Our Interview

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Chapter 21

"Harry get up." I said while shaking him.

"5 more minutes." he said while rolling over.

"Harry." I said while walking out of our room and down the hall to Aric's room.

"Aric sweetie, come on it's time to get up."

"5 more minutes mom."

"I swear your a mini version of your father." I said while walking down stairs to find all of my kids sitting at the table while Dylan and Hayden were cooking in the kitchen.

"Morning Mom!"

"Good morning kids!" I said while walking around and kissing all of them on the head. "Would you all do be a big favor and go walk up your father and tell him if he's not up now we will be late."


"Do you want us to go jump on him?"

"Yes please, do what ever you have to do. He has to get up now if we don't want to be late." I said while watching all of them get up and start heading up the stairs to our room.

Once we got into our room Dylan counted down from three and they all jumped onto our bed. Harry sat right up and grabbed Ed and El while laughing with the rest of the kids. Hayden had taken a video of it all and it was a pretty funny thing to have seen.

Dylan, Alexis, Hunter, Cara, Daniel, Christopher, Miley, Cody, Ashton, Luke, Kendall, Kylie, Aric, Edward, and Eleanor. We are at the big 1-5! Harry and I have been together for a total of 19 years together, and a total of 16 being married. Our oldest child has left the nest and is almost 21. Alexis and Hunter finished highs school in 2 weeks. We are also moving in about 2 in a half weeks, Alexis will turn 19 next month in June while Hunter will be turning 19 in September. Cara turned 16 last year and will be turning 17 in October. Daniel and Christopher turned 14 yearly this year and started Freshman year. Two Styles leave and you get to more. Miley and Cody are going on 13 in August. While Ashton and Luke will be 11 in September. Kendall and Kylie are turning 10 in August as well. As for Aric he will be 7 next month in June. And Ed and El will be 3 in late October. Harry turned 40 back in February and I turn 34 in October.

I gave each of my kids a high five as they left. Harry kept behind Cara and Aric.

"What are you two doing in here?" I went and grabbed. Aric while laying down next to Harry and Cara.

"Mom can Cara and I come with are watch you guys?" Aric asked me. Aric was always a momma and daddy's boy. He wasn't like the others who we either mommas or daddy's boy or girl, he was both. Dylan was a real daddy's boy! Alexis was a mommas girl at heart! Hunter was a mommas boy, Cara was a daddy's girl, and still is, Daniel was a mommas boy, while Christopher was a daddy's boy, and he loved his Uncle Grimmy. Miley was a daddy's girl and Cody was a daddy's boy, Ashton and Luke are both mommas boys, and do still come in and lay down with me if I'm just laying around in bed, they will come and join me and just talk. Kendall is a mommas girl while Kylie loves being around her dad, I think it's the idea that Kendall like modelling and Kylie is more into the music. Aric is both, and Edward is my boy as Eleanor is her fathers.

"Aric, today is my day to spend time with Dylan." Cara told her little brother. Ever since we said we were moving after the kids were done with school we said we would move. Since than Dylan has pretty much moved in. He tries to spend as much time with his little siblings, since he isn't moving with us. Neither is Alexis and Hunter for a bit so he's talking each of his sibling out for a day and doing whatever they want for a day just by themselves. Today is the start of all of that with Cara.

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