"Hey baby."He groaned, you could here moaning sounds in the background.

"Jay what is that noise, are you cheating already?" Bey asked, putting her hand on her hip.

"Why would I cheat on you? And no I'm not I'm jacking off, now y'all ready?"Jay said, Beyoncé laughed so hard.

"Oh my lord and yes we are,"Beyoncé replied, biting her lip.

"Okay, I'm on my way."

"Yeah and make sure you wash your hands too...And that sock you were using." Her and Kim laughed out loud.

"Aight Bey I got you." He hung up and her and Kim just kept on laughing.


"Alright man were about to pull up, remember what I told you,"Jay said.

"Yeah yeah man I remember, open the door for Kim, help her in and sit in the back with her." Kanye said, sounding annoyed, because he was gonna do this regardless. They pulled up. Jay and Kanye go to the door. They knock.

Bey opens it up with a smirking Jay in her face." Hey bae did you wash your hands?"

"Shut up-...did you just call me bae?"He asked. She nodded her head.

Kim was behind her and smiled when she saw Kanye. He smiled when he saw her. He pushed passed Jay and pulled Kim close, kissing her in the process. Jay mean mugged him for a second, then felt someone grabbed his face. It was Bey, she then kissed him and pulled back.

"Okay well damn, Kanye." She said. "Did you feel what daddy just did to me?" She asked the baby.

"I hope he better have."

"How do you know if it's a girl or a boy?"She asked.

"I just know."

"You that saying, Boys on top the girls gonna rock, Girls on top boys gonna drop." Kim said.

"I don't believe that shit."

"Mhmm,"Kim replied turning back to Bey and Jay. "We ready to go?"

"Yeah, its about to 10:00 so we should be heading out to the ball drop." Bey said. She grabbed Jays hand and they began to walk out of the house. "We'll see you Nicki, I may not be back tonight."

"Mhmm and I see why?"Nicki said, holding a pair of panties in the air. Jay looked at them and then at Bey.

"You don't have any damn draws on?"Jay asked, as they closed the door.

Nicki laughed as she threw the underwear back on her bed.


They danced and took videos at the event. It was 11:30 right now, 30 minutes until 2017. Bey couldn't wait because they were gonna give a special moment. The boy she claimed is not her parents type, The boy that isn't as fortunate as her, the boy that is finer than ever in her eyes. Whatever she could think of that seemed wrong with him, it felt right to her.

As they were dancing, Bey backed up on Jay and began to twerk on him. He liked how she threw that ass in a circle. She even felt him put his hands on her hips. He then began to grind into her shit, and Bey then began to get wet, forgetting, her ass ain't put no damn draws on. She stopped and faced him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Jay moved down to her butt and grabbed it as they danced. She then smirked at how hard he did it. She looked over next to her and saw Kim and Kanye having a drink and talking. If your wondering what Kim is drinking, it's just a coke and Kanye's drinking a beer, no biggie. Then Bey turned her head and saw a man holding a baby, along with a woman. They looked so happy.

Jay realized what Bey was looking at and he saw how deeply she looked at it. She looked at it as if it was something she craved. Jay turned her head to face him and he tilted her head up.

"You want one of those don't you?"He asked, doing a little 2 step.

"You talking about the baby or the family?"Bey asked, putting emphasis on that word.

"The baby?"

"No the family...I-I..."She began to stutter"...I miss mine." She began to cry. Jay grabbed her and began to hold her. Then grabbed her ass. She giggled, he knew it would.

"See it's New Year's Eve, I don't want to see my baby, you mean the world to me, and this day..."He pulled her close"...I'm gonna keep my promise." Just then they called for the ball to be dropped.

1:He has been nothing but a good friend since I met him

2:She is everything I want in a woman

3:His personality and looks are everything different from any other brother

4:Her ways and curves could never fit Aaliyah's...She's too perfect

5:His lifestyle and family will be the exact thing I need

6:Her family...well dad may seem stubborn but I like her regardless

7:No matter how rich

8:Or poor

9:Nothing will come between us

10:Time to kiss

They pulled back from it, as everyone cheered, even Kanye and Kim were celebrating. They looked around as confetti flew in the air, it was all on them. They the. Held each and kissed again repeating the words. It felt like the Fourth of July.

I love you.


Well guys, Happy Fourth of July 🎉. I hope y'all are having a fantastic time. I also wanted to give y'all this as a gift. And your questions that I have.

--Are y'all liking the book so far?

--Did y'all check out 4:44?

--Did y'all want to chop JAY-Z's head off when you heard it?

--Who loves Jesus?

--Is Bey and Jay gonna have intercourse soon?

--Is Kim having a boy or a girl?

--What will happen next?

✌️❤️Peace and Love✌️❤️......

For richer or for poor/Beyoncé and Jay-ZWhere stories live. Discover now