Chapters sixteen and SEVENTEEN

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Denise woke up the following morning with a sharp pain in her stomach, she screamed, waking Selasi up.
Selasi turned the lights on and what she saw scared her so much, the sheets were soaked in blood.
"Oh my God, oh my God......" She panicked as Deni continued to scream in pain.
"Ow it hurts......." Deni cried.
"What do I do?, is it the baby?"
"I think so"
"We need to get you to the hospital else you'll bleed out"
"I'll call an ambulance" Selasi dialed the number, they answered immediately and asked for the case of emergency, and sent the address.
"Oh my God, this isn't happening" Deni was in tears.
The next number she dialed was Sam's.
"Hello?" He said with a sleepy voice.
"Sam its me, Deni is bleeding"
"She's bleeding bad dammit, I don't know what to do"
"I'm on my way but you need to get her to a hospital else she'll bleed out, take her to St. Josephs I'll meet you there"
"Do something please...." Deni said and seeing her cry and scream just drove her insane.
"Screw the ambulance, I'm taking you to the hospital" Selasi helped her out of bed and guided her out. She grabbed the keys and soon they got into the car and Selasi was speeding like the devil was on her trail.
"Oh God please you've got to help us" Selasi kept praying.
Soon she arrived and ran in to get help. She returned less than minutes earlier with a few nurses wheeling a bed out. They got Deni unto it and sent her in, Selasi followed without shoes and her very revealing night gown, she had even forgotten to take her coat or her shoes......and she didn't even realise it till Deni was out of her sight. Minutes later, Sam arrived but he was not alone, he was with his mom and dad.
Selasi was expecting her mom to give her a decency lecture but obviously no one noticed, the first question everyone asked was...
"How is she?"
"Where is she? and "Is she okay?"
"I don't know, no one has come out since then and Sam she lost a lot of blood I mean the sheets....." Sam looked down at his sisters night gown and noticed the blood stains.
"Oh my God" He said.
"Dear God please save this child" Mrs. Graham said.
"I'm scared" Selasi said. Her mother noticing her finally took off her coat and put it around her daughter.
"Can we pray for her?" Sam said.
"Yes lets" Mr. Graham seconded.
They formed a circle, holding hands and Sam began to pray.

"Lord, you are are the only one who sees meaning in whatever that is going on now, you are the only one who knows ....who knows how much pain she's going through and if she can't say a prayer now for herself, we stand in her place for her and for ourselves......please replace the blood she has lost for there is enough at the foot of the cross....she needs it now Lord, touch her.....give her strength, fill her with strength to hold on....please" As he prayed he kept breathing so hard between every word, it was as if he had just run a race.
He said Amen and everyone repeated. His father touched his shoulder and Selasi hugged him.
"She'll be okay" Selasi said.
They waited for hours, finally the doctor came out and saw them.
"Are you Denise's....."
"YES!" They all said at once even before he ended his sentence.
"Is she okay?"
"Yes she is okay but heavily sedated"
"And the baby?"
"Unfortunately, the baby didn't make it, she would have had a bad hemorrhage if you were five minutes late but you got her here on time"
"Thank goodness"
"Can we see her?"
"Now no, but you can in the morning, I suggest you go home and get some rest"
"We'll stay" Selasi said.
"Okay then" The doctor smiled.
"Do let us know when we can see her please" Mr. Graham said.
"Sure" The doctor nodded with a smile and walked away.

It was around six in the morning when he came over again and found Selasi lying with her head on her fathers lap. Sam had not been able to close his eyes he just stayed up chatting with his father while the ladies slept. As soon as the doctor came to them he stood.
"Are you Sam?" The doctor asked.
"Yes I am"
"She's asking of you, you can go in now, I'll show you" Before he left he turned to his family, the ladies were still asleep.
"Go ahead, we'll go after" His father said. He nodded and followed the doctor.
He walked in to see her in the hospital bed, her hair lay lose in a way he had never seen, and although she looked broken and fragile she was beautiful and he realized how much he had been scared, just the thought of losing her....
"Sam...." She said upon seeing him and immediately began to sob.
He walked to her and hugged her holding her in her arms while she cried.
"I wanted it......oh God I really wanted this baby" She said.
"I know you did" He whispered and she continued to sob digging her nails into his arm so hard and crying so hard it tugged at his heart.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" He said and allowed her to cry till she calmed down.
"How are you feeling?"
"Terrible, I hate drugs and injections and that's all they have been giving me"
He smiled and she chuckled through her tears.
"Everyone was worried about you"
"Selasi, is she here?"
"She never left, neither did anyone, my mom my dad and I, we're all here"
"Oh my God" She said and began to cry again then the door flew open and in walked the rest of the Grahams.
"Oh my God girl" Selasi practically climbed unto the bed and hugged her.
"You scared me like hell, don't do that ever again"
They giggled.
"How are you?"
"Very well sir" She said politely.
"You don't have to call me sir, dad or Mr Graham is okay"
"Okay" She giggled.
"We're glad you are okay"
"Thank you all so much I mean staying over night, I feel blessed"
"You are honey" Mr Graham said.
"We've got you" Selasi said.
"Eme would you get your ass off that bed.....Good God......girl"
"What mom?"
They laughed.
"I'm really sorry about the baby"
"Thanks Mrs Graham but I cant help feeling this is for the best, I feel its what God wants, its all part of something bigger"
"You said it all" Mr. Graham said.
"I'm just sorry I messed the picnic"
"We could just have dinner when you get well"
"Speaking of which, when do you get discharged?"
"Ummm, we just need to hear what the doctor says"
As if that was his cue the doctor walked in.
"Wow" He said.
"Its a full house right?" Selasi giggled.
"Yeah, so much love" He said.
"Can I go home today?"
"Umm, we'll like to keep you in for another day"
"Noooo" Deni whined.
"Don't worry, we'll be here" Sam said.
Just like he had promised he stayed while his parents went home to get changed for work and Selasi did too to get a change of clothes but Sam stayed...watching her sleep and wake up and take her drugs and eat, all through it he was there till Selasi came and they both kept her company till she fell asleep again. His parents came back in the evening to check on her but she was already asleep.
"You should get some rest"
"I don't think I can till she's out of here"
"Awww" Selasi rubbed her brother's arm.
"I cant believe you had it in you"
"You're in love with her"
"I just don't want her to get hurt"
"You know what I think?"
"Deni has feelings for you, and if you feel the same way you gotta tell her" Selasi said.
"I already did but.....i still think its too early to get serious you know"
"You're kidding right, you guys have known each other for almost two months, that's enough time"
"Is it?"
"Seriously dude, God is opening doors and you're standing right in front of one and still searching for an open door are you listening to yourself right now.....God you need to smack this boy" Selasi said, looking up. He laughed.
They talked in the waiting area while sipping on coffee. Their parents had left minutes earlier but they both decided to stay.
Around midnight Selasi fell asleep on his shoulder and he decided to shut his eyes too, when he opened them again, it was morning.
"Hey" Selasi appeared with two paper cups of hot cocoa.
"Is it just me or its chilly" She said.
He yawned.
"Its you.....whats the time?"
"Its four in the morning" I should go home and take a shower, can I use your car, mom and dad took mine.
"Sure" Selasi handed him the keys to Deni's car.
"Call me when she wakes up"
"Okay and please get me something cashmere, please"
He shook his head and walked away.
"I'm serious" She screamed and then said sorry when she realized she was in the hospital, to whoever turned to her.

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