Luke, Ashton, and Aric

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Chapter 32

Aric's game last night was great. He played for a few quarters and they ended up winning the game. It was close all the way until half time when the team just made point after point.

Aric is very sporty. Even thought he is super young he is also very sporty. Every since he was little he was always into sports. Basketball, Football, Baseball, Track, Soccer, everything but Wrestling. When he was younger he did Football and Baseball. Than as he grew up he started Basketball, Football and Track. While we were in London and he was with his Uncle Louis, he trained him in Soccer and he also played on the Varsity team for that as well. So to say the least Aric is very sporty. The amount of videos we have of him is crazy. To him now the wins don't even phase him form the amount of times he has won. 

Ed told me that Miley and Cody's interview went great. They did a great job and I am very proud of them. 

Tonight is Luke, Ashton, and Aric's interview while tomorrow is Kendall, and Kylie's.  

"Mom, what should I wear?" Aric asked me while I was sitting at the kitchen table helping Christian.

 "I don't know sweetie, why don't you go see what you're brothers are wearing." I said while looking at him.

"Alright." He said while walking out of the kitchen.

"Mum? How come I'm not doing any interviews?" Christian asked.

"Your father and I didn't want you to do any quite yet." I said to him.

"Hunter got to do interviews when he was my age." Christian said looking up at me.

"Yes but he was with us and you wouldn't be." 

"Do Ed and Eleanor get to go to an interview?" 

"No not until you're are least 10."

"Aric isn't 10 yet!"

"Christian Alexander Wells Styles! You will not be talking back to me at the age of 2!"

"Hey, why is your mother having to use your full name Christian?" Harry asked while he walked into the kitchen.

"Nothing." He said while getting off the chair. 

"Christian." Harry said while he walked past his father.

"What's up with him?" Harry asked 

"Hes mad because we wouldn't let him do an interview." I told him.

"Hey if I can get the older kids to go to the interview tonight and have someone of them watch the twins and Chrsitian, would you like to go out tonight?"  Harry asked while sitting next to me.

"What is this Harry Styles asking me out?"

"Yes it is."

"Is this because we didn't do anything on our Wedding Anniversary?" I questioned.

"Yes, I'm making it up to you." Harry said while kissing me.

"Harry, it's fine."

"No, I'm going to take you our for our wedding anniversary."

"Harry our wedding anniversary was a month ago."

"Yes and I want to take you out."

"Harry you are acting like you get when we first got together."

"Is that so bad?"

"Well no but that was 20 years ago." I said while laughing at him.


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