Chapter Five

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Deni's last days in New York were bitter sweet, when she finally said bye to her friends she couldn’t help but shed a few tears.
"Do come to London sometime"
"We will" Courtney said as she hugged Denise.
"Do take care of yourself okay, missing you already" Selasi hugged her best friend tightly.
"Love you girls so so so much, thanks for making these last few weeks amazing, I'm so glad I met you both.
"Raven sends her regards though"
"Yeah I spoke to her this morning, said she had an important meeting she couldn’t miss but it's all good I have you both….."
"I think that's your flight" Selasi drew her attention to the announcement.
"Gee, this is it,  bye guys, see you both soon" She said and walked away. They both watched her go till she was out of sight.
"Damn I hate goodbyes" Courtney said, wiping away a tear.
"Me too Court, me too"

The flight to London was a quiet one for her. She said nothing or hardly ate, she shut her eyes and unpleasant memories began to set in. She forced herself not to think of anything but all the good things that had happened to her recently and for some reason, her mind went back to the kind stranger. He had been so kind to her and she had not returned the favor, She left without properly thanking him and she suddenly began to feel bad about it. She thought about him and she smiled, she recalled him singing and how surprised she had been at his voice, it was magical and sensational. she couldn’t believe he had limited himself to a church, I mean how can you have such a talent and sit with it in church, that sounded out of place. When the plane finally touched down, she realized all she had been thinking of throughout the trip was the stranger called Sam.
She picked a cab home, wheeled her bags inside and sighed.
"Just the way I left it" She collapsed on her bed and shut her eyes for a while then she sat up and turned her phone and immediately, she had a call.
It was Kobe.
She ignored it and turned her phone off again.
"I'm not ready for this now Kobe, not today, not ever just go get married already and leave me be" She said to no one in particular.
She began to unpack, when she was done she decided to take a stroll. When she reached a gift shop she stopped and struggled with her mind if she should walk away or go in, finally she decided and walked in. She began to look around and she came across a set of strings beautifully packaged LED strings.
"Mmm….well, I guess this should do" She picked it up, paid and went back home. She changed and picked a cab to the church, she walked in and realized there seemed to be a rehearsal going on, she scanned for Sam but he was nowhere to be found, then she caught sight of the lady in the glasses. Deni approached her.
"Hi" She said.
"Ummm, I'm here to see Sam, is he around?"
"He couldn’t make it today but he should be in church on Sunday, or you could give him a call"
"I don't have his number but thanks anyway" Deni smiled and turned to walk away. She walked a distance and soon found herself at the very spot she once sat crying, it was vacant and she took it. She sighed and took out her phone. She realized it was still off.
"Shoot!" She turned it on and realized she'd had over a dozen calls. Among them were her mom , Courtney, Selasi and Kobe.
She called her mom first.
"Hey mom"
Their conversation lasted just about eight minutes and that was because her mom called to find out if she was taking her drugs. She finally said bye and hang up. Then she checked her messages.
"Hey girl call me when you see this okay, kinda worried here" That was Selasi.
"Hey, please answer my calls, I know you're mad but I think we still need to talk" Kobe.
She replied Selasi's message and Selasi replied immediately.
"Thank goodness you are okay, catch some rest will check up later, Neil says hi by the way" She texted.
"Ok love, thanks and my regards to him" Deni texted back. Then put the phone back in her bag and stood to walk away. She walked a distance and found she was too tired to continue so she picked a cab instead. She got home quite late, made herself something to eat and decided to watch something but she soon realized she wouldn’t last a minute so she went for her bed.

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