Chapter Nine

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The next few days for Denise didn't really go as well as she expected her week to go. Kobe kept calling her and appearing at her door when she didn't expect to see him and she realized she was still hopelessly in love with him it made her feel sorry for herself.

It was a Wednesday when Kobe appeared at her door and immediately she opened it he wrapped his arms around her so tight, and began to cry. She was stunned. She allowed herself to wrap her arms in response around him till he calmed down enough to tell her what was going on.

"Hey, are you okay, did something happen?"

She asked. She really didn't want to care so much but she just couldn't ignore the way he cried. She's only seen him cry like that once and that was when his mother whom he was really close to had had a sudden heart attack.

"Its mom"

Her suspicion had been confirmed and she just hoped he wasn't going to say those two words.....but he did.

"She's dead...., she died last night, we....we found her this morning in her car, the doctors said it probably was a heart failure..."

"In her car, oh my God that's horrible"

She felt terrible about his loss and pulled him in. For what seemed like hours they just sat on the floor holding each other.

"You need to pull yourself together, I know how it feels to lose someone need to be strong okay"

He sniffed and nodded.

"Had anything to eat?"

"No, I'm not hungry thanks"

"I'll make you something anyway" She said and stood.

"You don't have to Deni, I'm really not hungry"

Hours ago she had hated him so much she would literally kick him out the door but looking at him ....right there on the floor weeping......that was too much, she couldn't bring herself to think of anything else but to be there for him.

She made him some sandwiches and scrambled eggs but he hardly ate.

"You should rest"

"I don't think I can, I should leave, I'm probably the last person you want to see right now"

"It's okay" Deni said but he continued anyway.

"Deni I'm really sorry for hurting you like that, I wish I could go back in time"

"Yeah I wish so too but it's okay, really Kobe its fine" Of course it wasn't fine but now was not the time.

"I miss you" He said after a brief silence. She looked up at him, into his wet eyes...

"Really I do"


"No listen, what we was...different...."

"Was it?" She found herself getting irritated.

"I know what you're thinking"

"Then you should be walking out about now" Deni said. He looked down and up again at her.

"Yeah, you're right, now is not the time"

"Look, I'm sorry about your mom, she really was a nice person, she was sweet and she loved you, she wouldn't want you to break down because of her, I understand if you want to take a break from all the drama but here is not the place to, I'm sorry Kobe and I don't want to sound insensitive or anything but really, You have a best friend and a fiancée, you could hang around at their place or check into a hotel but here is not the best place to be at the time"

"I understand, but thanks for being nice" He smiled she returned the gesture and he stood.

"Keep me informed would you"

"I will" He said and she hugged him.

"Thanks again" He said so softly she felt bad for throwing him out but she swallowed hard when she was just about to say....'Stay', her heart wanted him to stay and she wondered just why she still loved this man. It had only been weeks since she discovered he was engaged but she still wanted what they had and it made her feel sick....literally sick that once she shut the door, she had to race to the bathroom to throw up.

She stayed in bed almost the whole day and wouldn't pick any calls, she just lay there thinking about Kobe and crying.

Sam called her but she refused to pick, so did Courtney and Selasi but when she saw Crescent, she knew she couldn't miss that call....this was her future calling.

She picked it up and with a clear voice said 'hello'.

The conversation ended with her feeling much better because she just had someone tell her they were willing to get her book published. It was the best news so far that day and she was overjoyed.

Her cellphone began to vibrate, she had a message. It was from her mom. She ignored it and placed the phone back down and then she remebered what Sam had said and what Kobe had just told her and her heart twisted. She picked up her phone and called her mom. She answered and as soon as she said 'Hello', tears streamed down Deni's face.

"Mummy?" She said.

"Honey are you alright?"

"No I'm not" She began to cry.

"Honey you need to calm down and talk to me"

"Kobe and I...we sorta broke up coz I found out he's engaged"


"Yes, and I gave myself to him ma, I didn't mean to, it just happened and I feel so bad about it, I feel used and......"

"Oh honey, you don't have to beat yourself up..."

"I do mom, I do, because I feel terrible and I feel dad would be disappointed in me"

"He loves you and he always will and you'll always be his baby girl, nothing you do now would make him love you less, wherever he is, I'm sure he is proud of you and your achievements  and all that you are, so don't ever think less of yourself, we all make mistakes but you need to move on"

As her mom spoke, she could hear her voice break and the tears just kept coming.

"I love you Deni, and I always will okay now you need to be strong"

"Okay, I will"

"Good girl" Her mother said.

"How is George?" George was her step father.

"He's fine, he's at work"

"And you, how are you?"

"Well, I'm fine, I had to take Sensa to the vet"

"Awww whats wrong with her?"

"I think she's expecting"

"Oh my goodness, that's wonderful"


"I would come by sometime. I hope Gina and Genie arent giving you a headache"

"Oh well, Gina would always be my headache but Genie is doing fine, she was here for the weekend with Harry"

"Her boyfriend?"

"Now her fiancee"

"Oh my God, I always knew those two were going to make it down the aisle"


"Take care mom and thanks for everything, and I love you"

"Love you too sweetie"

"My love to George and the girls and to Sensa"

"Sure dear, be good and take your meds"

"I will" She said and hang up. She had to admit, she felt better. She stared at her phone and decided to check her inbox but she had no messages. She was tempted to call Sam but then again she didn't, instead she decided to go shopping for groceries.

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