The Interview

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Chapter 7

-Six months later-

The twins have officially hit the 6 month mark and they are both doing amazing! Harry has about 20 more shows left in the tour and will finally be home. All the kids miss him so much and I know Matty and Ben won’t say they do but I know they miss him just as much if not more. 

Both twins can now hold up their bottles and are always ready to baby talk you away. Ben will let them skype their dad while he’s on tour and they boys will just gabber away to their dad, Harry will just sit there and listen to them and talk back. Niall was talking to them for a bit when Harry went to use the bathroom and the twins just started crying while saying dada. Harry had to run from the bathroom and into the boys view, as soon as Daniel saw him he stopped crying and Christopher said dada while pointing at Harry. Both Niall and Matty were recording it.

-4 months later-

The twins are now 10 months old and have started walking. Daniel has mastered walking while Christopher has mastered talking and now can say at least 10 words which include: mum, dad, brother, sister, up, Dan, matt, Ben, mine, and toys. Harry always teased me and told me that Cara, Dan and Chris will always be a daddy’s girl and daddy’s boys. Until the day that Christopher’s first word was mum. Of course the next day Daniels first word was dad. Cara’s first word on the other hand was Mat, as in Matty. Ben is trying to get Cara to say that he’s the better uncle. Her answer is always “no, its uncle Matty!” he gave up on trying that.

Today is the day I do my first interview since I had the twins. I’m doing it with Ellen, who is so nice and I have known her since I was 16. She asked me to the interview a few months back but at the time I said no because of the twins and that Harry wasn’t here to watch the kids and I didn’t want Matty and Ben to take all 6 at once. 

Now that Harry is back I called her and told her yes. So now im seated backstage with all my kids, Harry, Ben, and Matty. 

“5 minutes Mrs. Styles.” one of the stage crew told me. I stood up and kissed and hugged all the older kids. 

“Be good for Daddy, and Uncle Ben and Matty, ok.” I told all of them. They all nodded and kissed me back.

“Good luck mom.” I got from a lot of them.

“Smash it.” Matty told me.

“We’ll we watching in the audience.” Harry said while picking up Dan and Chris and kissing me. 

I walked out of the dressing room with everyone following behind me. Cara came running up to me and I picked her up and waited until I had to walk out. Harry and the others all went and found their seats in the audience. 

“Now please welcome my oldest and dearest friend Miss, I mean Mrs. Miranda Styles!!” Ellen said into the camera.  

“Hi Ellen!” Cara said to her once we hugged and we sat down.

“Hi sweetie, how are you?” Ellen asked.

“I’m good.” 

“What’s it like having two new brothers?” Ellen asked her.

“Um…its cool but Christopher broke my doll yesterday.” Cara told her.

“Oh he did!?” Ellen said while laughing “Did he say he was sorry?”

“No but Daniel did.” Cara told her. By now everyone was laughing and Cara got off of the couch and ran to her dad and sat in his arms.”

“Not even a bye.” Ellen said while looking at my family. “So Mir, how’s it going?” She asked me.

“Really good, yeah the boys just turned 10 months old, Cara just turned 3 not to long ago, and Hunter started 1st grade not to long ago, Alexis is going great in school, she also started 1st, both her and Hunter go to the same school, and Dylan started 3rd, but he does to school in London, and is on break right now. That’s why he’s with us.”

“What’s its like having twins? You already have a two boys and two girls so what’s it like having two that are the same?” Ellen asked me.

“Its crazy, when the doctor told Harry and I that we were having twins it was kind of like a oh my god moment and we were shocked and I was so excited and couldn’t wait.” I replied while looking at the twins.

“Was is hard at first to remember which was which?”

“Every one thinks that it is, but its just like any other kid you just know which one is which. Matty and Ben still call the other one the others name but now their at that age where they can call one by the others name and they know what their name is so they will correct you.”

“Have you thought about having more kids?” 

“At the moment no, I mean we still are really young and I know that I want to have more, but not right now. I would love to but after having the twins, Cara, and Hunter, plus Dylan and Alexis all come into my life under 10 years is crazy and not normal for a 23 and a 27 year old, but that’s what happens when your husband is a pop star and you’re a world famous model and singer.”

“Were you shocked when you learned that you were gonna have twins?”

“Beyond words. I think all of us in the room were shocked. The boys though are one of the best things that has happen to Harry and I.” I told her.

“I understand that a few months after the twins were born, Harry went back on his world tour? How was that? Trying to balance out the older kids and the twins?”

“After he went on tour I had Matty with me, which is his cousin, and I also had Ben come a few weeks later and so having two extra hands around was great and now we are going on 11 months and we still have them living with us. I don’t mind it, it helps out a lot with the kids and their like brothers to me, and they have pretty much been live in nannies, which is great.” I told her 

“Now what’s going on with your career? And what about Harry’s?”

“Our careers are on hold at the moment. Harry just got done with a world tour with the band, and I’ve been working on a few designs for the fashion shows that’s been going on. Other than that we have both just been spending time with each other and the kids.”

“When do you think you will start modeling again?”

“Sometimes in the near future, now that my kids are a bit older than when my people wanted me to start modeling again. After I had the twins they wanted me to start modeling right away because I had been away for so long and couldn’t really do anything when I’m 8 months pregnant and couldn’t fly to any of the gigs, but I told them no and I needed to stay at home for awhile and raise my children. Now that their all older than they were and Matty and Ben are here I started working about 3 months ago, but its been just a bunch of designing and finding new models and booking gigs for some of the models I work with, so its been fun to actually work behind the scenes and not have tons of make-up and hair and outfit changes, and also all the camera flashes in your face but im use to that since I married Harry.” I told her while laughing at the end.

“Well thank you very much for coming Miranda, I cant wait to see you back out on the run-way and on the billboards!” Ellen said, “Miranda Styles everybody!” she said into the camera.    

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