I Don't Believe It

Start from the beginning

            Finneus looked around wildly, trying to understand what it could be. There were tons of things that his parents had at their disposal. The boat didn't tilt over which was a good sign. They didn't have much longer to go until they reached the shore, if they could just make it.

            A gust of wind brought a horrid rancid smell. "Ick. It smells just like that stuff Lucius had." Harry said as he covered his nose.

            Finneus went rigid and he couldn't help but gasp. His mind went blank and all he could think of was, 'oh god'. "She knows." He whispered and he smacked the wheel in futile effort to get them to the shore faster.

            Harry and Draco shared a confused look. "Who knows what?" Draco demanded to know as he searched the water for whatever horrid creature had just rammed into them.

            "My mother. She knows I bring them their death." He couldn't even begin to fathom how his mother would know. Had there been some type of sensory charms that he had been unaware of? That didn't make sense. He could detect all kinds of magic.

            Harry was positive that there was more to the story. "What makes you say that?"

            Before Finneus could answer there was a low deadly growl that sounded in the air, quickly followed by several more. Harry bit his lip and looked around in worry. Whatever was doing this was not alone. He detected at least three separate growls.

            Draco was staring fixed at the bottom of the boat as his mind was screaming at him. Harry had been right. The smell did resemble Liquid Death. But why would the Flamels have put Liquid Death on a creature? They wouldn't. Most magical creatures have an advanced sense of smell. Liquid Death would just harm them in the process. If the creatures were supposed to be guarding the island than getting rid of one of their senses would be stupid. There weren't even any creatures that he knew of that could stand to be around Liquid Death.

            Well that wasn't entirely true. There was one. It didn't tolerate Liquid Death, it created its own. He wanted to immediately scoff at the idea and move on. He wanted to say there was no possible way that the Flamels would have access to such creatures but this was the Flamels. If anyone was going to have a creature like that then surely it would be them. There hadn't even been solid proof of their existence. Just rumored sightings and lucky testimony. His father told him that they were myths.

            Finneus shook his head trying to clear the memory that was beginning to surface. 'Why won't you allow me to see them? You aren't even using them.' Finneus asked his mother. A shrill laugh followed the statement. 'Oh you will see them one day Finneus. Shall you ever betray me is the day that you see them.' At the time he thought she had been spewing nonsense. Even if he had wanted to betray her, it wasn't like he knew anyone that would make it worth it. But now... now he was almost regretting coming here. Almost.

            "Please tell me my mind hasn't gone mad." Draco begged. "Please tell me that is not Liquid Death that I smell. Please tell me your parents didn't create such abominations."

            Harry's eyes widened. There was a desperation to Draco's tone of voice and he didn't like it one bit.

            More loud growls surrounded them and Draco flinched. Finneus closed his eyes when floating right in front of him on the surface of the water was what he had always wanted to see. Never under such circumstances though.

            "What the hell is that?!" Harry asked horrified. It looked like a rabid dog. Only ginormous. It was at least the size of two Great Danes. The dog looking creature was pure black. Even the eyes, although instead of a black pupil, red was peeking through. Its hackles were raised and its teeth barred in a snarl. The sharpness to its teeth looked like it could rival a vampire. Harry had no idea what it was but just looking at it was giving him the creeps.

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