get interesting. The fingerprint that you guys brought in? The one from the van, I mean. Belongs to this guy." Cisco says as he presses a key on the keyboard and we walk over to see an 18-year-old kid's picture named Griffin Grey. "Griffin Grey. A senior at Central City High School?" I say in confusion as I look at Barry. "No, wait. I've seen this kid's picture before. He went missing like six months ago." Barry says and I look at the picture again. "That doesn't make any sense. An 18-year-old didn't kidnap Wells." I say and Barry and Iris nod in agreement. "That's what I thought at first, but feast your eyes on this." Cisco says and the picture from the man who kidnapped Harry appears beside the picture of the kid. The computer starts to analyze both pictures and confirms it as a match. I widen my eyes as I see the match confirmation, "It's the same guy!" I say as I look at Cisco. "Yeah, the blood sample confirms it." Cisco says.

"How is that even possible?" Iris asks.

"I'm not sure yet. Without Caitlin here, I can't really analyze the cells on a molecular level to see what we're dealing with here." Cisco responds.

"You know, I might actually be able to help." Jesse says and we look at her.


"Bio-chem was one of my majors in college."

"One of your majors? How many did you have?" Barry asks her.

"Five." she responds non-chalantly and we all look at her amazed. "What? Is that not common here?"

"Girl, no." Iris says and I nod.

"That's not common anywhere." I say and we laugh.

"Alright, let's search for that Grey, see what we come up with. I'll see if facial recognition brings him up, and I'll have Joe check C.C.P.D.'s database." Barry says.

"Cool. Let's see what you can do." Cisco says and Jesse chuckles nervously as they walk away.

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