Chapters sixteen and SEVENTEEN

Start from the beginning


A week Later

Denise was surprised to walk into the hall where the 'therapy sessions" took place, she had come to call it that as Sam had said the first day she attended the session. She thought she had been late thanks to Selasi who could not decide on what to wear but finallythey go there and when the Deni opened the door, there was Nadia talking on top of her voice at Sam who just stayed cool, everyone was staring at them, Crystal tried to calm her sister but Nadia wont calm down and to Deni's shock, all eyes turned to her and Selasi.

"Whoa, whats going on here?" Selasi said.

"Is everything okay?"

"That's her you can ask her" Nadia said throwing her hands in Deni's direction.

"Are you done?" Sam asked and she stared at him.

"Sam whats going on?"

"Don't worry. Nadia is just being childish"

"I am being childish, you are being insane. she's pregnant with another man's child how could you be in love with her"

"That is none of your business Nadia, that is entirely Sam's decision to make" Selasi came to her brother's rescue.

"Exactly" Crystal seconded.

"Now you're on he rside, what, all of you think its okay?" Nadia said to everyone screaming and almost in tears, she was furious and Deni had a fair idea why.

"Nadia, I don't care what you think of her, I care less what anyone thinks of her and if it makes you stop yelling, yes I would say this infront of everyone, yes I love her, I'm in love with Deni and I'm willing to get to know her more, yes I am in love with a woman who made a mistake but I bet everyone loves her more because she is composed she doesn't lash out and she knows where and when to make evidently don't.....and unless you want to walk out and take some air I suggest you sit down and we do what we came here to do" Sam said and tears streamed down her face.

"I cant believe this" Nadia kept saying.

"Yes, I made a one time mistake, I was pregnant for a man I hopelessly loved but only realized a little too late that he had been lying and cheating, that was when I met Sam and he has been selfless and non judgemental and nothing you say right now will make me feel any less than I already feel.....just because you never got pregnant doesn't make ypou any better.....we all have apast and that is why we are here, so its either you take a seat or like Sam said you take a walk"

Selasi had to press her lips together so she wouldn't laugh but she had to admit she was impressed. Nadia made the decision to leave and Deni least expected what came next. One by one everyone stepped forward and hugged her, starting with Sam.

"Don't listen to her she gets like that" Crystal said.

Their act of love was overwhelming.

"I'm so sorry about that" Sam said to her.

"It's okay, I'm not crying because of her' She giggled.


"Thank you all so much"

"We love you Denise"

Someone screamed, she didn't say who but she laughed and said ;

"Love you all too"

They all took their seats and the session began and toe evryone's surprise, Sam wa sthe one giving his testimony.

"For over a year, I have had to introduce people and lead people here to tell their stories, but today I would love to share mine because many of you really don't know why I started all like so,e of you already know, I lost my sister years back and it was hard because she committed suicide......"

People gasped, people 'awwe'd but everyone had a sad look.

".......yeah, she slit her wrists and I found her.....but before all that Gracie was lost in drugs and alcohol and none of us knew why, at that time I had just come out of rehab and I didn't want to get close to her. she was like a disease I didn't want to catch. Gracie on the other hand always tried to get my attention but I ignored her.......i found later that she was raped by a friend from school I had introduced her to and that was what began all that because she was still a virgin then, she felt embarassed speaking about it and the only person she told was my sister Eme.....when I found out I was so mad that I attacked him and was arrested and when I was bailed out I went to find Gracie to tell her I was sorry and I was going to help her but that was the same day she took her life and I blamed myself for years, all this time it was eating me up, Gracie's death tore my family apart till Deni walked into our lives, she changed that and practically helped us heal in just a day....." People applauded.

"You all must be thinking why is he so glued to her....Denise not only reminds me of Gracie she has this ability to connect with you in a very special way, she can put a smile on your face just by being herself, she's genuine and sweet....."

"Awww" Everyone said and Deni smiled.

"And Deni you are the best thing that has happened to me and my family in a long time, what makes this story even more touching is the feel, you know that feeling that God is really working out something, all things work together for the good of them that love the lord, it might not look like it but God always has a plan, trust me....." Once again there was a resounding applause.

".....don't take any encounter lightly and don't be so quick to walk away when you see someone in need, asking you to hear them out or just crying at the bust stop, just try to listen, try to love a stranger I a whole new different way......the bible says 'never walk past a man in need, for you might be the hand of God to them' to deliver them from oppression, depression and from the wickedness that surrounds us"

Sam said.

When he was done, people walked to him and hugged him just like they had done for Dave, she and Selasi did too. Soon enough the session came to an end and they found themselves at a restaurant eating dinner and laughing together.

Three Months Later

Sam was surprised to hear Kobe tell him over the phone he was getting married in a few weeks. He promised to send an invite to the Grahams.

"I'll be there, won't miss it I promise but where is this wedding going to be?"

"Pembroke Castle"

"Seriously dude?" Sam almost screamed over the phone. He heard Kobe laugh.

"And you should bring along a plus one"

"We'll invite your family so everyone can attend"

"Ummm, mom and dad may not be able to, they'll be in Africa on missions"

"Oh...but you won't miss it right"

"I won't, I will definitely come with a plus one" Sam laughed.

"Great" Kobe said.

"See you then" Kobe said and hang up. The following weeks for Sam and Denise were exciting, they did Random things, went out had dinner and more picnics. One morning as they had breakfast together Deni said;

"I want go home, see my mom my sister is getting married and I want you to come with me"

"Wow I would love to"

"Yeah?" Deni was excited.

"Let's do this, so when do we go?"

"This weekend"

"Wow that's pretty soon"

"Sorry but I really didn't know if you would agree to come with me"

"Well I would...."

Sam smiled.

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