Chapter Ten

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"Sam, you have a visitor!" His mom called from downstairs. He smiled, dropped the ball he had been tossing up and down while lying on his bed and hopped out. In a matter of seconds he was rushing down the stairs.
"Who is it?"
He asked but his mother didn't have to reply.
"Hi Sam"
A pretty slim model figured black girl with flowing hair said, she had the perfect smile and the perfect dress on but Sam was disappointed anyway but he tried not to show it, he was hoping it was someone else.
"Hey Nadia" He said walking down to join her then led her to the porch.
"Whats going on with you?" She asked.
"The usual" He replied with a smile as they both sat down. She crossed her legs and he noticed that.
"So, why the distance?"
"What?" That question threw him off balance, he had not been expecting that.
"What do you mean?" He chuckled.
"You can't deny that you have been kinda distant"
"Have I?"
"Come on Sam I know you too well"
"Yeah well enough to know I'm still confused?"
She stared at him.
"Sorry" He said.
"I'm serious"
"Nadia, you and I aren't really that close"
"Yeah because you keep pushing me away"
"You always come up with an excuse to not come over, you only do when you need to rehearse a song with my sister or is she the one you are into?"
"Where is this coming from?" He frowned, utterly confused.
"Never mind, so what's up with school"
The entire conversation changed, she was good at that, soon they were talking about school and exams and plans after school and stuff.
Then he had to ask….
"What happened with you and Nolan?"
She frowned as she stared at him then she smiled.
"You know what, don't answer that, I'll go get us some drinks just don't move" He smiled. But he barely made it to the door when she said…
"Apparently, Nolan is moving to the states and he doesn’t think we would work out, its not so much of a bother coz I saw it coming"
"How do you mean?"
"I saw the signs and for me it was either he was into someone else or it wasn’t working for him and my suspicions were confirmed when he said he needed us to take a break"
"Nolan said that" Sam said and it made her think he was surprised.
"Yeah he did"
"That’s unlike him but are you okay about that?"
"Yeah I'm good…"
She smiled.
"Great, I'll be back" He walked in to get those drinks.

When Nadia finally left an hour later, his mom was there as usual to make a comment.
"That girl really likes you, I see through to her soul"
"Yeah, I think she does but I don't want her to get hurt"
"You don't like her?"
"It's not like that, I mean she's pretty and sweet but, Nadia and I, naaaahhh" He said.
"Well it sounded like a proposal to me"
"You were eaves dropping?"
"No, I just happened to have heard some things, I mean you both weren't particularly whispering"
"Oh mom, 5 points deducted from the scoreboard"
"Come on, that was not my fault"
"Well I'm not changing my mind" Sam said and kissed her on the cheek then picked his keys.
"Where are you going?'
"To get rid of a feeling" He said and he was out of the door with the speed of light before his mom asked what that feeling was. If she had, he would have no way to answer that.
Anie trusted her son enough to know he would not go back to his old habits, he was completely changed and she thanked God everyday for that.
Sam decided to take a drive around the neighborhood and found himself parking at the mall. He walked into the mall without an intention of buying anything but when he caught sight of the familiar figure admiring a dress being displayed, he knew fate was playing a game, a game he kinda liked. He walked towards her and stood behind her without she even noticing he was there.
"You know, that would look good on you" She turned and smiled then threw her arms around his neck while standing on her toes.
"Damn you're tall" She said and he laughed.
"What are you doing here?"
"I actually came to shop for groceries and realized I left my credit card and I barely have enough cash on me so I decided to go window shopping.
"I see that" He said and they began to walk.
"I'm sorry I haven't been able to return your calls I really wasn’t myself earlier….but i….i took your advice and called my mom and I felt much better"
"Good to hear"
"And you, what are you doing here?"
"Just acme by to hang around and clear my head"
"Something troubling you?"
"Not really but I was kinda worried about you, I'm glad to know you're okay"
"Don't worry about me too much it's not like I'll have a panic attack and just drop dead"
"Its one of my fears" He confessed and she looked up at him, he caught her and smiled then looked away.
"I like your eyes" She said.
"What?' He giggled.
"Are you seriously gonna make me repeat that?"
"Everyday" He said and they both laughed.
"Yeah, I like your eyes"
"Why thank you Denise Marie"
"You're welcome  Sir Samuel Keith Kofi Graham.
He smiled.
"Lets go get your groceries, just send me a cheque later" He said with a look that made her laugh.
"Thanks so much"
"My pleasure" Soon they were shopping together putting stuff into the cart and laughing at each other's preferences but they realized they were very much alike when it came to groceries. Almost everything he pointed at was one of her favorites.
Denise had to admit, shopping with Sam was so much fun, he made her laugh an old lady looked up at them smiling and said;
'You both do make a lovely couple"
Her statement made them both uncomfortable….
"Oh we're not…a couple" Deni said.
"Yeah we're not, we're just getting to know each other" Sam added.
But the old lady was not convinced.
"Well then you should be" She said with a smile and wheeled her cart away.
Sam paid for the stuff and they walked out together with shopping bags. Sam led the way to his car.
He put the stuff in and opened the door but just after he did, Deni felt a wave of heat overwhelm her and there was this sudden headache and dizziness.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine" But she wasn’t, she swayed and he grabbed her waist.
"Whoa" You need to sit down.
"I don't feel good" She said.
"How do you feel?"
"Dizzy, and there was this sharp pain my head" She began to fan herself with her hand.
"Just get in, I'll take you home" She did and he rushed to his side of the car, got in and drove her home.

Lost And FoundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora