Chapter Eighteen

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The trip to the Seymour's was fun, they both enjoyed it and when Mrs. Seymour opened the door she screamed so loud it echoed throughout the whole house and Genie appeared and screamed.
"Surprise!" Deni sang as they all rushed into her arms.
"Oh my goodness look at you....."
"You're not bad yourself Genie. Anyway this is Sam..."
"A pleasure to meet you" Sam extended his arm but they hugged him instead.
Genie grabbed his arm and pulled him in.
"Oh my God he's so handsome" Genie commented, Deni pulled the bags in.
"Wait you're leaving me with this?"
Suddenly Harry appeared, Genie's fiancee and hugged Deni.
"Wow you're here"
"Yep I wouldn't miss it for anything"
"I'll help with that" Sam said and helped Harry.
"I'm Harry by the way"
"Sam" They shook hands and carried the bags up the stairs.
"So, you and Deni are together?"
"No we aren't, we're just friends"
"Oh" Harry said.
"Heard your dad is a preacher?"
"Yep, he is"
"That's cool, I'm Catholic though"
"Nice" Sam smiled.
They spent the rest of the day getting to know each other and Sam realized Deni was actually from a rich home. Her home was huge and beautiful but she brushed it off when he spoke about it to her and she said 'its my parents home not mine'.
"They took a walk around holding hands and chatting and laughing"
Gina arrived that evening and joined them for lunch but then she started flirting with Sam which Deni thought was so not cool.
When Deni mentioned it at the table, Gina snapped and said;
"He's not your man"
That switched her off and Sam noticed.
"He might not be but he came with her that should tell you something so stop being such a pain in the ass" Genie said.
"Whatever" Gina replied.
Deni realized she wanted the wedding to end quickly so she could leave but Sam spoke to her about it.....
"You can't keep running away from your family, you need to learn to toughen up and face your problems, Gina is just being childish, you should put her in her place" Sam said.
"Oh I will, I'm just waiting for the right moment"
The right moment came one Saturday morning, the day of the wedding. Deni went jogging with Sam and returned to find the twins chatting in the kitchen.
"Hi guys' Deni greeted.
"Looking great" Genie said.
"Where's Sam?" Gina asked.
"Right behind me" Sam appeared sweating. He wiped the sweat with his towel.
"Hey" He said, Deni threw him a bottle of water and he opened it.
"Its so hot out there"
"I hope it stays that way today" Harry said.
"You have a point" Genie agreed with a smile.
"It should feel terrible for you" Gina said. Everyone turned to her trying to figure out what she meant.
"What ?" Deni frowned.
"Seeing your kid sister....step kid sis of course getting married before you"
"Why would it feel terrible?'
"You're like twenty six already and she's twenty three"
"So you're not getting any younger"
"No big deal, as long as I look cuter than you do right now, what have you been doing in Vegas anyway you came back looking like something out of RL Stine's goosebump series" Deni said and Genie laughed so loud.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Gina looked pissed and Deni was glad she did, she had prepared for this.
"Nothing, I'm just saying" Deni shrugged.
"That was a nasty thing to say"
"Oh was it?" Deni said not even looking at her.
"What's your problem?" Gina said.
"My problem Gina? all you have ever done since i stepped into this house was try to make me feel out of place for some reason, you always saw me as competition of some sort and you never accepted me into this family like I begged to be here and as if that was not enough I come here and all you've done is try to pick on me, I'm too matured for your childish games"
"Bham!" Genie slammed her hand on the table.
Gina gave her a look and hopped off the counter where she sat.
"I'm not doing this"
"Ha!, like you have anything else to say" Deni said, Gina ignored and walked out.
"High five sis" Genie said and raised her hand. Deni slapped hers against it.
"That was impressive, I was wondering when you were going to teach her to be nice"
"Thanks to Sam, I finally figured it was about time"
"You noticed it too?" Genie said to Sam.
"Yeah I did" He chuckled.
"Girl, we have got to get you ready, the wedding is in a few hours.
"Yep, Sam, would you be okay?"
"I will, you both go ahead"
"He said and watched them leave. He shook his head and smiled.


The wedding was amazing. Deni just watched her sister walk down the aisle on her step dad's arm, it was so beautiful. She took Sam's hand and he squeezed it gently.
"Come on now don't tell me you're catching 'wedding fever'" He whispered to her and she laughed.
"Everything was amazing, even Gina was trying to be nice. When the wedding was over they retired to their rooms to catch some rest and surprisingly, Gina came into Deni's room, looking frightened.
"What the hell Gina?"
"Deni I think there is a rat in my room"
Deni laughed.
"No I'm serious, I saw it"
"You're crazy how did the rat get up the stairs without anyone seeing it?"
"Come see if you think I'm lying"
Deni grabbed a shoe and led the way.
"A shoe, really?"
"That thing is a biological weapon of mass could start a plague" Gina said and Deni laughed.
"You're exaggerating" But Gina wasn't. When Deni opened the door, there was the rat on Gina's bed.
"Oh my God get it out of there' Gina screamed.
The rat seemed scared and tried to hide, it jumped down and they both took off out the room laughing. They ran into Deni's room and shut the door, laughing hysterically.
"I'm so not sleeping in there ever again, I should tell dad"
"Sorry for you"
"I'm not even stepping out of here, my heart is giving off a thousand beats per second" Gina giggled placing her palm against her chest.
"Geez, me too"
Deni said.
They both collapsed on Deni's bed, staring at the ceiling.
"I can't believe Genie's married, what do you think is happening right now with the newlyweds" in a giggled.
"Silly child" Deni laughed and Gina joined in.
"You know what Deni, you were right....i have always been kinda jealous of you, truth is I always wanted to be like you"
"Yeah, you're smart and pretty and really nice"
"AWW, thanks sis but I was right too, you really do look like something out of RL Stine" Deni said and Gina grabbed a pillow and hit her. son they were pillow fighting. Deni's mom found them the following morning sleeping in each other's hands in a funny way, she took out her phone and took a few pictures for Genie.
"Mom?" Deni woke up and yawned.
"Look at you two" She smiled.
"Good morning" Deni said and Gina woke up too.
"Are they alive?' Sam appeared behind Mrs, Seymour.
"Yeah Sam, they are, thank heavens" They both giggled.
"Breakfast is in five"
"Okay mom" Gina said.

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