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Chapter 18

After 15 years of living in LA, we decided to move to Holmes Chapel. We move as soon as the kids are done with school. Now our house is closer to Harry's Mum and Stepdad, the boys, Gemma, and all of our other family members or friends.

We are still keeping our house out in LA. Plus we have a house in London that use to be Harry's before we even met so we still have that. And now the one in Holmes Chapel. It's really close to Anne and Robins home and Gemma is about a few streets over from our place.

The kids were liking the idea but not really. Once we told them that we would be close to family and we wouldn't be gone that long. Maybe a few years, than thy love it! Of course Aric asked one very important question: Is Matty Ben and Sam coming?

To answer that, yes they are Ben and Sam will be living with us but Matty has a place out there that he said he will be staying at. Even thou we know he can't stay that long away from the kids.

As for Dylan he is staying in the US with Hayden and Matthew. Alexis will also be staying out there to finish her movie. Miley and Cody are home schooled and because of Miley's TV show she will also be staying out there with Alexis, as will Cody since he is working on his music. His uncle Niall did invite him to his house to work on it. So Dylan Alexis Miley Cody Hayden and Matthew are all staying at our house.

With those 4 out there the other 11 are staying with us in HC.

We won't be in HC but we will be not far from all of the shops and stuff. We also do need to go to London a lot because of our jobs so I'm sure we won't be spending much time in our home since all we have done these past 15 years is just visit every once and awhile and we need some catching up to do with friends an family.

If you are wondering about how we manger to homeschool some of our kids is Sam, our Nannie, she offered to homeschool some of the kids that wanted to be homeschooled. Right now it's only Miley, Cody, Luke, and Ashton, but that's only when they have movies and stuff. So Ashton, Luke, Cody and Miley are all in homeschooling and normal school. Harry always jokes and says it's because they are getting ready for life on the road when they tour.

With half of my kids in the teens they do have a lot of stuff to be doing. Basketball, Volleyball, Track and Field, Football, and plus on top of their sports they have concerts, meet and greets, movies, TV shows, TV appearances, all of their traveling things, they are the busiest group of teens I know.

As for school, Alexis, Miley, and Cara are on the varsity Volleyball team. Daniel Christopher, Ashton, Cody, and Luke are on the varsity Football team. Daniel is actually the quarterback. All of my boys are also on the boys basketball team. Dan, Chris, Hunter and Cody are on Varsity and start, while Ashton and Luke sit varsity and start and play B squad. Alexis Miley and Cara are starters in girls Varsity Basketball. Kendall and Kylie are younger so they play JH basketball and Volleyball.

We move out in a few months and I can tell Harry is excited as heck to be moving back out there. When we first moved out here to LA, we said that after a few years we would move back. Than we never did. We had Cara Dan Chris Miley and Cody. We were gonna move back right after Miley and Cody we gonna be born but than Alexandria passed away and we had Dylan and Alexis with us. Plus we didn't want them to be in London right after their mother died so we stayed.

For a little recap, it was about 2 weeks after I had Miley and Cody, Harry and I were sitting in our room on the bed with the twins, the rest of the kids were watching a movie with Matty and Ben. Harry's cell phone started ringing and that was odd since nobody calls him on that, and if someone was it was either a family member, friend, or someone with his management. So Harry got up and grabbed his phone and he turned around and looked up at me.

"What is it Haz?" I asked when I looked up from Cody.

"It's Alexandra's mum.." Harry said while putting the phone up to his ear. It was an odd hour for her to be calling it was only 5 here but it was 1 in the morning there! I was watching Harry and his eyes got really big! He looked like he was about to cry! I quickly put pillows on each side of the babies and went over to Harry and grabbed his hand. I couldn't hear what she was saying but from his face, I could only hope it was good.

"What about the kids?" Harry asked. That scared me! I than grabbed onto Harry's waist.

"Ok, I'll um call you in the morning. I'm sorry. I sure will. I love you too. Bye." Harry hung up and sat down on the couch and cried his eyes out!

"Harry! babe, what the matter?" I asked while sitting next to him and hugging him.

"That was Alexandra's mum, Alex died in a car crash. She was going to pick up Dylan and Alexis at a friends house and she got hit! Her mum said she was in the hospital for the past 3 hours but the doctors couldn't save her." Harry cried. "Miranda, she's gone!"

"Oh my god! Harry! What about the kids?" I asked while I started crying.

"Right now they are at their Uncles. Karen didn't want them to be at the hospital when she died."

"Do they know?"

"Not yet, they know she was in a crash, but Karen called me first out of everyone as soon as Alexandrea passed." Harry said while wiping some tears.

"Oh honey." I said while hugging him tighter.

"I'm gonna go call Jason, talk to the kids, and get a plane ticket." He said while standing up and kissing me. He walked into the other room and I soon heard him talking to Jason.

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