Chapter Twenty Four

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Three Year Later


It had been a long day but Deni loved being right there in that seat that had...director written boldly on it. She watched as they worked on that particular scene over and over again.

"How is it coming along?"

It was Lester. She smiled at him and he handed her a paper cup of coffee.

"Thanks Lester"

Lester was a producer she had been working with for years, he was the one who had first seen potential in her and suggested she take up the directing role to reduce cost. They were both in love with Deni's new book, 'Broken Tools' and he got her to sign a deal with 'Amber productions' a movie house based in Los Angeles, they had turned her first story into a movie that featured two top actors, although it couldn't compete with othe rmovie produced that year, it saw potential enough to want her to keep writing especially when she got compliments from Hollywood actors after the premiere, she was looking forward to producing more movies and was determined to make 'Broken Tools' her best yet.

Lester joined her, taking his seat beside her. Soon enough, it was all over and they wrapped up to leave. Deni answered her cellphone, it was Selasi.

"Hey girlfriend"

"Hey you, so are you coming, Kim would kill you if you miss this"

"Yeah I know that's why I made up my mind not to, how did the fitting go?"

"Was great, was hoping you'd come with me so we go cake tasting"

"I'm in" Deni said and they both laughed.

"I'll pick you up at 10"

"Okay, will be waiting" Deni said.

"And how is the plus one search coming along, I know you're not coming with Zain, are you?"

"Hell no, that dude talks a lot and with his attitude people are going to be wondering if I'm the gay one or he is"

Selasi laughed so hard it took almost a minute to catch her breath.

"Drive safe honey, and do take care"

"Don't be late Selasi like you always are"

"I promise I won't, goodnight love"

"Bye honey" Deni got into her car and sped off towards home but she didn't get home just yet, she decided to stop by and get herself some dinner before continuing home. She had placed the order earlier, all she had to do was pick it up. Deni picked up her meal and just when she was crossing over to her car, she was almost hit my another car.

"Jesus!" She panicked and drpped her meal. The driver got out immediately and apologised.

"Are you okay, I'm so sorry......I should have seen you coming"

"Don't worry I'm fine" Deni piocjed up her 'what was to be meal' and realized the soup had spilled. She walked over to the nearest trash can and dropped it in....but he was still stuck where he was.

"Don't worry I'm okay, its all good" Deni smiled.

"I should get you something to rfeplace that"

"No you don't, besides it was partly my fault, I should have been looking instead of going through the bag to see if they gave me chop sticks" She smiled and he chuckled.

"I'm so sorry" He said again.

"Seriously forget it, have a goodnight and drive safe" Deni said and spun around tow alk trowards her car, she got in and drove off.

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