Chapter Twenty Seven

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Deni was surprised to see Sam and Dex together when she opened her eyes.
"What are you doing here?"
She said to no one in particular but they both attempted answering at the same time and got caught up in each others statements  it made her chuckle.
"How are you?" Sam asked.
"Great thanks"
"You scared us you know" Dex said.
"Why am I here?"
"You had a fever……"
Dex looked at Sam and then back at her.
"What is it?"
"Sam tells me you had surgery to donate your kidney"
"Uh huh?"
"Well, there happens to be some complications, probably an infection are there any symptons that are quite unusual?"
"Yeah, I sorta pee a lot but aside that no….and yesterday I was hallucinating, I think"
"Before you went into the pool?" Sam asked.
"Yeah, I don't know what happened but I kinda froze……I literally felt myself being so heavy and then I dropped like a log into the pool I guess"
Dex frowned.
"That doesn’t make sense, does it?" She made a face.
"Don't worry, everything is going to be okay, they just need to run a few more tests just to make sure"
"Okay" She said and then she was quiet. Dex felt uncomfortable and figured he had to leave.
"Umm, I should go probably" Dex finally let it out.
"No, no don't, I want you to stay"
"You sure?"
"At least till my sisters get here"
"Actually they are here, I'll go get them" Dex said and made that his escape.
Deni felt uncomfortable with Sam.
"Should I leave?" He said and she looked up at him but she couldn’t speak. He didn't leave, instead he sat on the edge of the bed.
"Deni, I know this isnt a good time but when I saw you go into that pool, I thought this was it, and just like it felt when I had to rush to the hospital at 2am and when I woke up to hear you gave me your kidney, and then this….Deni this is the third time I have seen you ina a hospital bed but the feeling hasn’t changed….my feelings havent changed……you have every right to be mad at me for being so immature and for pushing you away, I feel so stupid and i……..i wish I could take back all those years…those three years I had to starve myself from you…..I'm sorry for puhing you away, I'm sorry for everything, I truly am" He said, his voice was shaking and she could tell he was nervous or scared. Deni said nothing, she only stared and then in walked her sisters with Dex.
They hugged her……
"Am I okay?"
"You look perfect to me but we still need to make sure you're okay….."
In walked the doctor in his white coat, and they had to leave.
"I don't wat to be alone, cant anyone of them stay, please" Deni said to te doctor.
"Just one then" He said with a smile.
"Who's staying?" Gina asked.
"I think Sam should" Dex said.
Sam was surprised to hear that but the girls just tried not to laugh or giggle.
"Do you want SAm to stay honey?"
"Yeah, Sam stay" Deni said with a sigh.
"I'll check up on you later okay" Dex kissed her on the forehead.
"Okay" She smiled and waved as they walked out.
Sam stayed through the other tests and when the doctor finally left, there was silence again.
"Everyone misses you back at church" He said. She only smiled briefly and looked down at her hands.
"I saw your movie, loved it" He said, again, she just smiled.
He said nothing but then she spoke.
"I miss him" She said in a soft voice and then she began to sob but he was there and he sat at the edge of the bed and drew her into his arms.
"Your dad right?"
She nodded.
"Yeah, I know you do…..i would too" He rested his chin gently on her head as she placed he ear against his chest. She loved the feeling of being in his arms, it felt familiar and she could literally feel chills and then there were the butterflies and that familiar feeling of being loved….it was at that moment she knew she still loved him. Deni didn't want him to let go of her and he didn't either.

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