Chapter Twenty Eight

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A year Later

"Ready babe?"
"Yes but I am so beating you this time"
"Good luck with that" The couple began racing, riding their bikes and giggling.
"Gosh I love being back home"
"Yeah, me too, Dex called me last night and he's coming over to London with Gina for the wedding.
Gina and Dex were a couple and Deni was amazed at how Gina had transformed, she was no longer the vile Gina, she was extremely calm and sweet, she was simply adorable and she never missed service on Sundays, she joined the choir and after she and Dex had gotten married three months ago, they had been inseparable. She lived with him in LA and Dex loved her so much.
Genie had welcomed her first son, Damien six months ago, he was charming and had blue eyes just like Harry, as for Kobe and Maxine, they got divorced that very year but she could cae less about his marital problems. Sam had gotten him to start coming to church but Deni had a feeling t was to get her attention. Sam continued to do the things he loved to do, play and sing, Crystal, after her sister's death left London for the States and she had eben there with relatives since then but Sam had heard she was doing fine and was engaged to a devout Christian too.
Deni had changed so much she was so mature in her faith, her bible probably had many highlighter shades as compared to Sam's, unlike Sam, Deni had a gift of keeping and quoting scripture. Sam put her in charge of 'Heart to Heart' and she happened to be better at advising and counseling. She helped with Drama coordinating and ewith events like the festivals and carnivals. She loved every bit of it. She always looked forward to church.

That evening Sam arrived at Deni's apartment with a huge parcel in his arms.
"What is that?"
"You wont believe it if itold you, I have had this for almost four years"
"Wait, what?"
"Well there never was a right time to hand it over to you"
Deni took the gift from him and opened it….she frowned as she stared at it, trying to reacll where she had seen it…, then she screamed;
"OH MY GOD SAM!" She jumped into his arms and he swept eh roff he rfeet.
"I could kiss you right now" She said.
"I would love that but lets not spoil the fun, save it for this weekend" He smiled and kissed her on the forehead.
"This si the dress I was looking at when we sorta bumped into each other at the mall right?"
"Yes, and if I remember it cost so much, I wondered how I was going to pay, when did you get it?'
"Our first date, wanted to give it to you on Christams day but that christams was a horrible one…I mean we lost Nadia and you and I werent exactly talking so much"
"Yeah, that was your fault"
"Oh I see, so you give me a lecture on how I shouldn’t take blame for certain things and then you take it up and you balme me……..women, just get changed so we can go out on our date"
"Hold up, I'm so wearing this" She run into her room and he giggled.
She walked back out minutes later with puckered lips.
"What ahppened?"
"It doesn’t fit Sam" She whined.
"See I told you you've put on a bit of weight"
"Is that a  good thing or a bad thing?"
"Good actually, you don't look so skinny now"
"You fell in love with me when I was skinny"
"That’s what makes our story unique, now turn let me see if I can close this zip"
She walked up to him and turned her back to him, he tried so hard but it was not working out.
"Love I think we should stop trying now"
"Honey with God all things are possible"
He laughed.
"You sound like my mom" They kept trying for a while and then they gave up. She changed into a pretty black Saint Laurent turtleneck dress.
"Now that’s more like it" He gave her a thumbs up and then a quick kiss on the cheek.

Dinner was amazing, they talked about a lot of things including marriage and how their lives would be once they became Mr and Mrs, they talked about the kids and baiscally everything.
"I cant wait to be your wife" Deni said.
"I cant wait to be your husband either, its just two days away"
"And hardly believeable"
"On our honeymoon, I'm going to pop a bottle of champagne and drink to myself, four years is not a joke, you know, having to keep my hands off you for four years, gosh, I'll scream so loud and say 'Jesus, you gotta let her go now, she's all mine' He said and they both laughed.
"What would you do on our honeymoon night?"
"Ummm, I honestly don't know, probably jsu beg you to lie down with me and not let go"
"Come on stop being modest" He teased.
"And you are being too dirty, geez just shut up"
They giggled and laughed and teased each other.

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