
The next day, we were all at S.T.A.R. Labs. Barry had told Cisco to vibe himself to Hunter's hideout to tell him that he would give up his speed. "Barry, are you sure?" Cisco asks him as he looks at him with a frown. "I'm sure." Barry tells Cisco as he holds the helmet Hunter wore when he was pretending to be Jay. "I mean, we don't even know if he'll be able to hear me." Cisco says. "He'll hear you." Barry says as he takes a few steps forward and holds the helmet out to Cisco. Cisco puts his goggles on and vibes himself to Earth-2 as the rest of us just watched him. "I see him." Cisco says to us and I look over to Barry with a frown. "Wally's alive." Cisco informs us and I turn to see both Joe and Iris sigh in relief. "Do you see Jay?" Barry asks him. Cisco stays quiet for a few moments. "I see him. He can sense me." Cisco says and I cross my arms and grip on them tightly. "Jay." Cisco calls him, but we couldn't hear what Hunter would say to him. "He'll do it. Barry will give you his speed." Cisco tells him.

Cisco then takes his goggles off as we all prepare for Hunter to come back with Wally. I looked at Barry, seeing him frown as he looked off into space. I walk up to Barry and cup my hands on his cheeks. "I'll be fine." he tells me and I nod, then peck his lips. Suddenly, Zoom appears in front of us with Wally. Iris and Joe hold up their guns and point at Zoom as he stares at Barry, as Barry pushes me behind him and wraps an arm around me protectively. "Dad!" Wally calls Joe as he looks at his father and sister. "Wally, hold on. Let him go." Joe says to Zoom as he stares at Joe and Iris, then back to Barry. "We had a deal." he tells Barry as he walks up to him. "My speed for Wally's life. Hand him over and it's yours." Barry tells him as he vibrates his voice. Zoom let's go of Wally and he makes his way to Joe and Iris. "You ok?" Joe asks him and he nods in confirmation as he hugs both his sister and father. "You need to get out of here now." Joe tells his son as he hands him the car keys. "I can't." Wally tells him. "Go fast." Iris tells him as she continues to point the gun at Zoom. "Cisco." Joe calls him and Cisco and Wally dash out of the Cortex leaving the rest of us with Zoom. "Let's get this over with." Barry tells him and Hunter takes his mask off, showing his face to us.

Harry cocks his gun as he stares at Hunter and once his mask was off, you could see pure darkness within his eyes. Barry takes his mask off and we all make our way to the other room where Harry had all the things ready to extract Barry's speed. Barry stood opposite of everyone as he stared out the window and into the other room where he trained his speed. "This is how I stole the Flash's speed the first time. Now all he needs to do is run and his Speed Force will transfer into this vial. But only as long as I calibrate it." Harry says as he looks at Hunter. "Get to work." Hunter says to him and Harry lifts his gun and points it at Hunter's chest. "Wells." Barry calls him. Harry looks at all of us and he sighs as he lowers his gun, "One day, I'm gonna knock that smug expression clean off your face." Harry says and Hunter smirks slightly as he walks away. "So this was your plan all along, huh?" Barry asks him as he leans on the table. "Ever since the skies parted and showed me another world with another speedster. Once I saw you, I came here, figured out what I had to do." Hunter says and I narrow my eyes at him.

"How are you still alive? We saw you die?" I ask him and he looks at me.

"You did." Hunter says.

"So what was that? A Speed mirage?" Cisco asks him, but Hunter just laughs.

"Speed mirage? Uh, no. Even I'm not that fast. I knew that I couldn't be on two earths at the same time. So I went back in time and I met another version of myself." he explains.

"You're a time remnant. Like the Reverse-Flash." Cisco says.

"I also knew that the only way to make Barry become faster was if you all witnessed your old pal, Jay, die."

"When did you decide that?" I ask him.

"Oh, once you closed all the breaches, went to Earth-2. Beleieve me, getting my time remnant to agree to me murdering him... Took a bit of convincing, but once he saw the... Well, the genius in my plan, he was all for it." Hunter giggles as he bites his bottom lip.

"Who's the man in the iron mask?" Barry asks him.

Hunter looks at him and smirks, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Hunter says to him. "Why the charade? Running around dressed like the Flash?" Joe asks him. "To give people hope, Detective." Hunter says to him. "Hope?" Joe asks him in confusion. "So I can rip it away from them." he says and I furrow my brows as I look at him. "It's so fun pretending to be a hero." he says with a psychotic smile. "You are no hero." Caitlin tells him and I look over to her and from the corner of my eye, I could see Hunter's smile disappear as he stares at Caitlin. "You're nothing but a monster." she tells him and I look back at Hunter seeing him look down as if he was remembering something. Harry then walks back in and Hunter snaps out of his daze and looks at Harry. Barry looks at me and nods, assuring me that he'd be alright. He walks to the treadmill and I can't help but look at him with a frown. Barry turns the treadmill on and starts to run. We see his lighting spark all over him and I look at the tube that was sucking the Speed Force out of him fill up. I look back at Barry and see him start to slow down and I just couldn't help but watch. "He's slowing down." I say as I look at him with a frown. "The Speed Force is leaving his body." Harry says as I start to see Barry start to pant. "He's becoming human again." Cisco says.

Suddenly, there was a beep and I look over to the screen on the table saying that the Speed Force sample was fully complete. I look back at Barry and see him fall down the treadmill and I widen my eyes. Joe, Iris, Caitlin and I dash into the room and I hurry over to Barry, "Barry, you ok?" I ask him and he nods. "I'm ok. I'm ok." he says to me as he continues to pant and I kneel in front of him. Suddenly, a burst of wind hits me and Barry was pinned to the wall by Hunter as he held him by his throat. "Barry!" I yell in worry as I see Jay holding him. "Thank you, Flash!" he tells him as he chokes Barry. "Jay, stop! Please!" Caitlin tells him and he looks over to her. "If anything you ever said to me was true, or anything we shared was real, then please just let him go. Please. I know some piece of you did care for me, so if you have any humanity left, then please, let him go." Caitlin says. I see Barry's eyes start to close and I start to worry as he gasped for air. He then threw Barry to the ground and I kneeled in front of him as he grunted and gasped for air. Suddenly, Hunter sped out of the room and Caitlin was now missing. "Caitlin!" Cisco yelled and I frown and look back at Barry as he stands up and looks worriedly. Zoom just took someone we all care about again.

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