"24 hours is all I ask."

"You're in no position to ask for anything, kid."

They stared at each other with bloodshot eyes, ready to kill to get what they want, but the things Jungkook said made Black Tiger take a step back and fall into doubt about his choice for the next leader. The boy was right, he wanted someone with his blood rule his kingdom, not just a stranger he found one night standing in the rain outside his house. He trained both the boys, but Jungkook always seemed to naturally have it in him, even though he hated it. He had to think this trough really well, but if he killed the girl now, he would forever lose Jungkook. Accepting his proposal did not seem like such a bad thing after all. And, like he said, he was starting to lose patience, he had more important things to do.

"I'll do an exception for the last time, Jungkook-ah. Tomorrow I want you in my office, no excuses. And if she gets into the way one more time, I'll personally kill her, mark my words."

"Yes, sir!"

Jungkook's face was stern. Black Tiger nodded, motioned for the others to put the guns down, and got into the car. The sound of engines running and tires screeching has never been so relieving. Jungkook glanced at you again; you pale face was covered in small drops of cold sweat. He rushed to the car he parked on the side of the road, carefully placed you on the backseat, and headed towards the safest place he could think of, your home.


On another side of the city, Hoseok was driving down the road, with Yoongi silently looking out of the window right next to him. He knew something was off, but he always trusted his leader. Only that he had so many questions in his mind that needed answers, he could not help but ask.

"Jungkook is on the right way to Y/N, right?"

"Hm?" Yoongi looked at him.

"I know how you do stuff, and this doesn't feel right. You'd never agree to let Jungkook go alone."

"You're good," he chuckled.

"So he is. Taehyung won't like this."

"He'll get over it. This was the only way of getting Y/N out of there."

"We could've just take them by surprise."

"I am positive that's what Namjoon would've wanted."

"So you think it's a trap?"

"Yeah. That kid had a feeling too."

"How did he convince you to let him go alone though?"

"We made a deal."

"A deal?"

"Yeah, he takes Y/N out, we take care of her until he comes back."

"I still don't see what you get out of this."

"There is something, but I guess you weren't so quick on figuring out this one," he smiled.

"What?" Hoseok analyzed what he said a couple of seconds earlier. "Until he comes back....what does that mean?"

"You will see. You trust me, right?"

"I do."

"That's enough. Now turn the car around and floor it, we need to get to Taehyung before he reaches the destination and flips."

"What are you going to tell him?"

"I'll figure something out on the way. All he needs to know is that Y/N is safe, that will calm him down a little."

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