61: What It's Like Being Their Kid

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Being Jax's kid you definitely are favored among the Sons. You had respect for your elders but when you stood for something, you stood up straight and would scream it at the world. Being Jax's child was difficult because he was the president of a motorcycle club and he wasn't always there but when he was, you would hear him cheering for you.

You were loving, kind, and smart. Chibs had you reading books and educating yourself when you were a teen, which helped you out. You were respected and gave respect. People looked at you for advice and followed it, even though you bullshitted your way through everything.

You were a bad ass just like him. You didn't take anyone's shit and no one dishes it out to you. You had his attitude towards everything: act and don't talk or think about it later. People were scared of you, scared of how loyal you were. You were a fucking bad ass and Happy was proud.

You were easy going. You and your dad would play tricks on each other and play tricks on the other guys too. Sometimes your fun banter would get you in trouble but no one would stay mad at you. They couldn't stay mad because of how sweet and innocent you were. You were goofy just like your father.

You broke rules. Much like Tig, you raised hell and didn't follow rules. You had a weird obsession with sex, drugs, and alcohol- much like your father. You had the same wild hair as him and acted like a mini him.

You were average. It was weird but being raised by Opie you were normal. Normal being that you didn't break his rules or do anything on purpose to get in trouble. You were still a Sons kid so you did get caught more by the cops then a regular child. But you were an average American teen.

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