Chapter Twenty five

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Dex arrived in his beautiful luxury Malibu home. Dex was the son of Hollywood actor Conrad Xenon and Jennie Hayes, also an actress but his parents had gotten a divorce even before he made it to high school. His father remarried a model who was just a few years older than he was and so did his mom to an Earl of Ireland , Sir Patrick Knox. He'd attended college in the UK and that was how he bonded with his mother and only returned to the States after his graduation in London.
Dex was a surgeon, a cosmetologist and he had made it big, he was good at what he did and he loved his job, he loved the kind of exposure it gave him. When he was not in the theatre performing breast augmentations , rhinoplasty, facelifts or liposuctions, he was modeling for Saint Laurent or Vogue, or The portal or H & S, all major fashion houses and magazines but between cutting people up and showing his abs, he loved the latter.
Dex was naturally the lady's man, he had been exposed to a life of glamour and and luxury since he was a kid, and the nature of his work saw him around women a lot but Dex was hardly the kind you find making headlines with relationship issues, he kept his work separated from his private life, and for him his patients remained...just patients. He had learned how to handle flirts and women who came in just for the money and fame, in a nice way of course, for that reason Dex had just one problem.....he saw all women as bags of problems or flawed creatures looking for attention, or an autograph or his number or the 'privilege' of making it into his bed, Dex didn't and could not bring himself to commit to any woman at all. None of his relationships worked out even when he was determined to, at thirty two, he was still a bachelor but something about her......the woman he had almost drove into with his car. There was this calm demeanor about her, and the fact that she didn't recognize him was a major turn on, he wanted to find her and it didn't matter what it took, he hoped fate would bring her to him again or at least find him someone just like her.
Dex stacked his fridge and made himself dinner which was mainly a salad and mushrooms, he took out a beer, opened it and settled to watch a game. Then his phone began to vibrate on the leather seat. he picked it up and answered.
"Hey bro...."
"Hey, we need to meet up with the other guys to pick out our tuxedos, can you make tie tomorrow?"
"Sure bro, anything for you"
"Great, meet me at the usual place"
"Sure, I'll be there, still can't believe you're getting married Neil, seriously its not fair you know"
Neil laughed.
"I would have said don't even think of coming to my wedding alone but good thing you are a best man, you automatically get a date"
They both laughed.


Just as was promised, Selasi was at Deni's apartment at ten but Selasi happened to be under her blanket.
"What the....." Selasi screamed when she unlocked the door with the key Deni gave her and walked into her room find out she was still fast asleep. Selasi grabbed a pillow and hit her hard with it. Deni startled and woke up.
"Is there a fire or something?"
"Or something and I happen to be that 'something' about to whoop your ass outta that bed" Selasi screamed.
"Gee, keep it down"
"Get up its already past ten and we have a lot to do including picking up our dresses"
Deni stretched and then sat up, slowly she got out and dragged her feet towards the bathroom.
"Remind me again why I'm doing this?"
"If not you who?
Selasi pushed her, increasing her pace.
"I'll make you breakfast, hurry" Selasi said and walked out.

In half an hour, they were at the cake shop tasting away and finally settled on a Pink Champagne cake. They picked up their dresses and decided to treat themselves to a hard days work.
They settled on an outdoor ice cream shop and ordered their favorite ice cream as they conversed. Selasi was careful not to raise Sam, not because she was scared but because talking about Sam hurt Deni so bad, every single time, it just changed her mood and Selasi wouldn't want that. Deni knew he was going to be there, he wouldn't miss his sister's wedding but she was prepared for anything and she really didn't care if he was. It had been three years but she had survived ever since she walked out of the Graham's door, Sam had called her a couple of times, they talked but they never saw each other after that day. Then he sent her that message that made things worse.....
'I'm sorry I hurt you Deni, but I'm more sorry that I cant be the person you want me to be, maybe this is for the best, you are right, I'm not over what happened to Gracie and until I can figure out a way to let her go, I cant and wont keep blaming myself for what happened to Nadia too, I'm happy always, Sam"

That was it. She kept her distance and he did same. Three years later and they would be meeting each other again at his sister's wedding. Awesome.
It was only till Selasi snapped her fingers in her face that Deni realized she had not been listening.
"Neil's step brother Dex, he's the best man, told you about him didn't i? are you okay?" Selasi frowned.
"Yeah, just having this headache"
"You're stressed, maybe we should get going"
"Yes, lets" Deni seconded and began to gather her stuff, she picked her ice cream finally and so did Selasi as they headed for the car.
"Deni whats wrong, you're zoning out"
"I'm okay, honestly I'm just tired"
"You were cheerful till we got to the shop, it's the wedding isnt it?"
"No" She said immediately.
"Deni its okay you can tell me if it is"
Deni sighed and then she stopped walking and turned to face her friend.
"I really want to be your bridesmaid Selasi, but I also don't want to appear at your wedding looking all blue and tearing up and messing everything up for you, maybe I shouldn't be your bridesmaid" Deni started tearing up.
"Its Sam isn't it?"
"Yes it is, you're getting married this weekend and Sam is going to be there, I don't think I want to....."
"Deni....Sam is in a relationship now...." Selasi cut her off and her heart almost stopped.
"I tried to tell you but I was scared to, it makes me mad but, he's with someone now, and he seems happy, you should move on Deni......"
Deni was dumbfounded. She felt she was suffocating, she wanted to cry but she also didn't want to make it obvious she still had feelings for him.
"You don't have to be my bridesmaid if you don't want to....just..."
"On second thought, I would be your bridesmaid, you're right, its time I forget about him and move on.......and we will have fun, I promise........thanks for telling me that, I kinda feel better now"
Deni exhaled and smiled. She had had that axe hanging over her head for way too long and now it had dropped the pain had been sudden but just like that it disappeared and it sorta felt relieving.

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